
  • Toner;Lotion
  1. 产品特点和优势:这款完美的爽肤水还含有有机柳皮,天然保湿剂和具有清爽香气的佛手柑精油,能够让肌肤清爽保湿。

    Features and benefits : This perfecting toner combines organic Willow Bark , natural humectants and the refreshing aroma of organic Bergamot essential oil for fresh , hydrated skin .

  2. 对于局部用途(比如面部爽肤水)来说,质量稍次的果醋也行得通,对于房屋清洁和园艺用途,可以使用市场上最便宜的苹果醋。

    For topical uses ( like for facial toner ), you can use a lower-quality vinegar , and the cheapest products on the market are fine for house-cleaning and gardening purposes .

  3. toner:护肤水,爽肤水Girls'nighttimeskincareroutine女孩的夜间护肤流程我真的难以形容,每天的卸妆洁面有多重要。

    I cannot express how important it is for you to take your makeup off and to do your face wash every single day .

  4. 接下来是爽肤水喷雾和抗衰老乳液,还有关键的保湿霜(我用的牌子是JackBlack)。

    Next came a spray toner , an antiaging serum and the pivotal moisturizer ( mine came from the Jack Black brand ) .

  5. 少量涂抹在皮肤上比如每天使用一到两次含水杨酸的爽肤水被认为是安全的。Johnson说道。

    Small amounts applied to the skin such as a salicylic acid-containing toner used once or twice a day are considered safe , says Johnson .

  6. 接下来是爽肤水喷雾和抗衰老乳液,还有关键的保湿霜(我用的牌子是JackBlack)。接着我做了几组开合跳保持活力,然后用附送的魔法棒在每只眼睛的下眼睑涂了点LaMer抗衰老眼霜精华。

    Next came a spray toner , an antiaging serum and the pivotal moisturizer ( mine came from the Jack Black brand ) . Then I did a few jumping jacks to maintain my stamina and applied an age-combatting smidge of La Mer Eye Concentrate under each peeper using the complementary wand .

  7. 包括面膜、分乳霜、霜及爽肤水。

    We have a facial mask , moisturizing lotion , eye-cream and tonic .

  8. 男性要花10分钟来洗脸、擦爽肤水和润肤露比女性多1分钟。

    Men take a minute longer 10 minutes on cleansing , toning and moisturising .

  9. 常用爽肤水,您将更加清爽美丽。

    Using skin freshener regularly , you will Be even more fresh and Beautiful .

  10. 你用爽肤水吗?

    Do you use enriched water ?

  11. 特别提示:我喜欢备点润肤霜和面部爽肤水在工作间。

    Extra tip : I love keeping moisturizer and facial water on my desk at work .

  12. 使用方法:晚上使用爽肤水后,涂抹在面部及颈部。

    Directions : Use at night time after toner and serum , smooth gently over face and neck .

  13. 然后用温水洗净,接下来再涂抹面膜或者使用爽肤水。

    Rinse off with warm water and either follow with a mask or finish off with your toner .

  14. 夏天使用后需尽快涂抹爽肤水、护肤乳液,锁住营养物质。

    In summer , after wash your face , toner or serum are needed to lock the nutrient substances .

  15. 化妆棉来沾这个爽肤水,轻拍你的脸,尤其是在问题集中的区域。

    Take a cotton ball and dip it in toner and swipe it around your face , focusing on problem areas .

  16. 将化妆棉蘸上爽肤水或者纯露,朝着向上和向外的方向擦拭面部和颈部。

    Soak two cotton wool pads with toner or hydrosol , and with upward and outward movements sweep across the face and neck .

  17. 我喜欢用这款芦荟液,和化妆棉一起作为爽肤水来用。因为它对我的肌肤提神又温和。

    I love using this aloe vera with a cotton pad as a toner because it 's so refreshing and gentle on my skin .

  18. 完美的脸部爽肤水,含有有机芦荟,有机茶和有机洋甘菊,能提供最佳的治疗效果和为皮肤的保湿和再生做准备。

    Perfecting facial toner , expertly blended with organic Aloe , White Tea and Chamomile , delivers optimal therapeutic benefits and prepares the skin for moisturization and renewal .

  19. 调查发现,男性平均每天花81分钟的时间来打理个人仪容,包括清洁、擦爽肤水和润肤露、刮胡须、弄发型和选择要穿的衣服。

    On average men spend 81 minutes a day on personal grooming , including cleansing , toning and moisturising , shaving , styling hair and choosing clothes , the study found .

  20. 这种温和的酸被用来治疗皮肤的失调,包括粉刺,你可以在很多护肤品中发现这个成份,比如洁面品和爽肤水。

    This mild acid is used to treat certain skin disorders , including acne , and you can find it in a number of skin products , such as cleansers and toners .

  21. 我爱这款爽肤水,我觉得使用过以后脸部非常清爽干净,我还给好几个朋友都推荐了这款产品,他们现在也开始使用了。

    I love this face toner . I feel so refreshed & clean after I 've used it and have recommended this to several friends , who are also now using this toner .

  22. 将苹果醋和水按照1:2的比例混合成自创爽肤水,洁面后用棉球涂抹于脸上。

    Make your own skin toner with a ratio of 1 part apple cider vinegar to 2 parts water , and use a cotton ball to daub your face with it after cleansing .

  23. 将爽肤水为代表的女性化妆用品作为研究对象,对其中的多头忠诚顾客群的消费习惯和消费体验进行深度解读。

    In order to represent women cosmetics , we set female toner as research object . After that , we select multi-loyal customer group , and then probe into shopping habits and consumer experience in depth .

  24. 涂过爽肤水之后,我会使用晚霜,让皮肤在夜间得到营养并修复。当然如果我不嫌麻烦的话会使用眼霜的。

    After I have wiped my face with the toner , I apply my night cream which will nourish and repair my skin overnight and once again if I can be bothered , I will apply the eye cream .

  25. 使用护肤品时,一般的步骤就是先爽肤水,面霜,再护肤液。我们每涂一层时,最好停顿1-2分钟,让皮肤充分地吸收,用手掌轻轻拍打面部利于加快吸收。

    When we apply the skin products , the order is like toner , cream , lotion , wait 1-2minutes when you apply each layer , giving some time to let them fully absorbed , gently touching your face your palm to accelerate the process .

  26. 于晚上洁肤及爽肤后,均匀地涂于面上,早上用清水或爽肤水清洗即可。

    Apply lavishly to clean face , and leave on overnight , gently rinse or tissue off in the morning .