
  • 网络Lifestyle;life style;style of life
  1. IKEA把灵活的行销手段和固定的概念结合在一起,它所销售的不只是一种产品,更是一种生活风格。

    IKEA combines slick marketing with a solid concept to sell not just a product , but a lifestyle .

  2. 本文认为,文化地标不只是一个地理标志、文化景观,而且是一个指示和象征城市文化、参与和建构城市生活风格、同时充满各种阶层冲突,社会权力争斗的城市生活空间。

    This study reached the conclusion that cultural landmark is not just a geographical indication , nor a cultural landscape , but a living space that indicates and symbolizes city cultural , helps constructing city lifestyle and is full of class conflicts and social power struggle .

  3. 引导儿童培养相对正确的生活风格;

    Lead young one to bring up relatively correct living style ;

  4. 1949年革命与上海城市生活风格变迁

    Change 1949 : Transition of Urban Life-styles in Shanghai

  5. 时尚符号与大众生活风格

    Signs of Fashion and Life Styles of the Populace

  6. 同周围环境不调和。集体的生活风格也随环境的不同而不同。

    Cooperative life-styles also differ according to the environment .

  7. 探讨美容性节目如何将流行文化知识转化为生活风格之习癖。

    How does beauty program change the fashion cultural knowledge into lifestyle as habitus .

  8. 在这一生活风格变迁的过程中,文化意义非常明显。

    In the process of transformation of life style , the cultural significance is evident .

  9. 对于那些极其重视品质的生活风格而言,我们便能赋予它大卫杜夫的精神。

    And synonymous with this life style is Davidoff , for those obsessed with quality .

  10. 艺术是一种生活风格&谈日常生活审美化的艺术学效应

    Art Is a Life Style & On the Artistic Effects of Aestheticism in Daily Life

  11. 产品的目标市场描述了人群统计和生活风格,有时也涉及职业角色。

    The target market for a product describes demographics as well as lifestyles and sometimes job roles .

  12. 王维的生活风格艺术情趣都有浓郁的宗教色彩。

    The life style and art atmosphere of WANG Wei is covered by a strong religious colour .

  13. 本文主要讨论1949年革命成功前后,上海市民的生活风格变迁。

    The thesis analyses the transformation in the life style of Shanghai citizens before and after 1949 Revolution .

  14. 他们展出这些物品,试图重现那个特定阶段的整个生活风格。

    They displayed these objects in an effort to represent the whole life - style of that particular period .

  15. 就思想特点、生活风格而言,父亲相对比较传统,儿子则要潇洒飘逸得多了。

    As to their thought and life style , the father is more traditional and less suave than the son .

  16. 简洁的造型、白的水晶门板,没有丝毫的造作,演绎一种纯粹的居家生活风格。

    Succinct model and pure white crystal door , without any artificial make , demonstrate a pure house life style .

  17. 合艾与中国有密切的交往关系,这里有浓厚的中国生活风格,甚至有相似的信仰。

    Hat Yai has close relationship with China , and has the atmosphere of Chinese lives style , even has the same religious belief .

  18. 我们认为,市民生活风格不只是简单的社会现象,其中涉及到复杂而具体的文化因素。

    However , life style of citizens is not a simple social phenomenon , but a complex one that involves complicated and specific cultural factors .

  19. 作为伦理学哲学前提和基础的三个世界、三类本体,以及三种伦理方法和伦理法则、伦理活动及作为其表现的伦理生活风格的互补与统一,决定了伦理学分型的统一。

    The complementarity and unification of the three worlds , noumena , methods , and activity and style of ethical life decide the unification of ethics .

  20. 我必须说是取决你于如何对妇女的世界观,和你的生活风格。

    I have to say it really depends on your world view of women 's role , how you were raised , and your life style .

  21. 验证性因素分析结果显示幼保系学生的生活风格包含浪漫关怀、自主进取、社交时尚等型。

    The result of CFA shows that there are three life style factors among ECEC students , including romance and caring style , self-decided and ambition style , social and fashion style .

  22. 这群年轻主管把焦点放在生活风格产品上,还有完整的库克套装产品。他们说,他们想要保留旧世界的简朴风格,把它与吸引新世代的元素融合在一起。

    Still , with a focus on lifestyle products , and the complete Krug package , these young execs say they want to maintain the Old World simplicity with new generation appeal .

  23. 介绍了生活风格投资战略的基本形式,通过模拟考察了生活风格投资战略在不同市场环境下的投资绩效,并分析了投资转换时间对投资绩效的影响。

    Based on the former theoretic study the dissertation simulated 7 market scenarios to explore the performance of so called Life-style Strategy for occupational pension funds and it 's sensibility to switch moment .

  24. 导论主要阐述了大学生生活风格这一问题提出的初衷与研究意义、国内外研究状况以及本文所采用的研究方法。

    The introduction mainly expounds the question of life style of college students ' purpose and significance of research , research status at home and abroad and the research methodology of this thesis .

  25. 内容包括对当前大学生生活风格教育现状的分析、新媒体时代大学生生活风格教育策略和对大学生自身的建议,以期为思想政治教育工作者提供有益的借鉴。

    Content includes to the current university student life style education present situation analysis , new media age college students ' life style , education strategy and improve their recommendations . Hope for the ideological and political educators to provide useful reference .

  26. 这种产品刚开始颜色很淡,因为完全没有染色,但经过一段时间后,它会展现出本身的色泽,颜色会越来越深,从而反映出使用者自己的生活风格。

    And this kind of product may start very light because there 's no color in it at all , but over time it will develop what 's called its own patina . It 'll get darker and darker and darker , and in a way reflect that user 's own lifestyle .

  27. 我喜欢海浪的精神、它的在下面哲学和生活的风格。

    I like the spirit of surf , its underlying philosophy and style of life .

  28. 追去居住的舒适度与品质的同时,我的上塘道生活独具风格。

    Apart from residential comfort and quality , my life at Shangtang Avenue is unique from others .

  29. 典雅生活自我风格

    Cultured Life Ego Style

  30. 上海的生活和风格图片。一种螺旋状坡道星球大战漏斗状的交通断断续续的南浦大桥在1991年完成是用来连接旧上海和迅速发展中的浦东新区。

    A tangle of corkscrewing ramps worthy of Star Wars funnel traffic on and off Nanpu Bridge , completed in1991 to connect old Shanghai with the rapidly developing Pudong New Area .