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  1. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的中国经济学家王庆说,降息应当能缓解对中国出现最糟糕情况的担忧。

    ' This should ease concern about a worst-case scenario happening in China , 'said Wang Qing , China economist for Morgan Stanley .

  2. “最新数据证实,上游价格水平的大幅下降,正在消费者物价层面产生快速的反通胀效应,”摩根士丹利(morganstanley)经济学家王庆(qingwang)表示。

    " The latest data confirm that the free fall in upstream prices is bringing rapid disinflation at the consumer level , " said Qing Wang , economist at Morgan Stanley .

  3. 美国银行(bankofamerica)驻香港的王庆(qingwang)表示,政府部门为控制经济增速在去年下半年采取了宏观经济调控措施,最近对宏观调控的放松,也可以解释外汇储备增长的原因。

    Qing Wang of the Bank of America in Hong Kong said a recent easing of macroeconomic controls used by the authorities in the second half of last year to damp the economy could also explain the rise .

  4. 但是,摩根士丹利策略师王庆(QingWang)警告称:最近几周,尽管股价处于历史高位,但A股市场持续快速上涨,因此市场人士对于股市泡沫破裂引发严重后果的担心已明显加剧。

    However , Qing Wang , strategist at Morgan Stanley , warned : As the A-share market continues to rise rapidly despite historically high valuations , fears of serious consequences from a potential burst of the stock market bubble have intensified greatly in recent weeks .

  5. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)经济学家王庆表示,中国国务院公布的措施,是“政策制定者为刺激经济增长、防止经济硬着陆而采取的系统性举措的开始”。

    Qing Wang , economist at Morgan Stanley , said the measures announced by the State Council were " the beginning of a systematic approach adopted by policy-makers to boost economic growth and prevent an economic hard landing " .

  6. 正如分析师王庆在另一份报告中所写的,近期通胀的不断上升表明,不太热也不太冷的金发姑娘经济局面(Goldilocks)正接近尾声。

    As analyst Qing Wang wrote in a separate report , the recent flaring in inflation suggests the Goldilocks scenario [ not too hot , not too cold ] is close to running its course .

  7. 王庆说,除印度外,没有哪个国家有望很快取代中国成为世界工厂。

    ' There is no candidate to replace China any time soon ( as the world 's factory floor ) except India , 'says Mr.

  8. 2007年,据日媒体报道,王庆前因泄漏军事机密而被军事法庭定罪,并被判死刑。

    Wang was convicted of revealing military secrets to Japan by a court martial in2007 and received a suspended death sentence , according to Japanese media .

  9. 王庆表示:虽然在国际收支中,两者(掉期交易的到期和银行将资金调回国内)均计为资金流入,但我们并不认为它们是真正的外资流入。

    While both [ the unwinding of the swaps and the banks bringing money home ] are recorded as capital inflows in external balance of payments , we do not believe they are capital inflows from genuine foreign sources , said Mr Wang .