
yá chuáng
  • gum;ivory-inlaid bed
牙床 [yá chuáng]
  • (1) [gum]∶围绕牙颈及覆盖上下颌牙槽的组织;齿龈的通称

  • (2) [ivory-inlaid bed]∶有象牙雕刻装饰的床,也泛指制作精美的床

牙床[yá chuáng]
  1. 嗨,Ben,嗨我是你的姑姑Monica我将一直会有牙床。

    Monica : Hi , Ben . Hi . I 'm your Aunt Monica . Yes I am . I 'm your Aunt Monica . I. .. I will always have gum .

  2. 她的牙床溃疡了,伴随的感染连抗生素都无法控制,开始下行到颈部,她只好从蒙古返回到她根据GPS坐标精确定位的起点,又进入中国。

    Her gum abscessed , and the attendant infection , which couldn 't be controlled with the antibiotics , started moving down her neck , and she had to be evacuated from Mongolia . Marquis returned to the precise G.P.S. coordinates she left and made it to China , where , one day , some children followed her .

  3. 一种由于缺少维生素C引起的疾病,症状为多孔的和爱流血的牙床,皮下出血和极度虚弱。

    A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C , characterized by spongy and bleeding gums , bleeding under the skin , and extreme weakness .

  4. 一颗病牙可使牙床脓肿。

    A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums .

  5. 他的牙床和下巴肿痛。

    He has some sore swellings on his gum or jaw .

  6. 我在书中的字里行间,看见那大大张开的怕人的牙床。

    Between the lines I kept seeing fearsome , wide-open jaws .

  7. 他给他的女婴一块饼干让她用牙床咀嚼。

    He gave his baby daughter a biscuit to gum .

  8. 纳威的上下牙床锁在一起,说不出话来。

    Neville 's jaws were jammed together so he couldn 't speak .

  9. 又是像我奶奶一样用牙床吃甜点

    and then you 're gumming at your dessert like my grandma .

  10. 尼德·兰发出怪声,摆动着上下两颚的牙床,作出意义明显的表示。

    Ned put in , with a meaningful movement of his jaws .

  11. 她笑口大开,露出了没有牙齿的牙床。

    She smiled widely , showing her toothless gums .

  12. 用牙线清洁牙缝:这是一种必不可少的可以减少龋齿和牙床疾病的方式。

    Floss : This is essential to reduce tooth decay and gum disease .

  13. 用牙床嚼用没有牙齿的牙床咀嚼(食物)

    To chew ( food ) with toothless gums .

  14. 当我压牙床的时候,它会流血。

    My gums bleed when I press on them .

  15. 就是老虎牙床上的牙也没有这么牢固。

    The teeth of a tiger are not more firmly fixed in their sockets .

  16. 他有一处牙床发炎了。

    One of his tooth socket was inflamed .

  17. 我的牙床我的牙床里有东西很痛

    My gum -- there 's something in my gums , and it hurts .

  18. 哪里痛我的牙床下巴很痛

    Ok , where 's it hurt ? My gums . My jaw hurts .

  19. 牙周病是一种慢性细菌感染性疾病,会引起牙床萎缩和牙齿脱落。

    Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial condition associated with receding gums and tooth loss .

  20. 他的牙床红肿。

    His gums are red and swollen .

  21. 而且我料想他们不会无缘无故地从牙床中生长出来。

    And I perceive they do not come from the roofs of mouths for nothing .

  22. 属于或与牙龈、牙床有关。

    Of or relating to the gums .

  23. 我的牙床又红又肿。

    My gums are red and swollen .

  24. 我吻你的牙床!

    I kiss your gums !

  25. 一大早醒来突然觉得右边的牙床上很痛。

    Early in the morning woke up suddenly felt pain on the right side of the gums .

  26. 他们因发烧而卧病在床。一颗病牙可使牙床脓肿。

    They are lying down with fever . A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums .

  27. 雅皓乳膏对菌斑相关性牙龈炎的临床疗效评价属于或与牙龈、牙床有关。

    Effect of Eugenol and Borax Containing Cream on Plauqe-Induced Gingivitis ; of or relating to the gums .

  28. 用牙床咀嚼;没有牙非常困难地咀嚼;婴儿或老人。

    Grind with the gums ; chew without teeth and with great difficulty ; of babies and old people .

  29. 拉杰:没用刷毛的部分,不过是用那橡皮垫,剔了剔我的牙,顺便揉了揉牙床。

    Raj : Not the brush part , just the little rubber thing to pick food from my teeth and my

  30. 你的目标是露齿笑,但不像你平常的笑时露出那么多的牙床或牙齿。

    Aim for a grin that doesn 't show as much gum or teeth as you would when you are laughing .