
  1. 当《泰坦尼克号》把我们的生活带到3D的世界,《华盛顿邮报》提出了一个巨大的辩题。

    As Titanic goes back into our lives in 3D , The Washington Post raised a great debate .

  2. 苹果和IBM曾经是个人电脑市场上的一对劲敌,但随着员工将电子设备从个人生活带到办公室,双方被迫展开合作。

    Apple and IBM were once bitter foes in the personal computing market , but have been forced to co-operate as workers bring gadgets from their personal lives to the office .

  3. 他们给无数人的生活带去了巨大改变。

    they make a difference in the lives of countless individuals .

  4. 给别人的生活带去一点光亮让我感觉很好。

    It felt good to brighten up someone else 's life .

  5. 将西班牙纯正的悠闲生活带进大上海。

    Introduce the pure Spanish concept of leisure into great Shanghai ;

  6. 无形中给人们的生活带了极大的便利。

    Virtually brought great convenience to people ' slives .

  7. 不要把个人生活带到工作当中。

    Leave your personal life at home .

  8. 科技与经济的进步似乎将我们的生活带到了一个理想的时代。

    Technological and economic breakthroughs seem to have led us and our lifestyle into an idealistic era .

  9. 工业主义打破了共同体的封闭结构,将一个变幻莫测、神奇万象的大都市生活带到了现代社会之中。

    But the industrialism breaks its close structure and gives birth to a variational and wizardly urban life .

  10. 1/4女性抱怨女上司精于背后暗箭伤人,还把个人生活带到工作中来。

    A quarter of women accused female bosses of backstabbing and bringing their personal lives into the office .

  11. 我让你的世界欢乐,却也给你的生活带了不计其数的伤害。

    I will let you the joy of the world , but also to your life with the numerous injuries .

  12. 或许硅谷的创新人士应该向韩国学习的最重要的经验之一便是,如何给人们的日常生活带去剧烈的变化,他们需要说服自己的国家进行基础设施投资,只有这样我们才能够真正使用到他们想要卖给我们的服务。

    Perhaps one of the biggest lessons Silicon Valley 's innovators should learn from South Korea is that to radically change how everyday people live their lives , they 'll need to convince their nation to invest in infrastructure , so that we can actually use the services they want to sell us .

  13. 在父亲的衙门里,他的生活还带了一点奇幻的色彩。

    There had been something dreamlike about the life in his father 's yamen .

  14. 短暂地逃离现代性之后,我精神振作地回到了收件箱满满、每天工作11个小时的生活,带着两部手机,一部黑莓(BlackBerry)、一部iPad穿梭于家中的电脑和工作地点的电脑之间。

    Elevated by my temporary rejection of modernity , I returned to a full inbox , 11-hour working days and commuting between home and work PCs with two mobile phones , a BlackBerry and an iPad .

  15. 如果你愿意尝试的话,生活可以带你去往很多乐趣无穷的地方。

    Life can lead you to some funny places if you let it .

  16. 你的生活也带点孤单,很爱旅游。

    You are always lonely , and like travelling .

  17. 城市边缘的内向生活&带泵房的郊区双联宅设计

    Interior Life in Urban Fringe : Design of Duplex Residence with Pump Room in Suburb

  18. 他们都能把丰富的教学和生活经验带到课室里。

    They bring a wide range of both academic and life experience to their teaching .

  19. 仅仅是知道这也会迫使你以一种不同的方式去生活,带着一种更高的自主性去生活。

    Just knowing this will push you to live differently , with a higher level of consciousness .

  20. 在影片中,4位女星将西式生活方式带到了中东阿布扎比。

    In the film , the four women bring their Western lives to Abu Dhabi in the Middle East .

  21. 河畔院落别墅,顶礼于京城三大高尚别墅生活休闲带之宗意。

    Riverside yard villa , baptized with principal aim of three largest noble villa life and leisure zones in the capital .

  22. 第一期154个单元将于今夏盛大开幕,并将巴卡拉奢华、优雅的生活方式带到上海。

    The first of two154-unit towers will open this summer ; bringing the illustrious and glamorous legacy of Baccarat style to residential living in Shanghai .

  23. 现在,我不再享有人们的特殊对待了,我一直独立生活,带着小狗住在新西兰奥克兰市自己的公寓里。

    People don 't treat me differently now . I was always completely independent . I lived in Auckland , New Zealand , in my own flat with my dog .

  24. 现在,我不能给她舒适的生活,带她去高级餐厅,给她买漂亮的衣服,但至少我还能给她1摄氏度的爱情。

    Now I can 't give her a comfortable life , bring her to the luxury restaurant , or buy expensive dresses for her , but at least , I can give her 1 ℃ love .

  25. 情感不同风格也不尽相同。情感它来自于生活并带着社会、文化的承载推动了绘画作品的形成,同时决定着作品的质量与风格。

    Emotional different styles are also different . " Emotion " comes from the life and with social , and cultural bearer promote the formation of the paintings , works at the same time determines the quality and style .

  26. 他对现代生活的批评带着一种特殊的苛刻。

    A peculiar austerity marked his judgments of modern life .

  27. 指生活在大洋带以下的生物。

    Refers to the life in the ocean belt following living thing .

  28. 实际上几乎没有鸟类生活在冻土带上。

    Few birds actually live on the tundra .

  29. 网络发达给生活各方面带来利的同时也带来了不少弊端。

    Network developed to benefit all aspects of life brought about the same time it also brings a lot of drawbacks .

  30. 而有些人永远也学不乖,他们的刺激生活将他们带向了终点,也就是死亡。

    And some never learn . Their life in the fast lane leads them to the end of the road - meaning they die .