
  • 网络tauren;Minotaur
  1. 牛头人已经开始从兽人的杜隆坦(Durotar)王国穿越荒原重建他们的莫高罗(Mulgore)王国。

    The tauren have begun the reconstruction of their nation of Mulgore , across the Barrens from the orc nation of Durotar .

  2. 先古之魂-灵魂行者可以复活非英雄的牛头人。

    Ancestral Spirit - Allows a Spirit Walker to resurrect dead non-Hero Tauren .

  3. 但是一些新的朋友也将出现,如E3上出现的矮人,成为继人类、兽人和牛头人之外的第四种族。

    But , they 'll also be with some new friends , like the Dwarves that we saw for the first time at E3.The Dwarves join the playable Humans , Orcs , and Taurans .

  4. 这座迷宫也通往了Minotaur神话,Minotaur是只残暴的牛头人身怪物,因为吃了孩童而被放逐到这座迷宫。

    The labyrinth also led to the myth of the Minotaur , a fierce half-bull , half-man who ate children and had been banished there .

  5. 而对于牛头人,你可以选择不同的牛角造型。

    Cutely enough , for Taurans , you can pick horn styles .

  6. 牛头人是兽,也是神。

    The Minotaur is a beast and a god .

  7. 牛头人现在可以再变形形态下施放战争践踏而不会变为人形(牛形?)

    The tauren racial trait War Stomp can now be used while shapeshifted .

  8. 由于觉察到他们“沉溺魔法的劣迹”,牛头人不再相信高精灵。

    The high elves they distrust , sensing the'taint of their magic addiction ' .

  9. 你要知道,牛头人是天生的猎手。

    You know , Taurens are born hunters .

  10. 绝对不要和牛头人争执,他们已经没什么可输的了。

    Never get into fights with ugly people , they have nothing to lose .

  11. 下一个场景,展示了皱纹矮人和撒粉末牛头人的交战。

    Our next scene shows our rugged Dwarf take aim and engage the powder-sprinkling Tauren .

  12. 享受这个灿烂的职业道贼吧,只有矮人和牛头人女性可以选择。

    Enjoy playing as the lustrous female only rouge class , dwarf and tauren only .

  13. 为了喂养他们创造的牛头人。

    To feed the monster they created .

  14. 永远不要和牛头人一起吃牛肉。

    Never eat beef with a tauren .

  15. 你是杀不了牛头人的!

    You cannot kill the minotaur .

  16. 这种牛头人身的神雕通常被放在木乃伊体内。

    This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside a mummy .

  17. 但随着赛纳留斯抛弃了牛头人,牛头人在接下来的数千年中遗忘了德鲁伊的信仰。

    Following Cenarius'departure from the tauren , they forgot their druidic practices for thousands of years .

  18. 他只是饿了,不是他的错,他是牛头人。

    He 's just hungry . It 's not his fault . He 's a minotaur .

  19. 在凯恩血蹄的领导下,牛头人保卫他们的城市雷霆崖。

    Under their leader , Cairne Bloodhoof , the Tauren protect their city of Thunder Bluff ;

  20. 牛头人的土地由与湖和自然洞穴接壤的连绵起伏的绿色山坡所组成。

    The tauren lands consist of rolling , grassy hillsides that border lakes and natural cave formations .

  21. 年迈干瘪的牛头人坐在火前,温暖着自己的老骨头。

    The ancient and wizened tauren sat in front of the fire , warming his old bones .

  22. 我试着张开了一只眼睛&一个牛头人的侧像。他是摩丽尔女王的一个探子。

    I risk opening one eye-the silhouette was of a minotaur , a scout of Quenn Mutare .

  23. 我们跟牛头人结盟了?太好了!我们每个星期可以吃两次牛排!

    We are allied with the taurens ? Fantastic ! We will be having steak twice a week !

  24. 但请注意,我们不希望看到太多的女性牛头人。

    But one type of Tauren we don 't expect to see too many of is the females .

  25. 被激怒的牛头人战士会使用他们巨大的图腾柱将敌人砸成肉泥。

    When roused , Tauren are fierce fighters and use their flails and horns alike to smash their enemies .

  26. 牛头人和兽人都不能完全信任加入他们的亡灵&被遗忘者。

    Neither the Tauren nor the Orcs completely trust the Undead group that has joined them , The Forsaken .

  27. 毁灭者阿特留斯,最后一个牛头人法师,或者这个世界上的第一个术士?

    Artorius the Doombringer , the last mage of the tauren , or maybe the first warlock of the world ?

  28. 我所询问的人说牛头人能像其他种族的坐骑跑得一样快,他们能搭乘狮鹫等交通工具。

    The person I asked said that they will be able to run as fast as any other race 's mount .

  29. 那里有着圆锥形的帐篷和图腾柱,类似于魔兽争霸3中的牛头人图腾和灵魂归宿建筑。

    There were tepees and totem poles , which were similar to the tauren totem and spirit lodge structures in Warcraft III.

  30. 唐卡牛人和自然的关系也与牛头人表亲们不一样,这种关系一直充斥着冲突和隐忍。

    The taunka 's relationship with nature , unlike that of their tauren brethren , has been one of constant struggle and grim perseverance .