
  1. 基于产品语意学研究的电视机遥控器设计

    TV Remote Control Design Based on the Product Semantic Research

  2. 他丢失了他的电视机遥控器。

    He lost the remote for his TV .

  3. 也许你的电视机遥控器坏了,这会让你急了于是就向对面墙上扔去。

    You may get ticked that your television remote control doesn 't work and throw it across the room .

  4. 该游戏遥控器还具有多种功能模式选择,可当电视机遥控器使用。

    In addition , the game remote controller has various functional modes and can be used as a remote controller for a television set .

  5. 一些电视机遥控器有一个标为跳转的功能,它在当前频道和先前的频道之间切换&这对于同时看两个节目来说非常方便。

    Some TV remote controls include a function labeled Jump , which switches between the current channel and the previous channel & very convenient for viewing two programs concurrently .

  6. 他还表示,电视机遥控器、沙发扶手、电话和桌面以及电梯中所有人手可能接触的部位都会采取消毒措施。

    We disinfect everything in the lift that can be touched by human hands , along with television remote controls , chair arms , telephones and tables , he says .

  7. 本文介绍了一种利用电视机遥控器作为单片机输入键盘的接口原理和方法,并讨论了如何使用单片机来实现遥控指令的解码。

    The paper introduces a kind of principal and method using the TV controller as the interface of one-chip input keyboard and discusses how to use the one-chip computer to realize the decode of remote control command .

  8. 为了使习惯使用家用电视机遥控器的用户可以顺利操作本系统,项目组开发了另一种输入交互方式:红外遥控交互系统,本系统有两个部分组成:红外发射系统和红外接收系统。

    In order to drive user who are get used to TV remote controller to operate this system easily , another interactive infrared remote controlling system is implemented by our team . This system is composed of two components ; there are infrared transmitted and received systems .

  9. 孩子们正在为抢夺电视机的遥控器而争吵。

    The children were squabbling over the remote-control gadget for the television

  10. 电视机的遥控器是什么时候放到厨房的案板上的?

    Strange , when was the TV remote control placed on the chopping board in the kitchen ?

  11. “遥控舞”指为了让电视机对手中的遥控器有反应而做出的各种动作。

    Remote dance refers to the movements you make with your hand when trying to get your TV to recognize your remote control .

  12. 我有时候会去找与电视机搭配的普通遥控器来用,并且更愿意使用iPhone上的三星“智能遥控器”程序。

    I sometimes grabbed for the standard remote that comes with the TV and preferred using Samsung 's Smart Remote app on my iPhone .