
méi tàn gōng yè
  • coal industry
  1. 英国煤炭工业只消两年就将彻底瓦解。

    In two years , the British coal industry will be dead and buried .

  2. 加入WTO对山西煤炭工业的挑战

    Influence of Coal Industry in Shanxi while entering WTO

  3. 论述了加入WTO山西省煤炭工业面临的发展机遇及挑战,同时讲了国际、国内经济形势对山西省煤炭工业发展的深远影响;

    Shanxi coal industry faces great challenge and chance after China joined WTO .

  4. 随着经济全球化和我国即将加入WTO,我国煤炭工业发展要与国际接轨,必须深化改革,进行结构调整。

    With economic globalization and China 's joining the WTO , China 's coal industry must deepen the reform and adjust its structure to adapt to for international development .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,矿业的全球化对煤炭工业提出了挑战,也同时提供了中国煤炭工业发展的机遇。

    The whole world of coal gives a challenge to coal industry after China acceding WTO , at the same time , it provides a developing opportunity . for coal industry .

  6. 基于当前煤炭工业监控网络的现状,提出一种基于人工神经网络RBF(径向基函数神经网络)的光纤网络监控方案,对更好地实现矿用监控网络的智能化管理,具有一定的实用性。

    Based on the current situation of monitor network of the coal industry , an optical fibre network monitor plan based on the artificial neural net RBF ( radial-based function ) is raised , which has certain practicality to well realize the intelligent management of the monitor network for mine .

  7. 燃料电池&煤炭工业的新型发展之路

    Fuel Cells Bring Forward the Promising Future Development for Coal Industry

  8. 中国煤炭工业正在经历深刻的变革。

    The coal industry in china is suffering a deeply change .

  9. 洁净煤技术产业化是山西煤炭工业发展的必然选择

    CCT commercialization : the way Shanxi coal industry development must follow

  10. 我国煤炭工业自适应控制系统的研究

    Study on the Adaptive Control System for the China Coal Industry

  11. 煤炭工业选煤厂设计规范

    Code for the coal preparation plant design of coal mine industry

  12. 煤炭工业环境污染状况及治理对策

    The Present Environmental Pollution of Coal Industry and Its Control Measures

  13. 俄罗斯远东煤炭工业现状

    The current situation of coal industry in the Russian Far East

  14. 黑龙江煤炭工业发展模式研究

    Research on the Pattern of Developing Coal Industry in Heilongjiang Province

  15. 煤炭工业搅拌槽类设备系列主参数模型研究

    Series Parameter Models of Agitation / Flotation Cells in Coal Industry

  16. 煤炭工业环境保护发展思路和重点领域

    Coal industry environmental protection development : basic ideas and key sectors

  17. 论煤炭工业综合机械化和综采高度集中化的科学发展

    The Scientific Development of Full-mechanization and Full-centralization of Full-mechanized Coal Mining

  18. 煤自燃火灾严重威胁着煤炭工业的安全。

    Coal spontaneous combustion seriously threats the safety of coal industry .

  19. 煤炭工业中雇用了很多年轻的农民。

    Many young peasants were recruited into the coal mining industry .

  20. 抓住战略机遇期努力实现煤炭工业新型工业化

    Seize the strategic opportunity to create new model Industrialized Coal industry

  21. 煤炭工业煤矸石制砖综合利用项目建议

    Project advice on comprehensive utilization of coal shale for making brick

  22. 循环经济:构建绿色煤炭工业体系的必然选择

    Circulating Economy : Inevitable Choice of Constructing Green Coal Industry System

  23. 对煤炭工业投资体制改革的回顾及思考

    Review and Reflection on Investment System Reform in Coal Industry

  24. 浅议晋城市煤炭工业的持续发展

    Talk about the sustainable development of Jincheng City coal industry

  25. 论煤炭工业企业抹账抵款的弊端

    Discussions on coal enterprises abuse of transfering funds and debts

  26. 洁净煤技术是煤炭工业可持续发展的重要支柱

    Clean coal technology as main support for continued development of coal industry

  27. 中国煤炭工业:演变及前景(下)

    Coal industry of China : evolution and prospects ( Part two )

  28. 稳定和促进煤炭工业发展的方略

    A strategy to promote the steady development of coal industry

  29. 社会主义政策有利于煤炭工业中的公有制。

    Socialist policy favors public ownership of the coal industry .

  30. 我们应促进煤炭工业的发展,而不是收缩。

    We should promote expansion rather than contraction of the coal industry .