
  • 网络Focused Object Technique
  1. 用毛细管焦点法精确测量微量液体的折射率

    Measuring Refractive Index of Micro-Quantity Liquid by Focus Method

  2. 检测系统利用光焦点法,结合接触式探头与光纤传感器检测反射光强的方法,检测小口径深孔的内径。

    Measure system used the methods of optical focus to measurement the diameter of small deep hole , it combined with the touch probe and detect the reflected intensity from fiber optical sensors .

  3. 护理焦点记录法

    Record of Nursing Focus

  4. 焦点问题法评价准则为矿产资源可持续利用能力、矿产资源开发利用对环境的影响、矿业行业自身的可持续发展。

    Its evaluation criteria are : the sustainable utility of mineral resources ; the impact of the development of mineral resources on environments ;

  5. 文艺复兴发展出的焦点透视法、解剖学和明暗法则,把世界确定为与身体相对立的物质世界。

    Focus perspective , Anatomy and Shading Rules evolved in Renaissance Period defined the world as a material one in the opposition to the body .

  6. 于2001年3月&2002年1月,采用焦点取样法对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区麝场圈养马麝的刻板行为进行了研究。

    From March 2001 to January 2002 , the stereotyped behavior of Moschus sifanicus was studied in a deer farm of Xinglong Mountain Nature Reserve .

  7. 这一章主要通过对等距离散点透视法在山东画像石构图中的运用进行研究,并与个别存在的焦点透视法比较研究。

    This chapter mainly through isometric discrete point perspective in the application of Shandong stone composition with individual existence , and the focus of comparative study of perspective .

  8. 然后对利用直接焦点照明法采集得到图像进行自动分析提取眼前节的各种生理、病理参数;

    Secondly , the anterior segment image , which was acquired by the method of direct focal illumination , was analyzed automatically to give some physiological and pathological parameters .

  9. 根据焦点问题法,建立青海省盐湖资源可持续发展的评价指标体系,并对各指标进行说明。

    The evaluation index system of sustainable development of Qinghai Salt Lakes resources has been established by applying the methed of focus problem , each index system has been showed .

  10. 本文关注的焦点就在于法的实质合理性,以期使这一重要问题能够得到更加深入的挖掘和更好的理解。

    This thesis focuses on the substantive rationality of law for better understanding and further discussion .

  11. 2007–2008年春、秋季,在高黎贡山赧亢采用焦点动物取样法观察和记录数据。

    The gibbons were observed and data were recorded by focal animal sampling method at Nankang of Mt. Gaoligong in spring and autumn from 2007 to 2008 .

  12. 其中包括三部分内容:一是通过焦点小组访谈法,对于上海图书馆收集到的231幅服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告进行筛选,得到服饰奢侈品大学生消费者喜欢的广告45幅。

    This section has three parts . The first is through method of focus group interview , selecting 45 advertisements which clothing luxury university student consumers most prefer from 231 advertisements collected from Shanghai Library .

  13. 采用瞬时扫描取样法、焦点动物取样法和全事件取样法,在哈尔滨动物园对4只笼养东北虎的行为及活动规律进行了研究。

    From April to May 1998 , activity rhythm of captive Amur tiger in spring was studied by way of instantaneous and scan sampling , focal animal sampling and all-occurrence recording methods in Harbin Zoo .

  14. 野外于2007年–2008年春、秋季以焦点动物取样法观察同一家群(1♀1♂)白眉长臂猿,记录日取食量相关数据。

    The family group of Hoolock gibbons ( 1 ♀ 1 ♂) was observed and the data of their daily feeding amount were recorded by the focal animal sampling method in spring and autumn from 2007 to 2008 .

  15. 焦点组访谈法:采用焦点组访谈的方法,本文对青海省医疗机构卫生资源配置以及区域卫生规划开展中遇到的问题进行探讨,以期找出问题的原因及解决问题的对策。

    We have used focus group interviews to find the problems on the allocation of medical health resources , as well as regional health planning encountered in the conduct explored , with a view to identifying the causes and solutions to the problems . 6 .

  16. 定性调查中通过采用现场观察法、个人深入访谈法、焦点小组访谈法收集各场所的特征、场所内的商业性性服务的组织形式及交易的特点、目标人群防治需求等情况。

    All site observation method , personal thorough interview , the focus group interviews have been carried out in qualitative survey to collect the characteristic of their place , the organizational form and transaction characteristics of commercial sexual services , and the need of the target population .

  17. 外国投资者关注的焦点是劳动合同法(草案),该草案可能使劳动者的权利和用人单位的义务出现重大变化。

    For foreign investors , the focus of attention is the draft employment contract law , which is likely to lead to major changes in employee rights and employer obligations .

  18. 民商法是基础,我国特殊国情和当前社会矛盾焦点决定了经济法是分配法制系统的重心。

    During the distributive law system , civil law is the foundation , while economic law is the center on account of China 's special situation and current social contradiction focus .

  19. 但国内的研究焦点集中海上保险法中的保证制度,对非由海商法规制的普通保险合同的保证制度研究却不是很多。

    But the focus of domestic research marine insurance law in the warranty system for non-maritime laws and regulations by the system of general insurance contracts to ensure the system is not a lot of research .

  20. 注册资本的构成一直是理论界与实务界关注的焦点,而公司法所列举的几种出资形式是否包容所有出资形式也不断受到理论界和实务界的置疑。

    The formation of registered capital is always the focus of attention of both the theoretical circles and the pragmatic ones and whether the investment forms listed in the corporate law include all the investment forms is constantly doubted by them as well .

  21. 你可以把一个目标设作焦点,也可以设个宏直接对焦点施法而不用切换当前目标。

    YOU can set a target as a " focus " target , and use a macro to cast a spell on that target without switching your current target .