
  • 网络ecological systems;Ecological System Theory
  1. 本项目在活动设计上主要运用了社会学习理论和认知理论、生态系统理论等社会工作专业理论。

    This project used the social learning theory and cognitive theory , ecological systems theory and other social work profession theories to design .

  2. 布朗芬布伦纳的生态系统理论指出微系统坏境中的家庭、同伴和互联网会影响青少年的发展。

    Ecological systems theory put forward by Bronfenbrenner points out that micro-system environment of family , peers and the Internet will affect the development of adolescents .

  3. 商业生态系统理论及其在ICT企业的应用研究

    The Theory of Business Ecosystem and a Study of Its Application in ICT Industry

  4. 本文基于五变量草原生态系统理论模式和条件非线性最优扰动(CNOP)方法,探讨了草原生态系统模式模拟的不确定性问题。

    Based on a five-variable grassland ecosystem theoretical model and a conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation ( CNOP ) method , we discuss the issue of the uncertainties in a grassland ecosystem .

  5. 大丰模式与复合生态系统理论的应用

    Dafeng Model and the Application of Theory of Compound Ecology System

  6. 基于生态系统理论构建的项目风险管理系统

    Research of Project Risk Management System Construction Based on Ecological Theory

  7. 根际微生态系统理论在连作障碍中的应用

    The Application of Rhizosphere Micro-ecosystem Theory to Continuous Cropping Problem

  8. 基于生态系统理论的学龄前儿童意外伤害综合干预的理论模式

    Theory patterns of ecological theory-based intervention in pre-schoolers accidental injuries

  9. 生态系统理论在澳大利亚知识管理标准中的应用及其启示

    The Application of Ecosystem Theory in Australian Knowledge Management Standard and Its Implication

  10. 城市复合生态系统理论模型与中国城市发展

    Integrated Urban Eco-system and China 's Urban Development

  11. 矿区复合生态系统理论初探

    Primary discussion on mining area compound ecosystem theory

  12. 生态系统理论与方法在城市用地评定中的应用&以湖南省常德市为例

    The Application of the Ecological System Theory and Method on the Urban Land Evaluation

  13. 根据城市生态学理论,对城市生态系统理论进行较全面的理论解析。

    Theoretical works focus on urban biology system according to the fundamental theory of biology .

  14. 商业生态系统理论打破了传统的企业之间“单赢”的竞争观念。

    The theory of business ecosystem breaks through the traditional competition opinion of single-win between the enterprises .

  15. 从生态系统理论视角来分析流浪儿童的成因及解决对策。

    From the perspective of ecosystem theory , this paper analyzes the causes of street children and Solutions .

  16. 随着城市生态系统理论体系的逐步完善,人们的研究视角开始从城市生态的技术层面转向制度层面。

    With the development of urban ecosystem theory , people started to research from the technical level to the institution level .

  17. 本文应用人类生态学原理和复合生态系统理论,选择城市系统和乡村系统的交错过渡地域&城乡交错带为研究对象,对城乡交错带的概念内涵作了生态学分析。

    According to principles of human ecology and SENCE theory , the connotation of the concept of urban-rural ecotone is defined ecologically .

  18. 主要有生态系统理论、旅游环境学理论、可持续发展理论、循环经济理论和生态环境伦理理论。

    Including : eco-system theory , tourism environment theory , sustainable develop theory , circular economy theory and eco-environment ethics theory . 3 .

  19. 第二部分为本文的文献综述,总结了关于商业生态系统理论的相关研究的文献;回顾了商业生态系统的构建与进化过程研究。

    Chapter 2 is literature review , summarized the researches on business ecosystem , and reviewed the researches on the evolutionary stage of business ecosystem .

  20. 本文运用商业生态系统理论构建供应链商业生态系统,对供应链体系的发展机理进行研究。

    This article constructed the supply chain commercial ecosystem based on the commercial ecosystem theory and research the development principle of the supply chain system .

  21. 第二章介绍了观光休闲农业的理论基础,分别是休闲经济理论、旅游社会学、生态系统理论和可持续旅游理论。

    Chapter ⅱ introduces the theory of agri-tourism , including the economic theory of leisure , tourism sociology , eco-system theory and theory of sustainable tourism .

  22. 在城市森林建设中,要重构人与自然的关系,按照复合生态系统理论,以人为本,林水结合。

    Thus the relationship between human and nature must be reformed in urban forest construction , and according to compound ecosystem theory human is the prime .

  23. 第2章从第三代金融发展理论和金融生态系统理论出发探讨了金融生态系统的理论基础、内涵和研究现状。

    Chapter 2 begins with the third generation of financial development theory and financial ecosystem theory . The theoretical basis , concepts and research status are presented .

  24. 我们运用社会工作的生态系统理论视角来分析对儿童孤独症治疗产生影响的因素,并由此得知家庭是儿童孤独症治疗的重要影响因素。

    We use the ecological systems theory to analyze the factors that affect the treatment of children with autism , and learned that family is an important factor .

  25. 包括复合生态系统理论、边缘效应理论、混合功用理论、有机更新理论和可持续发展理论等。

    It Includes The " ecosystem theory ," " edge effect " theory , theory of " mixing the function ," the organically upgrading theory and sustainable development theory etc.

  26. 传统的战略环境分析框架已经不能反映现实的需要,催生了新的战略理论&商业生态系统理论的产生。

    The traditional strategic environmental analytic frame can not meet the needs of reality anymore , thereby promoting the production of a new strategic theory " Business ecosystem " .

  27. 根际微生态系统理论在我国农业高产高效中的作用&间套种作物种间的根际微生态效应的发现及应用前景

    The Role of Rhizosphere Microecology Theory in High Yield and High Efficiency of Agriculture-The Finding of the Rhizosphere Microecology Effect in Intercropping System and the Perspective of it Application

  28. 通过对规划调整前后的对比分析,最终提出基于生态系统理论的工业集中区规划一般思路。

    In the end , by means of comparing the planning before and after adjusting , this paper provides general perspectives for industrial concentration district planning based on ecosystem theory .

  29. 随着商业生态系统理论和实践的不断发展,认识到自身的战略成为缝隙型企业成功的关键之所在。

    With the development of theories and practices of business ecosystem , it is a key issue that realize their own strategies in the business ecosystem for niche enterprises to get success .

  30. 以景观生态系统理论为指导,对黄土丘陵区进行了地貌景观结构分析,确定了其廊道、斑块、基质的景观模式,认为黄土堆积物可被看作为黄土丘陵区的基质;

    The landscape pattern which consisted by corridor , patch , matrix at the basis of the specific landform in the Loess hilly region , were evaluated according to theory of landscape ecology .