
  1. 将先进控制技术、信息技术与成本管理技术相结合,提出了通过两层结构,即通过生产过程成本控制系统和过程优化控制系统来实现选矿生产过程动态成本控制。

    Based on the combination of control technology , information technology and cost management technology , the structure of dynamic cost control in ore-dressing production process is proposed . This structure has two layers : the cost control system of procedure process and the process optimal control model .

  2. 钢铁企业生产过程动态成本控制模式研究

    On Dynamic Cost Control Model of Production Process for Steel Enterprise

  3. 铁矿选矿生产过程动态成本控制技术

    On Dynamic Cost Control Technology of Ore-dressing Production Process

  4. 因此,研究选矿生产过程动态成本控制方法与技术对于选矿企业控制生产成本意义重大。

    Thus the research on dynamic control approaches and technique of cost in ore-dressing production process is important for ore-dressing enterprises to control production cost .

  5. 系统的应用效果表明本系统有效地提高了成本计算的准确性和可靠性,使成本分析和决策更加及时有效,实现了金属矿山生产过程成本的控制,有效降低了生产成本。

    The effectiveness of this system illustrates that this system improves the accuracy and reliability of cost calculation , thereby making cost analysis and decision making more effective , and reducing the cost of mental production process .

  6. 本文以国家863课题生产过程动态成本控制技术及软件研发为背景,对选矿生产过程成本控制技术展开了研究。

    Taking the project dynamic cost control technique in production process and its software development which is supported by China 863 Planning as background , the cost control techniques during ore-dressing production process is studied in the paper .

  7. 本文根据质量成本的定义,分析质量成本的评估方法和生产过程的质量成本控制方法,进而探讨质量成本审计。

    This paper first explores the definition of quality cost , and then puts forward the evaluation of quality cost and quality cost control method in the manufacturing , and finally discusses the quality cost audit .