
  • 网络Fuel chemical industry;chemical processing of fossil fuel
  1. 文章评述了C1化工过程生产燃料和化工产品的发展趋势,并对我国发展C1化工的战略提出了建议。

    This paper reviewed the developing trend of producing fuels and chemical products through C_1 chemical processes , and raised some proposals on the strategies of developing C_1 chemistry in China .

  2. 甲醇燃料与化工产品链工业的发展策略

    Industrial Development Strategy of Methanol Fuel with Chemical Product Chain

  3. 大型气化联产热、冷、电、燃料及化工产品

    Big Scale Gasification with Generating Heat , Cool , Power and Chemical Products

  4. 煤制油是以煤炭为原料生产液体燃料和化工原料的煤化工技术的简称。

    The Coal liquefaction is the abbreviation of the coal chemical technology to produce industrial chemicals and liquid fuel with coal for raw material .

  5. 石油作为一种燃料和化工原料,最为简单、经济的输送方式就是采用管道运输。

    As important fuel and chemical material , oil is frequently transported by pipeline , which is the most convenient and economic way for transporting .

  6. 为了满足市场需求,炼油工业开发了一系列生产清洁燃料和化工原料的新技术。

    In order to fulfill the market demands , a series of novel technologies have been developed to produce clean fuels and chemical raw materials .

  7. 目前,以煤炭、石油、天然气为代表的化石能源仍然是燃料及化工产品的主要来源。

    At present , fossil fuels , represented by coal , oil and natural gas , are the main resources of fuel and chemical products .

  8. 随着石油资源的逐渐枯竭,开发新的技术路线来合成燃料及化工原料成为了科学研究者关注的焦点。

    With the escalating oil crisis , how to develop new technology route to synthetize fuels and chemical raw materials has become a focus of scientific research .

  9. 纤维素为自然界存在最多的再生有机资源,能水解成葡萄糖,加工成食品、燃料、化工产品等。

    Cellulose is the most abundant organic renewable resource in nature , can be hydrolyzed to dextrose , an important source of food , fuel and chemicals .

  10. 针对攀钢焦炉煤气大量富余这一问题,提出了富余焦炉煤气在保证企业煤气平衡的前提下,可作为燃料和化工原料进行综合利用,以实现清洁生产的见解。

    On the premise of guaranteeing the company 's gas balance , the redundant gas could be comprehensive used as fuel and chemical material to realize clean production .

  11. 低碳醇是最重要的煤基洁净合成燃料和化工原料产品之一。

    The higher alcohols ( C2 + - alcohols ) have been considered as one kind of the most important species among coal-based clean synthetic fuels and chemical feedstocks .

  12. 热解气和热解油可以作为燃料或化工原料回收使用;热解固体残渣包括固体炭和电子元件等。

    The gaseous product and oil product can be used as fuel or as feedstock to produce chemical products ; the solid residue mainly consists of carbon and electronic components .

  13. 综合报道了第17届世界石油大会上有关天然气方面的一些论述,包括天然气资源、市场、输送和应用,重点介绍了利用天然气生产清洁液体燃料和化工产品的情况。

    This paper summarizes the publications about natural gas on the 17th World Petroleum Congress , including natural gas reserves , marketing , transportation , and utilization , emphasizing production of clean liquid fuels and chemicals .

  14. 煤层中的瓦斯是一种优质的气态燃料和化工原料,其主要成分是甲烷,同时它还是煤矿井下开采的灾害因素及造成大气温室效应的主要有害源。

    Coal seam gas is a high-quality gaseous fuels and chemical raw materials , whose main component is methane , or coal mine mining disaster factors and cause the harmful source of the atmospheric greenhouse effect .

  15. 废塑料和煤的共催化液化是利用废塑料作为供氢体,使用催化剂将煤液化成燃料和化工原料的技术。

    The catalytic co - liquefaction of waste plastics and coal by using catalysts and waste plastics as main hydrogen supply is one of the new co - processing methods to convert coal to fuel and chemical material .

  16. 进入21世纪,世界范围内石油资源的重质化、劣质化程度的加深,对清洁、超清洁车用燃料及化工原料需求的日益增加,正使世界炼油技术经历着重大的调整与变革。

    Entering into the 21st century , world petroleum refining technology is experiencing its great innovation driven by the increasing supply of heavy oils with decreasing quality and the fast increases in the demand for clean and ultra-clean vehicle fuels and petrochemical raw materials .

  17. 甲烷的氧化偶联、部分氧化制合成气、甲烷制氢和芳烃等的研究工作对于由天然气生产液体燃料及化工基本原料的石油化工战略转移具有非常重要的学术和经济意义。

    The oxidation coupling of methane , the partial oxidation of methane to syngas , and the conversion of methane to hydrogen and aromatics are very important academically and economically , for these routes providing ways to produce liquid fuel from natural gas rather than those from petroleum .

  18. 甲醇作为重要的基础有机化工原料,也是清洁代用燃料,在化工、医药、轻工、纺织等行业具有广泛的用途。

    Methyl alcohol is an important Organic chemical material and is also a kind of clean substitute fuel .

  19. 储量丰富的生物质可作为燃料和各种化工产品有效的替代品。

    Biomass can be used as an effective substitute for fuel and many chemical products because of their abundance .

  20. 通过轻质化反应使重质油转化为轻质燃料油及化工原料是渣油利用的有效途径。

    The effective approach to utilize residual oil is to convert the heavy oil into lighter fuel oil and chemical materials .

  21. 这种转化一方面可以解决环境污染问题,另一方面可以生产燃料和基本化工原料。

    The transformation not only can solve the problem of environmental pollution , but also can produce the fuel and basic chemical raw material .

  22. 生物质是唯一可转化成常规的固态、液态和气态燃料以及其它化工原料或产品的可再生碳资源。

    Biomass is an important renewable carbon resource that can be converted into normal fuels as solid , liquid and gas as well as other chemicals or products .

  23. 生物质资源是唯一可再生的碳资源,通过热化学、生物等方法可转化成常规的液态和气态燃料以及其它化工原料或者产品。

    Biomass resources , the only renewable carbon resources , can be turned into conventional liquid , gaseous fuels and other chemical raw material or product by thermo-chemical , biological and other methods .

  24. 喷射器由于结构简单、造价低廉、操作容易和维修方便,被广泛用于制冷、燃料电池、化工和航空航天等多个领域。

    Ejectors are used in a wide variety of engineering applications , including refrigeration , fuel cell system , chemical engineering and aerospace because of their simple structure , cheep cost , easy operation and convenient maintain .

  25. 水煤浆通过高温高压的气流床高效气化,多联产气体和液体燃料以及其它化工产品,是洁净煤技术的国内外研究热点。

    Through the coal water slurry ( CWS ) gasifying efficiently in entrained-flow with high temperature and high pressure , gas , liquid fuels and other chemical products can be produced . It is a hot topic in the field of clean coal technology at home and abroad .

  26. 天然气作为一种清洁燃料和重要的化工原料,其需求量也日益增长。

    Natural gas as a clean fuel and chemical raw materials , its demand is also growing .

  27. 以“煤基液体燃料”和煤化工多联产为目标的新型煤转化技术;

    New coal conversion technologies targeting on " coal basis liquid fuels " and multi-production of coal chemistry ;

  28. 煤焦油是优质的液体燃料和重要的化工原料,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Coal tar , the high quality liquid fuel and important chemical raw material , has been widely studied .

  29. 天然气是一种高效、清洁、价廉的工业、民用燃料及重要的化工原料,其主要成分是甲烷。

    Natural gas , whose main composition is methane , is a high efficiency , clean and low cost fuel of engines .

  30. 固态发酵技术在生产饲料、燃料、食品、化工原料和药制品等微生物产品方面已经显现出巨大的潜能。

    Solid-state fermentation has emerged as a potential technology for the production of microbial products such as feed , fuel , food , industrial chemicals and pharmaceutical products .