
yé ye
  • grandpa; grandfather;granddad
爷爷 [yé ye]
  • (1) [grandfather]∶祖父

  • (2) [grandpa ]∶对跟祖父辈分相同或年纪相仿的男人的称呼

  • 张爷爷待我不错

爷爷[yé ye]
  1. 爷爷教我打纸牌的情景我记忆犹新。

    I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards .

  2. 他爷爷在遗嘱中给他留下了一笔钱。

    His grandfather remembered him in his will .

  3. 大多数周末都有人带这些男孩去看望爷爷奶奶。

    The boys were taken to see their grandparents most weekends .

  4. 他幼年时多半时间是跟爷爷奶奶在一起。

    As a small boy he had spent most of his time with his grandparents .

  5. 他小时候夏天都是和爷爷奶奶一起度过的。

    He used to spend childhood summers with his grandparents .

  6. 爷爷资助他们经营酒业。

    Grandfather set them up in a liquor business .

  7. 爷爷当时还没有从战场归来。

    Grandpa was not yet back from the war .

  8. 我和爷爷很亲。

    I had a close relationship with my grandfather .

  9. 爷爷奶奶叹着气说情况变得如何如何糟糕。

    The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse .

  10. 塔米是爷爷奶奶抚养大的。

    Tammy was raised by her grandparents .

  11. 他的爷爷曾是一名教授。

    His grandfather was a professor .

  12. “爷爷,您知道戴安娜是谁吧?”——“我当然知道!”

    ' You know who Diana was , Grandfather . ' — ' So I do ! '

  13. 我爷爷85岁了。

    My grandad is 85 .

  14. 丁斯戴尔爷爷在矿井里工作时被压断了脊骨,结果,下半辈子都与轮椅为伴了。

    Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines . Consequently , he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair

  15. 我爷爷虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。

    Though old , my grandpa looks very strong and healthy .

  16. 孙子小心翼翼地扶着爷爷。

    The grandson gave his grandfather his arm and carefully supported him .

  17. 小莉气喘嘘嘘地告诉我,“爷爷有病了。”

    “ Grandpa 's taken ill ,” Xiao Li told me breathlessly .

  18. 快把这消息告诉你爷爷,叫他老人家也高兴高兴。

    Tell Grandpa the good news so that he can share our joy .

  19. 爷爷疼孙子。

    Grandpa dotes on his grandson .

  20. 爷爷昨晚老了。

    My grandfather died yesterday evening .

  21. 爷爷的小说手稿在战争中佚失了。

    The manuscript of my grandpa 's novel disappeared in the war .

  22. 爷爷辞世,全家人深感哀恸。

    The family was in mourning over the death of their grandfather .

  23. 听了爷爷讲的滑稽故事,我们忍不住大笑。

    We fell about at grandpa 's funny story .

  24. 爷爷去世了,爸爸向亲朋好友发了哀启。

    When grandfather died , father sent the obituary to friends and family .

  25. 爷爷一发威,全家人都害怕。

    When Grandpa shows his authority , we are all afraid of him .

  26. 他是我爷爷的晚辈。

    He 's a generation younger than my granddad .

  27. 爷爷今天身体欠安。

    Grandpa is not feeling very well today .

  28. 我们把爷爷化装成圣诞老人。

    We get grandfather up as father christmas .

  29. 近来爷爷的身子骨儿越来越软。

    Grandfather has been getting feebler lately .

  30. 我爷爷有一只鸟笼。

    My grandfather had a bird cage .