
  • 网络existential philosophy
  1. 存在论(Ontology)即关于存在的理论,是关于存在是什么以及存在如何存在的理论;生存论哲学是生成性的、时间性的、历史性的。

    Ontology is on " being " in the theory . It is a theory that what is being and how to exit . Existential Philosophy is generated in nature , timing and historic .

  2. 第二个大转向是从批判哲学到生存论哲学;

    The second transition from Kant 's philosophy to the contemporary existential philosophy ;

  3. 第五,基于生存论哲学的课程探究要求我们将焦点从知识问题转向存在问题,并倡导用现象学的方法来接近人之存在的意义世界。

    Fifthly , existence philosophy advocates approaching the meaning world of human through phenomenology .

  4. 在生存论哲学中,内向性的主体就是关切自身生存现实的自我。

    In the existence philosophy , inward subjectivity is a self that concerns its own existence and reality .

  5. 因此生存论哲学根本不同于形而上学,实践科学观根本不同于表象科学观,超越了绝对主义和相对主义的对立。

    Therefore , existentialism ultimately differs from metaphysics and practice-dominated philosophy of science ultimately differs from theory-dominated philosophy of science .

  6. 现代生存论哲学对传统认识论哲学的超越,凸显了知识背后所蕴涵的意义世界。

    The meaning world has drawn more and more attention with the replacement of the epistemology philosophy by the existence philosophy .

  7. 在生存论哲学看来,意义是我们生活所遇到的事物与我们生存的关系,即事物与人之生存的相关性。

    In the view of existence philosophy , significance is the relationship of between the things we met and our life existence .

  8. 第二部分考察了生存论哲学思想的学理资源,分别回顾了西方传统哲学的人性生存观,西方现代哲学的个体生存观、中国传统文化的天道生存观和马克思主义的实践生存观。

    The second part inspected the academic resources of existence philosophy from western traditional philosophy , modern western philosophy , traditional Chinese culture and Marxist .

  9. 在哲学史的逻辑线索上,存在论哲学又分为两个部分,一是形而上学,一是生存论哲学。如果从哲学内容上分,则分为本体论和道德形而上学(包括伦理学)。

    On the logic of history of philosophy , the ontology philosophy was also divided into two parts , one is metaphysical , and the other one is existential philosophy .

  10. 为此,生存论哲学主张从三个方面切近人之生存的意义世界,包括伦理境域的重建、非对象性的运思和生活世界的回归。

    Therefore , existence philosophy maintains approaching the meaning world from three aspects , namely , the reconstruction of ethical realm , phenomenological thinking and the reversion to living world .

  11. 新目标是以素质教育思想、文化哲学、高等教育哲学、当代生存论哲学以及创造心理学等相关理论为理论依据,彰显了四位一体目标的科学性与合理性。

    Based on theories such as quality education , cultural philosophy , higher education philosophy , contemporary survival philosophy and creative psychology , the new aim is a scientific and reasonable combination of four factors .

  12. 然而,这些批评者是站在形而上学立场上做出这种评判的,这是对生存论哲学和实践科学观的误读。

    However , it is from the standpoints of metaphysics that these critics have made their critiques , and so the critique of relativism is a kind of misreading of existentialism and practice-dominated philosophy of science .

  13. 生存论哲学要求将意义世界作为重要的课程研究主题,并在对课程意义世界的开显中引导学生获得生命意义的领会与生命境界的提升。

    Existence philosophy requires taking the meaning world as a vital theme for curriculum research , and in the revealment of meaning world , guiding students to the understanding of the meaning of life and to the upgrade of state of life .

  14. 从生存论哲学的角度诠释科学发展观,不仅对中国当下和未来具有指导意义,而且对于人类社会的发展也具有普适性参考价值。

    The analysis on the scientific development point of view on the basis of the philosophy of survival theory not merely has directive significance for the present and future of China but has general reference value to the development of the human society as well .

  15. 生存论哲学所理解的幸福不同于快乐,从教育学的立场来说,幸福概念蕴涵着幸福能力的培养、幸福境界的提升和幸福生活的筹划。

    Happiness from the viewpoint of existence philosophy is different from joy . According to pedagogy , the concept of happiness includes the cultivation of the ability to achieve happiness , the upgrade of the realm of happiness , and the plan for a happy life .

  16. 正是基于实用主义生存论哲学和从做中学的学习观,杜威提出了著名的教育就是生长、就是生活、就是经验的改造或改组的教育思想,在人类教育思想史上占有独特的地位。

    Based on pragmatism existence philosophy and " learning by doing " perspective of learning , John Dewey pointed out the famous educational thought that " Education is growth , life and the reorganization of experience ", which is very important in the history of human educational thoughts .

  17. 生存论教育哲学乃是此在的教育哲学。

    The ontological philosophy of education so is just Dasein 's philosophy of education .

  18. 教育:面向可能的存在&生存论教育哲学对受教育者存在可能性的本体论分析

    Education : Facing the Possible Existence ── The Ontological Analysis of the Existential Philosophy of Education on the Educatee 's Probable Existence

  19. 中国传统的天人合一的哲学和海德格尔的生存论的哲学揭示了人与自然关系的合理模式。

    The mode of heaven and human into one entity of Chinese traditional philosophy and Heidegger 's Being philosophy show the rational mode of human beings and nature .

  20. 第三部分阐述了生存论教育哲学的基本思想。

    The third part expounds the basic viewpoint of existence education philosophy of survival , mainly discusses the characteristics of existence as education ontology : timeliness , significance and experiential .

  21. 笔者运用海德格尔生存论语言哲学思想,对日常语言分析哲学,特别是当前语用分析哲学中的一大焦点意义与语境的关系问题,做出了本体论性的解读。

    Based on the reflections of Heidegger 's Existentialism , the present thesis presents an ontological research of the relationships between meaning and contexts , which are of great concern in the study of analytic philosophy , especially in philosophy of pragmatics .

  22. 文学空间理论以生存-实践论哲学为基点,致力于拓展空间的体验性、审美性、想象性和表征性。

    Literature space theories started from Existential-Practical Philosophy and are dedicated to expanding experience , esthetics , imagination and representation of space .

  23. 第二章分析了超验性生存的存在论哲学及其走向历史生存论的必然性。

    The second chapter analyzed the ontology philosophy based on the transcendental existence and its necessity to go toward the historical existence .

  24. 生存论与传统哲学的最大区别是对人的现实际遇和生活世界的关怀。

    The existentialism with the traditional philosophy biggest difference is to human 's realistic spell of good or bad fortune and the life world concern .

  25. 本文从“生存论”的哲学观出发,探究“少数民族哲学”的“自我理解”,揭示少数民族哲学研究的意义和价值。

    From the perspective of survivalism , the author discusses the " self-understanding " in " minority philosophy " in order to reveal the significance and value of the study of the minority philosophy .

  26. 从近代哲学的认知思维方式向现代哲学的实践思维方式的生存论转向,表明哲学在其发展过程中,愈来愈贴近现实生活的价值取向。

    The existential turn from the cognitive patterns of modern philosophy to the practice thought patterns of contemporary philosophy shows that philosophy is getting nearer to the practical life in it 's development .