- 网络Universal Picture Co;Universal Picture

Yes , I told Wasserman I 'd leave Universal if there was any monkey business .
Metro Picture Corporation ( formed in 1915 ) , Goldwyn Picture Corporation ( 1917 ) , and Louis B. Mayer Pictures ( 1918 ) , under the control of movie theater magnate Marcus Loew .
After visiting Hollywood , Universal Studios and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles , I 've decided film stardom is where the good life lies .
As Universal Picture 's " Fast & Furious 7 " is expected to screech out of the blocks across the globe , the star stares down from billboards everywhere , a deluxe model of boy-next-door appeal .
The studio 's decision to keep the Brian O'Conner character front and centre was born out of tragedy . Walker 's death in an unrelated car accident during production in November 2013 prompted Universal brass to halt the shoot immediately .