
  • 网络bohr's atomic model;bohr atom model;bohr adtommodel
  1. 汤姆逊对玻尔建立原子模型的影响

    J.J.Thomson 's effect on establishment of Bohr 's atomic structure model

  2. 玻尔氢原子模型的认知评价分析

    The Cognitive Justification Analysis of Bohr 's Hydrogen Model

  3. 玻尔的原子模型是太阳系的缩影,不过以电力替代万有引力。

    A Bohr atom is a solar system in miniature , with electrical forces taking the place of gravitational forces .

  4. 20世纪初期量子学说的形成和传播,导致了玻尔&索末菲原子模型的形成。

    In the early 20th century , the formation and promulgation of quantum theory led to the formation of Bohr-Summerfield atomic model .

  5. 但新量子力学的兴起却导致了玻尔&索末菲原子模型的破产和薛定谔原子模型的形成。

    However , the rising of new quantum mechanics resulted in the bankruptcy of Bohr-Summerfield atomic model and the formation of Schr dinger 's atomic model .