
  1. 行业协会——手机中国联盟(MobilePhoneChinaAlliance)秘书长王艳辉表示,尽管华为的数据显示大约一半的销量来自中国,但该数字可能更接近60%。

    Wang Yanhui , head of the China Smartphone Alliance , an industry association , said that while Huawei 's figures showed about half of its sales were in China , the figure was probably closer to 60 per cent .

  2. 位于北京的行业协会“手机中国联盟”(MobilePhoneChinaAlliance)秘书长王艳辉表示,美国较低端智能手机市场“实际上是容易进入的,只要愿意向该市场投入资源就能进入。”

    Wang Yanhui , head of the Beijing-based China Smartphone alliance , an industry advocacy group , said that the cheaper end of the US smartphones market " is practically up for grabs . Anyone who wants to devote resources to this market will get it .

  3. 然而王艳辉表示,移动支付的广泛认可并不意味着在添加了移动支付功能后,手机的销量会得以提高。

    However , this widespread interest does not mean the addition of mobile payment technology will drive up smartphone sales , said Wang .

  4. 王艳辉同时表示,在海外市场,华为也将面对同样的境地,“此外,国外消费者对移动支付的态度并不像中国消费者那样积极。”

    It will be the same for Huawei 's overseas business , Wang noted . " Also , consumers in overseas markets have not shown as much enthusiasm for mobile payment services as Chinese people . "

  5. 总部位于上海的手机中国联盟负责人王艳辉周三对环球时报表示,小米5的产品定位几乎与小米4一样,所以这一新的设备不可能比小米4销售得更好。

    Wang Yanhui , head of the Shanghai-based Mobile China Alliance , told the Global Times on Wednesday that the Mi 5 's product positioning is almost the same as that of the Mi 4 , so the new model is unlikely to fare much better than the Mi 4 in the market .