
gān kǔ
  • sweetness and bitterness;weal and woe;hardships and difficulties experienced in work
甘苦 [gān kǔ]
  • (1) [weal and woe;sweetness and bitterness]∶甜味与苦味。比喻美好的境遇和恶劣的境遇

  • 燕王弔死问孤,与百姓同甘苦。--《史记.燕召公世家》

  • 一根红线贯穿,颗颗红心相连,大家同呼吸,共甘苦。--《为了六十一个阶级弟兄》

  • (2) [hardships and difficulties experienced in work]∶在工作或经历中体会到的滋味,多偏指苦的一面

  • 其中甘苦,唯我自知

  • 没有教过书,就不知道其中的甘苦

  • 颠沛流离的生活,使他饱尝甘苦

甘苦[gān kǔ]
  1. 面对共同的机遇与挑战,两岸同胞理应甘苦共尝,相互扶持。

    In front of common opportunities and challenges , the compatriots on both sides of the Straits should share weal and woe and support each other .

  2. 若非亲身经历,岂知其中甘苦。

    You cannot appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience .

  3. 甘苦自知。

    One knows best what one has gone through .

  4. 只是很多事情,一切甘苦自知,却是心甘情愿!

    However , she 's willing to do all these despite the bitterness .

  5. 愿你有一个人能永远和你同甘苦、共患难。

    I wish you the joy of always having someone to share things with .

  6. 他们在斗争中和工农同甘苦共命运。

    They cast in their lot with the workers and peasants in the struggle .

  7. 我们有能力体验,那我们就要体验人生甘苦;

    let us live . We have the ability to experience ; let us experience .

  8. 个中甘苦你是知道的,福尔摩斯先生,因为咱们都是干的用脑子的活儿。“

    You will appreciate that , Mr. Sherlock Holmes , for we are both brain-workers . "

  9. 企业家往往比较容易接触,更能感同身受创业的甘苦,有时还会热情地引荐投资者。

    Entrepreneurs tend to be more accessible and sympathetic , plus can often make warm intros to investors .

  10. 我们经历了许多生死与共的战斗。他们在斗争中和工农同甘苦共命运。

    We have gone through life and death battles . They cast in their lot with the workers and peasants in the struggle .

  11. 那时我们以为永远会跟他们亲密地生活在一起,会跟他们一起共甘苦。这书里面有一起萎枯了的栎树叶子。

    The withered oak leaf in the book here recalled the friend , the schoolfellow , who was to be his friend for life .

  12. 你们所拥有的独立和自由,乃是你们群策群力,同甘苦、共患难的成果。

    The independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils , and joint efforts ; of common dangers , sufferings and successes .

  13. 中国同其他发展中国家同甘苦、共患难,树立了南南合作的典范,受到了国际社会的广泛好评。

    China and other developing countries have gone through thick and thin together in development and set an example of South-South cooperation , which is widely recognized by the international community .

  14. “弹一曲,宝贝,让我们倾听一下这个小东西的嗓音”,老汉娜从旁边插嘴了,她总是与这个家庭同甘苦、共欢乐。

    " Try it , honey . Let 's hear the sound of the baby pianny ," said Hannah , who always took a share in the family joys and sorrows .

  15. 在《永远的第一天》结束前,我们会发觉这首看似欢乐的歌,也许实际上是对一个虚假爱人的甘苦想象。

    By the end of the " Forever 's First Day ", we realize that what appeared to have been a sunshiny love song perhaps is in fact a bittersweet imagination of a deluded lover .

  16. 每一个党员必须养成为人民服务、向群众负责、遇事同群众商量和同群众共甘苦的工作作风。

    For the same reason , every Party member must cultivate a work style of serving the people , holding himself responsible to the masses , never failing to consult them , and being ever ready to share their joys and sorrows .

  17. 既然观众必须揣摩这个那个人物有何用意,或者这种那种倾向和企图之冲突有何前因,他就不可能全神灌注在主角的行为和苦难上,也不可能提心吊胆地与剧中人同甘苦共患难。

    so long as the spectator had to conjecture what this or that figure represented , from whence arose this or that conflict of inclinations and intentions , he could not fully participate in the doings and sufferings of the protagonists , feel with them and fear with them .