
  • 网络Fuel consumption
  1. 基于小型V6发动机上使用的技术,它提供了与汽油发动机相同的动力表现,但大大提高了燃油消耗量的控制。

    Based on the technology used in the smaller V6 , it provides virtually the same performance as petrol engine versions but with vastly improved fuel consumption .

  2. 轻便摩托车降低燃油消耗量的试验研究

    A Study on Cutting Down Fuel Consumption of the Portable Motorcycle

  3. 介绍了我国燃油消耗量测量方法标准以及常见的汽车燃油消耗量测量方法,阐述了碳平衡法的基本原理,在CVS(定容取样法)基础上提出开式排气稀释取样系统;

    The paper introduces the fuel consumption measuring standards and the typical measuring methods for fuel consumption of motor vehicle in China , it describes the basic principle of carbon balance method , and then advances the opening dilution sampling system base on constant volume system ;

  4. 电喷柴油发动机汽车燃油消耗量模拟计算

    Simulating Calculation of Fuel Consumption of Automobile with EFI Diesel Engine

  5. 碳平衡法测量汽油车燃油消耗量的研究

    Study of Carbon Balance Method on Measuring Gasoline Vehicle Fuel Consumption

  6. 履带车辆加速性能和燃油消耗量的仿真模型

    A Simulation Model of Acceleration Performance and Fuel Consumption for Tracked Vehicles

  7. GB/T7187.1-1987运输船舶燃油消耗量海洋船舶计算方法

    Fuel oil consumption for transportation ships & Calculation method for marine ships

  8. 以燃油消耗量作为内燃机车检修周期依据的探讨

    Discussion on determining repair cycle of diesel locomotive based on fuel consumption

  9. 我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内。

    I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car .

  10. 这部车的平均燃油消耗量为每公升可跑10公里。

    The average fuel consumption for this car is 10 kilometers per liter .

  11. 履带车辆在不同行驶工况下燃油消耗量的仿真模型

    A Simulation Model of Fuel Consumption in Various Driving Mode for Tracked Vehicles

  12. GB/T7187.2-1987运输船舶燃油消耗量&长江船舶

    Fuel oil consumption of transportation ships & Changjiang ships

  13. 大型客车燃油消耗量分布模型的拟合优度检验

    The Good-of-fit Test of Distribution Model for the Fuel Consumption of Large Buses

  14. 柴油发动机功率与实际燃油消耗量的相关性

    Fuel cells Research on the Interrelationship Between the Available Consumed Oil and Power of Diesel Engine

  15. 系统还提供有关燃油消耗量、平均速度、外部温度和其他数据的更详细信息。

    The system provides further details on fuel consumption , average speed , external temperature and other data .

  16. 根据沿线行车速度和道路阻抗,可以估算燃油消耗量。

    According to the vehicle velocity and road resistance along the line , the oil consumption could be estimated .

  17. 对柴油机实际燃油消耗量与发动机功率的相关关系进行了试验研究。

    The interrelationship of real consumed oil and power of the diesel engine was analyzed based on the tests .

  18. 船速与燃油消耗量条款是定期租船合同中的一个重要而且容易引起纠纷的条款。

    The clause of the speed and fuel consumption in the time charter party is an important and easy to cause disputes .

  19. 汽车燃油消耗量的大小受汽车保有量、保有车型结构、单车燃油效率、年均行驶里程四个因素的影响。

    The total fuel consumption by cars depends on their total number , internal structure , fuel efficiency and annual average mileage .

  20. 但最主要还是取决于摩托车行驶时所需要的功和发动机对应工况的有效燃油消耗量。

    But the focal point is the work needed when the vehicle runs and the effective fuel-consumption rates corresponding to the engine working mode .

  21. 本文就国内外降低汽车燃油消耗量的途径加以综述及分析,讨论降低汽车燃油消耗量的方法与潜力。

    This car fuel consumption and reduce the avenues to review and analysis , and discuss the method of reduce vehicle fuel consumption with potential .

  22. 该模型输入参数为转速和燃油消耗量,输出参数为功率、燃油消耗率、排气温度和烟度。

    The input parameters of the model are engine speed and fuel consumption , and output parameters are power , BSFC , exhaust temperature and smoke .

  23. 传统的液压动力转向系统不论系统是否工作都需消耗一定的能量,因此会额外增加汽车的燃油消耗量。

    Traditional hydraulic power steering system has to consume energy , whether or not it works . So it will increase the additional consumption of gasoline .

  24. 加装该装置的前后对比,在同样的行驶距离、道路工况前提下,燃油消耗量减少2.94%。

    Fuel consumption of the vehicle with this generator is decreased by 2.94 % compared with the vehicle without the generator at the same running distance and road conditions .

  25. 于是副驾驶,通过飞行时间,高度,以及仪表上的信息进行了燃油消耗量的计算。

    So the co-pilot calculated the decrease of the fuel volume based on the flight time , altitude and the other stuff which the instrument usually shows to us .

  26. 反而使用手册里或技术杂志里介绍的软磨合方法会增加酸性污染物和燃油消耗量。

    Acid contamination and oil consumption are the2 reliability problems which are the result of an " owner 's manual " or " magazine tech article " style easy break-in .

  27. 本文对超燃冲压发动机再生冷却系统进行分析,针对如何提高冷却效率、减少冷却用的燃油消耗量等问题,提出了一套优化设计方案,并通过算例进行了验证。

    In order to improve cooling efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption , an optimized calculation scheme was developed for the imbalance of burning flow rate and coolant flow rate on scramjet engines ' active cooling system .

  28. 发展了一个履带车辆加速性能和燃油消耗量的仿真模型,由涡轮增压柴油机动态模型,传动装置动态模型和车辆行驶阻力模型组成。

    A simulation model of acceleration performance and fuel consumption has been developed for tracked vehicles . The model consists of a dynamic turbocharged diesel engine model , a dynamic transmission model and a vehicle driving resistance model .

  29. 中国目前不会采取减少汽车保有量的措施,降低燃油消耗量的主要路径是提高单车燃油效率,改变车型结构,缩短行驶里程。

    Since China has no plan at present to cut down the total number of cars , increasing fuel efficiency , changing the structure of cars and cut down average mileage turn out to be the best choices for slashing fuel consumption .

  30. 柴油发动机具有动力性强、燃油消耗量低、耐久性好等特点,因此在汽车上得到了广泛的应用,在能源短缺的今天,汽车的柴油化已成为解决资源依赖问题的有效方案。

    Diesel engine has many features , such as high power , low fuel consumption , good durability and so on . Therefore it is wildly used in the car . The diesel technology has become an effective way to solve the problem of resource dependence .