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  • 网络Bhandari;Laveesh Bhandari;Rajika Bhandari
  1. 但在朋友们的劝说下,班达里不再追逐美国梦——这些朋友们去了美国攻读MBA,结果毕业后很难获得签证延期或落实工作,只能回国。

    But Ms Bhandare was dissuaded from chasing her American dream by friends , who had done just that , only to return home after struggling to secure visa extensions or land a job .

  2. 当乌尔维?班达里(UrviBhandare)决定离开家乡孟买、前往海外攻读MBA的时候,这位23岁的管理顾问首先想到的是申请一所美国一流学院。

    When Urvi Bhandare decided to leave her native Mumbai to study for an MBA overseas , the 23-year-old management consultant 's first instinct was to apply for one of the top US schools .

  3. 国际教育协会负责研究和评估的副主席班达里(RajikaBhandari)说,马萨诸塞、印第安纳和宾夕法尼亚等州的增速最快。

    The states of Massachusetts , Indiana and Pennsylvania saw some of the fastest growth , said Rajika Bhandari , the nonprofit 's deputy vice president for research and evaluation .

  4. 班达里表示,尼泊尔和中国一直是好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。

    Bhandari said Nepal and China have always been good neighbors , friends and partners .

  5. 班达里说,印度和韩国分别是第二和第三大外国学生来源国,不过随着印度经济陷入停滞,以及韩国开始享受中国和其他亚洲国家的留学项目,来自这两个国家的学生数量减少。

    India and South Korea , the second and third largest countries of origin for foreign students , both sent fewer students as the Indian economy stalled and South Koreans began to take advantage of study-abroad programs in China and other Asian countries , Ms. Bhandari said .