
  • 网络dental care;dental health;Dental Hygiene
  1. 国家健康研究院的专家说好的牙齿保健始于出生之时。

    Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth .

  2. 当然,人类可以通过牙齿保健来防止磨损,而一些食草动物的门牙却是终身生长的。

    In humans , of course , the wearing out of teeth is circumvented by dental care , and some herbivores have incisor teeth that grow continuously throughout life .

  3. 我在牙医那里拿了一本关于牙齿保健的免费小册子。

    I picked up a free booklet on tooth care at the dentist 's.

  4. 科学家们正继续开发更好的牙齿保健及医疗工具。

    Scientists continue to develop better dental treatments and equipment .

  5. 政府还提供一部分的牙齿保健和眼保健服务。

    Certain dental and eye care services are also provided by the government .

  6. 犬牙齿保健日粮配方及加工工艺的优化研究

    Research on Optimization of the Formula and Processing of Dog Dietary for Teeth Care

  7. 你买了(医疗保险/人寿保险/牙齿保健)吗?

    A : Do you have ( health insurance / life insurance / dental insurance )?

  8. 我还有牙齿保健计划来保护我的牙齿,不像你们。

    I have a dental plan that allows me to keep all my teeth , unlike yourself .

  9. 去年劳工部报告称当中等收入高于6万美元时,该高级牙齿保健师的年薪达到9万美元水平。

    The Labor Department reports that while the median earnings are in the high $ 60k range , the top-end hygienists found themselves in the $ 90k range last year .

  10. 同样是在上个月,一名英国女牙齿保健员在印度北部阿格拉度假时,因为害怕被旅馆工作人员性侵从旅馆阳台跳下去摔断了腿。

    Also last month , a British woman dental hygienist suffered leg injuries when she jumped from a hotel balcony in the northern tourist city of Agra , fearing a sexual assault by hotel employees .

  11. 成分中不含糖分,也就是说无害儿童牙齿的保健,且本产品具可溶性所以不会黏牙。

    No sugar , so this means its good for kids ' teeth , it 's dissolvable and won 't stick to your teeth .