
  • 网络VGA;CRT;monitor;LCD;Computer monitors
  1. 去年,一段FedEx快递员将一台电脑显示器扔过围栏的视频疯狂流传,突显出第三方派送涉及的品牌风险。

    Last year a video of a FedEx delivery man tipping a computer monitor over a fence went viral , highlighting the brand risks involved in outsourcing delivery .

  2. 在此基础上,我们综合应用反求工程、快速成型技术与CAD技术完成复杂薄壁零件&电脑显示器底座的设计与制造,对快速成型技术在制造薄壁零件中的一些关键技术提出了初步的解决方法。

    On this basis , rapid prototyping and CAD techniques are combined to design and fabricate complex thin - walled part - computer monitor stand , and some preliminary approaches are developed to address part of key technologies on manufacture of thin-walled part via rapid prototyping techniques .

  3. 该系统精确地测定你的CRT、LCD和笔记本电脑显示器

    The system precisely calibrates all of your CRT , LCD , and laptop displays .

  4. LED已经作为背光源而被广泛应用于手机、电脑显示器以及电视机。

    LEDs are already widely used as the backlights for mobile phones , computer monitors and televisions .

  5. 冠捷科技一直在以自有的aoc品牌销售电脑显示器。

    TPV has traditionally sold computer monitors under its own brand AOC .

  6. 产品广泛应用于电脑显示器、电视机、DVD、多媒体音响、仪器仪表及各类通信设备等领域。

    Our products have been widely used in monitors , computers , TV sets , DVD , multi-media equipments , meters and communications instruments .

  7. 最近在东京举行的一次NEC技术展上,我们看不到这家公司昔日的代表性产品,比如电脑显示器和笔记本电脑。

    At a recent NEC Tech Exhibition in Tokyo , absent were the computer monitors and laptops that once characterized the firm .

  8. IPTV机顶盒课题研究目标是利用宽带网络的基础设施,以家用电视机或者电脑显示器作为主要终端显示设备,通过互联网络协议(即IP协议)来提供包括电视节目在内的多种数字媒体服务。

    The object of IPTV Set Top Box task is using Internet Protocol and offering multimedia service including TV program , which is according to the network establishment and home TV or PC display .

  9. 冠捷的电脑显示器多数出售给大型电脑制造商,包括美国的戴尔(Dell)和惠普(HP)以及中国的联想(Lenovo)。这些电脑制造商再以自有品牌出售给顾客。

    Most of its computer monitors are sold to large computer makers including Dell and HP of the US and China 's Lenovo , which sell them on to consumers using their brand names .

  10. T3总裁斯佩林(MarcSperling)看着自己面前的6个电脑显示器说,这支股票会涨到45美元,美国各地的交易员都在密切注意它。

    ' This thing 's going to $ 45 , 'T3 President Marc Sperling said , watching his six computer monitors . 'It 's on every trader 's radar screen across the country . '

  11. 网站大受欢迎,创建者戴维特洛伊(davidtroy)被迫做了一条定时出现的警告,提醒那些一直长时间守在电脑显示器边的人:“你浏览twittervision已达12小时。要继续吗?”

    Its popularity has forced its creator , David Troy , to create a periodic warning to people who have been glued to their computer monitors for long periods : " you have been watching twittervision for 12 hours . Do you want to continue ? "

  12. 他是在电脑显示器屏幕上看我们的站点么?

    Did he look at the web site on the screen ?

  13. 塑料制品模具:计算机外壳,电脑显示器外壳。

    Plastic class : Computer outer covering , monitor outer covering .

  14. 不幸的是,我觉的这实在是浪费电脑显示器的象素。

    Unfortunately , I think it 's a waste of pixels .

  15. 电脑显示器向上倾斜,以消除颈部紧张。

    Tilt the computer monitor upward to eliminate neck strain .

  16. 感谢收看“怎样回收旧电视或电脑显示器”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Recycle Your Television Or Computer Monitor

  17. 把手机砸在电脑显示器上?

    Throw your cell phone into your computer monitor ?

  18. 使用防反光过滤器在您的电脑显示器。

    Use an antiglare filter on your computer monitor .

  19. 2009年,冠捷又接管了飞利浦的全球电脑显示器业务。

    In 2009 , TPV took over Philips ' global PC monitor business .

  20. 改变你的桌面:你整天都盯着电脑显示器?

    Change Your Desktop : Do you stare at a computer monitor all day ?

  21. 电脑显示器为什么是方形的而不是圆形的?

    Why is the computer monitor in the shape of rectangle but not round ?

  22. 电脑显示器消亮电路原理与维修

    The relieving of the bright spot circuit 's principle and overhauling of the computer display

  23. 这是一个预演,如何改变方式,你的电脑显示器的时间。

    This is a preview of How to change the way your computer displays time .

  24. 整天盯着点电脑显示器。

    Staring at computer screens all day .

  25. 图像(图标):在电脑显示器上,代替一个物体划功能的细小图形。

    Icon : A small pictorial representation of an object or function in a computer display .

  26. 朝老板大喊大叫?对同事厉声斥责?把手机砸在电脑显示器上?

    Scream at the boss ? Snapat a colleague ? Throw your cell phone into your computer monitor ?

  27. 另外,它还可以抑制电脑显示器和打印机中释放的二甲苯和甲苯。

    In addition , it can inhibit the release of computer monitors and printers in the xylene and toluene .

  28. 例如,一个典型的电脑显示器的色域,有一个远小于所有可能的颜色。

    For example , a typical computer monitor has a color gamut much smaller than all the possible colors .

  29. 以下方法可以教给你怎样回收废弃的电视或电脑显示器,以保持垃圾填埋场以及其他地方的清洁。

    Find out how to keep our landfills and foreign countries clean by recycling your obsolete TV and computer monitor .

  30. 根据你的住址,电子回收中心或许会上门收走你的电脑显示器或电视机。

    Depending on where you live , the electronic recycling center may pick up your monitor or television for you .