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  • 网络shuo
  1. 如何看待王朔与金庸的论争

    How to Treat the Controversy between WANG Shuo and JIN Yong

  2. 反讽性叙事是王朔小说的显著特征。

    Ironic narration is the typical feature of Wang Shuo 's novels .

  3. 调侃式语言是王朔小说独具特色的话语调式。

    Ridicule is Wang Shuo 's special feature language type .

  4. 我喜欢,尤其是王朔的书。

    I like it , especially books by Wang shuo .

  5. 司马迁写王朔燕语的真意与匠心

    Truth and Originality of Si Ma Qian Writing " Wang Shuo "

  6. 从接受视角解读王朔话语的多元意义生成

    Interpreting Multidimensional Meanings of Wang Shuo 's Discourse from the Perspective of Reception

  7. 开辟新的文化景观&王朔小说的文化意义

    A New Cultural Landscape : the Cultural Significance of Wang Shuo 's Novels

  8. 重读王朔小说反思文学观念

    Rereading WANG Shuo 's Novel and Reconsidering Literature Idea

  9. 迄今为止,对王朔及其作品缺乏公正客观的评价。

    Wang Shuo and his works lacks fair and objective evaluation so far .

  10. 王朔:喧哗的逍遥与沉重

    Wangshuo : The Leisure and Heaviness of the Clamor

  11. 论王朔小说的后现代文化特征

    Features of Post-Modern Culture of Wang Shuo 's Novels

  12. 王朔是新时期以来最受争议的作家。

    Wang Shuo has been the most controversial writers in recent 30 years .

  13. 曾经一度,王朔点燃了整个当代文坛。

    Once upon a time , Wang Shuo lit up the contemporary literary world .

  14. 反映了缺乏精神家园的王朔无处皈依,企图在言说中拯救自己。

    Reflected Wang Shuo who lacks spiritual home attempting to save himself by speech .

  15. 王朔的反讽话语及其受众意识

    Ironical Discourses and Receptor Consciousness of Wang Shuo

  16. 王朔小说与当代通俗模式

    Wang Shuo 's Novels and Contemporary Popular Model

  17. 权威的消解痛苦的增长&试论王朔创作的后现代主义倾向

    The Deconstruction of Authority and Increasing of Sorrow : Wang Shuo 's Postmodernism Tendency

  18. 制造新闻:王朔话语的传播学意义

    Manufacturing Composing News : the Significance of Media in Wang Shuo ′ s Language

  19. 解构与结构&王朔小说对模式的反叛与皈依

    Deconstruction and Structure & Wang Shuo 's Rebellion against and Return to Novel Mode

  20. 徐静蕾还被传曾与讽刺小说家王朔交往过。

    Ms. Xu was also rumored to have dated the satirical novelist Wang Shuo .

  21. 我更喜欢王朔,这小子很聪明,而且很真诚。

    I prefer wang , this boy is very smart , but very sincere .

  22. 王朔现象及其批评的现实意义

    Wang Shuo Phenomenon and the Realistic Significance

  23. 在对王朔作品形容词重叠式形式描写的基础上,总结出了形容词重叠式在王朔作品中的运用特点。

    Base on the Form description , Summarizes the using characteristics of adjectives overlap form .

  24. 而这大部分都要归功于该片编剧——作家王朔。

    Much of that is thanks to novelist Wang Shuo , who wrote the screenplay .

  25. 在表现风格上,王朔作品具有繁丰、幽默、荒诞的风格。

    The writing style of Wnag Shou is humor , rich and colourful , and weird .

  26. 王朔的独特贡献

    Wang Shuo 's Unique Contribution

  27. 王朔及其作品是中国当代文学史上一个独特的存在。

    Wang Shuo and his works are a ' unique existence ' in Chinese contemporary literature history .

  28. 王朔现象的现代性

    Modernity of Wang Shuo-Type Phenomenon

  29. 反英雄与亚文化&美国战后避世时代作家与王朔比较研究

    Anti-heroes and sub culture : a comparative study of the writers of the beat decade and Wang Shuo

  30. 王朔看似只有骂味的话语实践中其实蕴含了以反权威之名行利用权威之实这一修辞策略。

    Threading Wang 's seemingly curse-like discursive practice is such a rhetorical strategy of exploiting authority in the name of anti-authority .