
  • 网络thyroid function test
  1. 临床甲状腺功能检查新策略的医学决策学方法初步探讨

    Primary Study of New-Strategies for Clinical Thyroid Function Tests with Medical Decision Making

  2. 甲状腺功能检查对原发性甲亢诊断的价值比较

    Comparison of The Sensitivity and Specificity of Thyroid Function Tests for The Diagnosis of Primary Hyperthyroidism

  3. 方法:临床诊断甲状腺功能检查及病理金标准确诊35例HT样本,28例GD样本及13例其他内分泌疾病的样本,15例正常对照组。

    Method : 35 samples that have been diagnosed as HT through thyroid functional examination and pathological biopsis were used , including 28 samples of GD , 13 samples of other endocrine disorders and 15 normal samples .

  4. 电子计算机在甲状腺功能检查上的应用

    Application of Computer in Thyroid Function Studies

  5. 重症精神病患者甲状腺功能检查的意义

    Psychoses thyroid function tests

  6. 研究各项甲状腺功能检查在原发性甲亢诊断中的意义。

    The article is to investigate the sensitivity and specificity of thyroid function tests for the diagnosis of primary hyperthyroidism .

  7. 结论甲状腺功能检查有助于两病的鉴别,对于肌肉无力和肌酶升高的患者需常规检测甲状腺功能。

    Conclusion Thyroid function tests should be routinely performed in all patients with muscle weakness or elevations of muscle enzymes .

  8. 甲状腺功能检查393例(19.3%),其中异常242例(61.6%)。

    Thyroid function was tested in 393 ( 19.3 % ), of which 242 showed abnormal results ( 61.6 % ) .

  9. 治疗前后行心电图、心脏超声、肝、肾功及甲状腺功能检查。出院后嘱患者1,3,6,12月复查上述项目1次。

    Electrocardiogram ( ECG ), ultrasonography of heart , liver function , renal function and thyroid function were measured at before treatment , and 1 , 3 , 6 , 12 month after treatment period respectively .

  10. 本文报道49例重症精神病患者甲状腺功能检查结果;T3值异常(增高或降低)34.7%,其中T3值增高约18.3%;

    The result of the examination into thyroid function in 49 cases of psychiatric patients reported that the unusual values of serm T3 ( elevating or decreasing ) accounted for 34.7 % , of which , the value of elevating serum T3 accounted for 18.3 % ;

  11. 方法:比较了48例甲亢未缓解患者131I治疗前后的甲状腺功能生化检查,24h内摄131I率峰值及甲状腺重量变化情况。

    Methods : Forty eight unremitted hyperthyroidism patients were selected . Their thyroid function , the peak of 131 I uptake rate and thyroid weight before and after 131 I treatment were compared .

  12. 安全性指标:血、尿常规、肾功能、甲状腺功能等实验室检查。

    Safety index : routine blood , kidney function , thyroid function , ecg examination . 4 .

  13. 同时与甲状腺B超检查,实验室甲状腺功能状态检查和自身抗体测定相比较。

    The results were compared with B ultrasound and serum thyroid auto antibody measurement .

  14. 结果甲状腺功能减退性肌病与多发性肌炎在肌肉方面的表现相似,但甲状腺功能检查可以鉴别,左甲状腺素替代治疗有效。

    Results Hypothyroid myopathy and polymyositis had similar symptoms of muscle dysfunction and elevation of serum muscle enzymes , but could be distinguished by thyroid function tests . Replacement therapy with levothyroxine was effective .

  15. 结果多发性肌炎与甲状腺功能减退性肌病在肌肉方面的临床表现相似,但急性炎症指标、自身抗体、肌肉病理检查结果多有不同,甲状腺功能检查结果明显不同。

    Results Hypothyroid myopathy and polymyositis show similar symptoms of muscle dysfunction and elevations of serum muscle enzymes , but can be distinguished by differences in levels of acute inflammation indexes , types of autoantibodies , muscle pathology , and thyroid function tests .