
huán jìnɡ shì yìnɡ
  • environmental adaptation
  1. 不同生源地学生对大学环境适应差异性研究

    Difference in Environmental Adaptation of Xinjiang University Students from Different Districts

  2. 一个主要的设计关注的是建设的环境适应和拨款。

    One of the main design concerns was the building 's environmental adaptation and appropriation .

  3. 而通用高性能数宇信号处理芯片(DSP),由于软件设计灵活度大、环境适应能力强,得到广泛应用。

    However , general high-performance Digital Signal Processing ( DSP ) is applied widely due to flexible software design and powerful adaptive capability .

  4. 该系统采用锂电池或USB接口供电,具有低成本、低功耗、高精度和环境适应能力强等特点。

    The system uses a lithium battery or USB interface as power supply , with the ability of low-cost , low-power , precision and adaptation to the environ-ment and other characteristics .

  5. 该PLC控制系统已在塞拉利昂等10余个国内外项目应用,焊机的自动化集成化程度高,控制系统对环境适应能力强且焊接质量稳定,焊接规范可调性好,工艺调试方便简洁,获得好评。

    The welder has the ability of high integration and automation . The control system has Environmental adaptability , the welding quality , welding specification adjustability , good debugging process and has been well received .

  6. 嵌入式设备功耗低、性价比高、环境适应能力强,目前中高端嵌入式处理器的处理能力已经达到了低端PC的水平。无线通信技术相对于传统有线方式具有无需布线、灵活性强等优点。

    At present , the processing capability of a high-end embedded processor is comparable to that of a low-level PC. Compared with the traditional cable communication mode , wireless communication technology has more flexibility owing to no wiring .

  7. 真核生物的翻译起始因子5A(eIF5A)是调控生物生长发育、衰老及环境适应等的重要因子。

    Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A ( eIF5A ) is involved in cell proliferation , senescence , development and environmental response .

  8. 该MCXO采用电阻焊全密闭封装,提高了系统抗电磁干扰及环境适应能力。

    The whole MCXO is encapsulated by resistance weld to improve the system performance on anti-electromagnetism interference and adapting the ambient .

  9. 结果:不同剂量的He-Ne激光照射妊娠母鼠,其子代的体重、学习记忆力、耐寒能力和缺氧环境适应能力有所不同。

    Result : After gestation mice are irradiation by He-Ne laser of different dosage , its filial generation in avoirdupois , recall ability of study , ability of bear cold and the adaptability of circumstance in lacking oxygen are different .

  10. 实验表明,与已有方法相比,所提出的方法拥有更高的定位精度以及较强的环境适应能力。其次,本文提出了一种基于直方图特征和检测窗口的RSS无源定位方法。

    Experiments show that , compared to existing methods , the proposed method has higher localization accuracy and stronger environmental adaptive ability . Second , in this paper , we present a histogram feature and detection win-dow based method for RSS-based device-free localization .

  11. 结论SED可引发实验大鼠活动习性改变、警觉水平增高、环境适应能力下降,以及短暂空间学习和记忆能力受损。

    Conclusions The SED rats displayed the significant abnormalities of cognitive behaviors as the substantial changes of behavioral habits , increased anxiety and defense , enhanced startle and delayed habituation to environment , and transitory spatial learning and memory impairment .

  12. 提高雷达侦察设备的电磁环境适应能力

    Improving the Efficiency of Radar Reconnaissance Equipment in the Electromagnetic Environment

  13. 进化是对新环境适应的产物。

    Evolution occurs as a result of adaptation to new environments .

  14. 安哥拉山羊对陕北黄土高原环境适应情况观测研究报告

    On Adaptability of Angora Goat in Loess Plateau of North Shaanxi

  15. 伊拉克战争对提高我军装备环境适应能力的启示

    Iraq War 's Revelation to Enhance the Environmental Adaptability of Our Materiel

  16. 野生小灵猫捕获初期对环境适应能力的观察

    Observation of Little Civet on Surrounding Adaptation Activity During Catch Primary Period

  17. 环境适应的通用多安全政策支持框架研究

    A Study of Generalized Environment-Adaptable Multi-Policies Supporting Framework

  18. 藻类是单细胞的植物,具有繁殖快,环境适应能力强等优势。

    Algae are unicellular plants , have advantage in breeding fast , adaptability many environmental .

  19. 高原鼠兔领域行为时间分配格局及其对风险环境适应的探讨

    Time Allocation of Territorial Activity and Adaptations to Environment of Predation Risk by Plateau Pikas

  20. 以此类木材建造的井干式建筑具有很强的环境适应能力,抗震能力极佳。

    Log dwelling with quality timber has a strong environmental adaptability , the excellent ability of anti-seismic .

  21. 具有开放式控制系统、能进行视觉控制的机器人,具有更好的通用性,环境适应能力更强,是机器人发展的一个趋势。

    The robot which has an open control system and can be controlled visually has better environment adaptability .

  22. 最后,探讨了几种主要1年生植物的种子萌发对策与其对环境适应机制之间的关系。

    The relationships of germination mechanisms and adaptability to uncertain desert environments of some mainly annual species were discussed .

  23. 综述了锂离子电池在比能量、工作特性以及环境适应能力等方面的研究进展。

    The recent studies of specific energy , operating property and adapting to the environment of Li-ion batteries were reviewed .

  24. 壳牌基金会和环境适应组织一起来推广这种炊炉。

    The ( Shell ) Foundation has formed a partnership with environ ( enviroment ) to market the cook stoves .

  25. 本文认为,这些问题行为其主要有学业方面、人际关系方面、环境适应方面等三方面的表现。

    These behavior problems are academic , interpersonal relationship and environment adaptation . Then the part also points countermeasure analysis .

  26. 基于蓝牙技术组网方便、对工业现场环境适应能力强的主要优点,探讨了利用蓝牙无线网络监控垃圾发电产生的有害烟尘的方法。

    By using Bluetooth technology , the method of supervising the deleterious soot generated by the garbage power plant is discussed .

  27. 职业态度与学习适应、未来适应、环境适应、心理适应、人际适应呈正相关。

    Professional attitude and learning adaptation , future adaptation , environmental adaptation , psychological adjustment , interpersonal adjustment were positively correlated .

  28. 本文报道了人工饲养条件下白鱀豚的发声、发声信号的类型和信号参数及其与环境适应的关系。

    The relationship between sound transmission , signal type , signal parameter and environmental adaptation of Lipotes vexillifer in captivity was preliminarily studied .

  29. 结果提示,进入高原后,红细胞2,3-DPG的适当增加是机体对低氧环境适应的生理反应。

    It is suggested that the increase of 2,3-DPG of RBC in human mi-grated to highland is a physiological reaction in adapting hypoxic environment .

  30. 主要研究了航空设备环境适应能力的评估,包括航空设备环境适应能力评估数学模型和评估方法。

    This article mainly discussed the evaluation method of the environmental adaptability of aerospace equipments including the evaluation mathematic models and the evaluation methodology .