
  • 网络computer chip
  1. 不过此类案件迄今做出过的最高额罚款远远低于这个数字:目前的纪录是2009年创下的,当时英特尔(Intel)因滥用电脑芯片市场绝对优势地位被罚11亿欧元。

    But the largest single fine yet levied in such a case falls well short of that mark : The record is 1.1 billion in 2009 against Intel for abusing its dominance of the computer chip market .

  2. 然后电脑芯片告诉膝盖怎样旋转会比较僵硬,怎样旋转会比较轻松。

    A computer chip tells the knee how stiffly or loosely to swing .

  3. 正是这些让电脑芯片和GPS成为可能。

    That 's what helped make possible things like computer chips and GPS .

  4. 《科学》(Science)杂志周四报道了这一实验。该实验可能会为人类开发远超当前电脑芯片和磁盘容量的数据存储设备指明方向。

    The experiment , reported Thursday in the journal Science , may point a way toward eventual data-storage devices with vastly more capacity for their size than today 's computer chips and drives .

  5. 你说的是AMD,那个仅次于英特尔(Intel)的全球第二大电脑芯片制造商?

    You mean AMD , as in the second biggest computer chipmaker in the world behind Intel ?

  6. 但这些基金也突然出现在一些公司的股东名册上,比如电脑芯片制造商AMD,以及日本电子集团索尼(Sony)。

    But funds have also popped up on the share registers of companies such as AMD , the computer chipmaker , and Sony , the Japanese electronics group .

  7. 根据彭博社的一篇报道,苹果公司正在打造自己的Mac电脑芯片,最早将在2020年取代目前其电脑上运行的英特尔处理器。

    Apple Inc is working on its own Mac chips , which could replace the Intel processors currently running on its computers as soon as 2020 , according to a report by Bloomberg .

  8. 2000年9月,IBM宣布与华为达成一项协议,以加快华为高性能网络通讯系统的推出。根据该协议,IBM为华为的路由器和光纤传输系统提供了电脑芯片和其他成熟的技术。

    In September 2000 , IBM announced an agreement with Huawei to ' accelerate the introduction of Huawei 's high-performance network communication systems . ' Under the deal , IBM provided computer chips and other sophisticated technology for Huawei 's routers , and optical-transmission systems .

  9. 出生于荷兰的前英国广播公司(BritishBroadcastingCorp.)高管哈格斯(ErikHuggers)组建了一个有350人的团队,其中的人才远不止研究电脑芯片的人员,还包括程序员、工业设计师、艺术家和视频编码等领域的专家。

    Erik Huggers , a Dutch-born former British Broadcasting Corp. executive , has assembled a 350-person team with talents beyond computer chips -- including programmers , industrial designers , artists and experts in fields like video encoding .

  10. 汇丰(HSBC)追踪韩国经济的弗雷德里克•纽曼(FredericNeumann)指出:我们认为韩国是一个制造电脑芯片和电话的出口大国,但是,韩国人把出口所得都花在去海滩上了。

    We think of Korea as an export powerhouse , making computer chips and phones , but whatever Koreans take in from exports they spend by going to the beach , says Frederic Neumann , who tracks the Korean economy for HSBC .

  11. 我们是世界著名电脑芯片制造龙头企业。

    Our company is world famous leading manufacture of computer chips .

  12. 不,是电脑芯片,是那个小…

    No , it 's -- it 's the chip . It 's the little ...

  13. 在电脑芯片设计,生物学,网络学等方面有相当多的图表应用。

    Graphs have many possible applications in computer chip design , biology , networks , etc.

  14. 科学家最近发明了一种快速电脑芯片,用上它可以让目前电脑速度提高20倍。

    Scientists have created an ultra-fast computer chip which is20 times faster than current desktop computers .

  15. 美国收入最大的电器零售商百思买预计第四财季销售额下滑5%-15%,全球收入最高的电脑芯片制造商英特尔预计下滑17%。

    Best Buy forecast a decline of5 % to15 % , and Intel a17 % drop .

  16. 这个全球领先的电脑芯片制造商,收盘报13.129美元。

    Applied Materials , the world 's dominant maker of computer-chip production tools , ended at.129 .

  17. 但是研究人员成功开发出来的电脑芯片是1000核中央处理器。

    But the central processing unit ( CPU ) developed by the researchers effectively had1,000 cores on a single chip .

  18. 白自行车又回来了??这次车上装有电脑芯片记录它们的行动。

    The @ white bike @ is back in town-this time with a computer chip to record its every move !

  19. 特别是今年的钢铁、石油、房地产和电脑芯片的价格已经有很大的提高。

    In particular , prices for steel , oil , property and computer chips have registered strong gains this year .

  20. 这些特性将使这些材料非常适合作为电脑芯片散热材料使用。

    This characteristic may make the materials ideal for use in drawing heat away from objects that include computer chips .

  21. 英特尔承认自己进入平板电脑芯片市场的时间晚了,但表示仍有时间迎头赶上。

    Intel concedes that it is late to the tablet chip market , but says there is time to catch up .

  22. 在这个定律里电脑芯片运行速度是其所能容纳,晶体管的数量决定的。

    It 's a law that says things about the number of transistors that you can fit onto a computer chip .

  23. 主控电脑芯片同时还接有一电池,作为备用电,使得本系统在停电时依旧工作。

    The main control computer chip is connected with a spare battery to enable the system to work as before during power failure .

  24. 他们发现,存在于你我周围的空气里所具有的完全无公害的能量具有一种潜力,可以为无线传感设备,微型处理器以及通信电脑芯片补充电量。

    They have found that by harnessing energy from the air around us could potentially power wireless sensors , microprocessors and communications chips .

  25. 他生产了电脑芯片,即核心逻辑晶片,陈先生还在轻度的经济衰退中被称为全球行业的领袖。

    A maker of chipsets , or core logic chips , Chen survived a shakeout to become a leader in the global industry .

  26. 因为各种各样的原因,电脑芯片被植入人类体内,这在未来将成为一个问题吗?

    With more computer chips being implanted in people for all kinds of reasons , could this become a problem in the future ?

  27. 根据四川统计局发布的官方数据,超过50%的笔记本电脑芯片组都是在该省制造的。

    According to official figures from Sichuan 's statistics department , more than 50 percent of laptop " chipset " were manufactured in the province .

  28. 美国电脑芯片公司英特尔称已开发出一种加速芯片,每秒钟可计算一兆次。

    The American computer chip company Intel says it 's developed an accelerator chip that can make the equivalent of one trillion calculations a second .

  29. 他说,马来西亚目前的检疫规定让电脑芯片等昂贵产品的制造商很难提供所需的技术知识。

    He said Malaysia 's current quarantine rules have made it difficult for manufacturers of costly products like computer chips to provide the needed technical knowledge .

  30. 可是,中国未来的出口增长率不再是来自以往的工业,而将会是高价值的货品就像电脑芯片和汽车。

    However , China 's future export growth is likely to come not from existing industries but from higher-value products , such as computer chips and cars .