
  • 网络Satyricon;The Love Myth
  1. 用时尚解读穿越千年的爱情神话,讲述爱与责任、战争与牺牲、背叛与诱惑等世界性主题。

    Meanwhile with fashionable languages it tells the love myth going through the Millennium and explores the global topics like love and responsibility , war and death , betrayal and temptation .

  2. 爱情神话与游牧精神的诗意追寻&解读王新军的《八个家》

    The Poetic Seeking for the Love Myth and the Nomadic Spirit & Comments on WANG Xin-jun s " Eight Families ";

  3. 论钱钟书小说的反爱情神话

    On the Anti-love Myth in the Fictions by QIAN Zhong-shu

  4. 第三章探讨爱情神话解构的原因。

    Chapter 3 tries to explore the reasons for this deconstruction of love myth .

  5. 多元文化视野中的东西方爱情神话传说

    On the Oriental and Occidental Love Myths and Love Legends from the Pluralistic Cultural Perspectives

  6. 从历史传奇到爱情神话

    From Historical Legend to Love Fable

  7. 以五四爱情神话为背景谈张爱玲的小说

    Zhang Ail ing 's Fiction against a Background of Sacred Love during the May 4th Movement

  8. 对爱情神话的解构

    Deconstruction of Love Myth

  9. 张爱玲不仅颠覆爱情神话,对人世间其它诸种情感,也持否定态度。

    Zhang Ai-ling not only overthrows the myth of love between opposite sexes , but also negates lover among relatives .

  10. 小说的真正特点在于通过对作为一种“性的宗教”的爱情神话的生动描写,表现了对自由生命的信仰。

    The intrinsic feature of his novel is to represent the faith of free life , through the vivid depiction of love mythos which demonstrate the " sex religion " .

  11. 丁玲女性小说表达了现代女性在精神退场、欲望泛化的都市男性中心社会里对理想爱情神话追求的幻灭。

    The women novels by DING Ling express the theme of the disillusion of the modern women in their pursuit of the ideal myth of love in the man-centered society .

  12. 经典的爱情神话无非是男权文化造出的另一神秘之物,女性往往在其面前失足,跌落于爱情陷阱;

    The classical love story is nothing but a mysterious matter created in the male culture in which woman take a wrong step and land in the love trap frequently .

  13. 人们讲述关于爱情的神话和传说。

    They tell myths and legends about love .

  14. 表演信息:中东舞蹈带来了全新的表演形式,以穿越时间为背景,展现了一种激情和爱情的神话故事。

    About the show : Middle Eastern dance takes on a whole new form in this mythological tale of passion , jealousy & a love that transcends time .

  15. 经典爱情VS浪漫神话

    Classic love VS romantic stories

  16. 他的文学创作汲取了现代、后现代许多艺术方法,但是却仍然给人们制造追求纯真爱情的现代神话,让人们感受到现代社会环境中个人生存遇到的难以逾越和无法解决的爱情难题。

    Though his works absorb many art methods both from modernism and post-modernism , they still create the modern myth of pursuing true love .

  17. 我爸爸说爱情只是一个神话。

    My dad says it 's just a myth .

  18. 同时,将爱情、武侠、神话等题材合于一体,丰富了故事的趣味性和可观性。

    The same time , love , martial arts , mythology and other subjects together in one , rich a story interesting and observability .

  19. 皮影戏中,有历史演义戏、民间传说戏、武侠公案戏、爱情故事戏、神话寓言戏、时装现代戏等等,无所不有。

    There are Shadow shows of historical stories , folk legends , martial arts and legal cases , romance , myths , and fashion modern dramas .

  20. 去魅的时代,生活中人们承受巨大的压力,现实中真正的爱情极度匮乏,80后文学却书写着一个个爱情神话慰藉着人们。

    During the time of " Delete charm ", people are under enormous pressure and the true love is extremely scarce , however , " post-80 " writers wrote lots of love myth to comfort people .

  21. 基于平民化的文学视角和追求真实的创作目标,在爱情题材领域,池莉小说表现出对传统文本所传达的爱情神话的消解;

    Based on such a literary perspective and the goal of pursuing realism , Chi Li 's stories show the deconstruction of traditional romantic mythologies with regard to the theme of love .