
  • 网络Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology
  1. 关于构建甘肃农业科技创新体系的思考与建议

    Thoughts and Suggestions on Constructing Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation Systems of Gansu Province

  2. 本文论述了科技创新与农村产业结构调整的关系以及甘肃农业科技创新的重点,提出了技术战略、科技投入、科技信息、科技服务等方面的科技创新支持对策。

    This paper discusses the relation between rural industrial construction 's adjustment with scientific and technological innovation and the main field of the innovation , puts forward the support countermeasure on the strategy , investment , information and service of the scientific and technological innovation .

  3. 聚类分析在科技进步测算建模中的应用&甘肃省农业科技进步测算

    The Application of Clustering Methodology in Establishing Models of Measuring Progressive Ratio of Science and Technology

  4. 甘肃省农业科技示范园区发展战略刍议

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Development of Demonstration Garden of Agricultural Science and Technology in Gansu Province