
guā zǐ
  • melon seeds
瓜子 [guā zǐ]
  • [melon seeds] 炒熟后供食用的瓜的种子,一般指西瓜子或南瓜子

瓜子[guā zǐ]
  1. 回到家中,虎妞正在屋里嗑瓜子儿解闷呢。

    When he arrived back , Tigress was cracking melon seeds to distract herself .

  2. 去听黄瓜风吧。炒瓜子中糖精钠的高效液相色谱检测法

    Just listen to that cucumber phone . Determination of Saccharin Sodium in Stir-fried Melon Seeds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  3. 她脑瓜子里想法太多。

    Her skull was crammed with too many thoughts .

  4. 我们经常在周末一起聊天,一边喝着咖啡,一边吃瓜子。

    We used to meet at weekend and chew the fat over coffee and sunflower seeds .

  5. 洗衣粉和高pH缓冲液浸种对黄瓜子叶离体培养物花芽分化的影响

    Effect of seeds pretreated with detergent and high pH buffer on the floral differentiation in cucumber cotyledons cultured in vitro

  6. 最近几年逐渐发展起来的CCD色选机已经成为瓜子分选的主流设备。

    The CCD color sorter developed gradually in recent years has become the mainstream equipment for seeds sorting .

  7. 方法采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析法对藏药波棱瓜子脂肪油成分进行分析。

    Methods The GC-MS method was applied for analysis the fatty oils .

  8. 苦瓜子中植物胰岛素的凝胶柱与RP-HPLC法分离

    Isolation of Plant Insulin from Momordica charantia Seeds by Gel Filtration and RP-HPLC

  9. 用途:适用于PVC、PET胶片成型的各种瓜子筒,子弹内裤,文具,玩具,糖果,一般商品的圆筒包装盒

    Application : PVC , PET film tube forming a variety of seeds , bullets underwear , stationery , toys , confectionery , general merchandise cylinder box

  10. 6-BA和氨基酸对黄瓜子叶离体培养成花的影响

    Influences of 6-BA and Amino Acids on Flower Formation from Cotyledons of Cucumber in vitro

  11. 葵瓜子和麦芽中也含有丰富的维生素B6。

    Sunflower seeds and wheat germ are also good sources of B6 .

  12. 脂肪沉积率方面,2.8%黑瓜子组比1.5%豆油组增加了80.01%(P0.05)。

    In the fat deposition rate , the group of 2.8 % black seed increased by 80.01 % than the 1.5 % soybean oil group ( P0.05 ) .

  13. 钾和菊酸诱导的离体黄瓜子叶生根与吲哚乙酸氧化酶和质膜H~+-泵ATP酶之间的关系

    Relationship between potassium and chrysanthemic acid-induced rooting in Excised Cucumber Cotyledons with IAA oxidase , and plasma membrane h  ̄ + - pumping ATPase

  14. 结论:采用RP-HPLC方法控制药材的指纹图谱,方法重现性好,用于波棱瓜子的质量评价切实可行。

    CONCLUSION : RP-HPLC is a repeatable method of controlling the fingerprint chromatograms , thus is practicable in the quality evaluation of Herpetospermum pedunculosum .

  15. 可能钾和菊酸对于离体黄瓜子叶生根的促进作用与质膜H~+-泵ATP酶密切相关。

    It is possible that promotive effects of potassium and chrysanthemic acid on rooting is associated with the activity of plasma membrane H + - pumping ATPase .

  16. 膨化小食品、花生、瓜子等颗粒、条状、QQ糖、小饼干等片状物品。

    Inflating food , peanut , melon seeds and granule goods as well as strip and flake of QQ candy and cookies .

  17. K~+、Na~+、Ca~(2+)、PA和BA对黄化黄瓜子叶中Pchlide生物合成的影响

    The effects of k ~ + , na ~ + , ca ~ ( 2 + ), PA and Ba on the biosynthesis of protochlorophyllide in etiolated cucumber cotyledons

  18. 通过HPLC的二次操作,可将黄瓜子叶极性脂快速、经济地分离成各脂成分,并进一步分离成各分子种。

    In this paper , the polar lipid of cucumber cotyledons was quickly and economically separated into compositions and further divided into molecular species with two operations by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .

  19. KCI和S(3307)混用对离体黄瓜子叶生根的影响

    Promotive Effect of KCl and S_ ( 3307 ) Mixed on Rooting in Excised Cucumber Cotyledons

  20. 波棱瓜子含有大量脂肪油,对其进行GC-MS分析结果表明,波棱瓜子中主要含各类不饱和脂肪酸,其中含亚麻酸12.08%,亚油酸22.90%。

    Herpetospermum seed contains a large amount of fatty oils . GC-MS analysis shows that its fatty oils mainly consist of unsaturated fatty acids , of which linolenic acid accounts for 12.08 % and linolic acid 22 . 90 % .

  21. 用带有ACC脱氨酶基因和卡那霉素抗性基因(Npt,作为报告基因)的工程根癌农杆菌转化白兰瓜子叶,通过组织培养,得到具有卡那霉素(Km)抗性的再生小苗。

    Cotyledons of Cucumis melo var.I were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens ( LBA4404 ) carrying ACC deaminase gene and Kanamycin resistant gene ( Npt ⅱ , as report gene ) . Some regenerated Kanamycin resistant seedlings were obtained .

  22. 泛马沙拉(panmasala),它点缀着瓜子、坚果、酸橙、丁香和薄荷,它就是以此命名的。你可以在一顿印度大餐之后把它一下子放入口中。

    and pan masala , named after ( and studded with ) the sprinkle of seeds , nuts , lime , cloves and menthol that you might throw into your mouth at the end of an Indian meal .

  23. 根据HACCP体系的运用原则,结合茶瓜子的加工工艺,分析了茶瓜子在生产流通中存在的潜在危害,确定了相应的关键点、关键控制限值、监控方法和校正措施。

    According to principles of HACCP , combining with the manufacture technique of tea melon seeds , all possible hazard factors in manufacture and circulation were analyzed , and the critical control points , critical limits , supervise systems and correct measures were set up .

  24. 研究了外植体龄和蔗糖浓度对发根农杆菌R1601介导黄瓜子叶产生毛状根的影响。

    Effects of explant age and sucrose concentration on Agrobacterium rhizogenes R1601 mediated hairy root formation from cucumber cotyledons were studied .

  25. 本研究以西瓜为研究材料首先构建了转基因植物表达载体,然后以西瓜子叶为外植体,建立了农杆菌介导的SAMDC基因转化体系,得到了转基因植株。

    In this research , two SAMDC gene plant express vectors were constructed with different promoters . The watermelon cotyledon explant transgenic system mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was established through the exploration of the factors affecting transformation efficiency .

  26. 燃煤锅炉改燃葵瓜子皮&改炉尝试

    An attempt at modification of coal-fired boilers for firing sunflower husks

  27. 共价结合于细胞壁的过氧化物酶与黄瓜子叶细胞扩大生长的关系

    Relation of Covalently Wall-bound Peroxidase with Cell Expansion of Cucumber Cotyledons

  28. 瓜子理论在图书馆基层管理中的应用

    " Melon Seeds " Theory Application on Library Basic Level Management

  29. 此外,葵花子也是瓜子中的佼佼者。

    In addition , sunflower seeds are also in the crowd .

  30. 籽瓜瓜子皮色性状遗传研究

    A Study on Genetics of Seed Shell Color of Seed Watermelon