
  • 网络Alkyl glycoside;ApG;alkyl polyglycoside
  1. 二步法合成烷基糖苷表面活性剂产品的应用性能研究

    Study on the application performance of surfactant APG synthesized by two-step process

  2. 烷基糖苷发展现状及新进展

    Developing status and new headway of APG

  3. 用量子化学的方法研究烷基糖苷反应的机理,计算表明:4号位的C具有较高的正电性,而反应历程的计算表明该反应是个活化能比较高的反应。

    It is tried to explain the mechanism with quantum chemistry with the results that C4 has high positive electricity and the reaction has high activation energy .

  4. 合成的烷基糖苷(APG)产品可应用于农药乳化,餐具洗涤剂等。

    The APG can be used for tableware detergent and shampoo etc.

  5. 烷基糖苷(APG)及在纺织助剂中的应用

    Alkyl glucosides ( APG ) and their uses in textile auxiliaries

  6. 结论:烷基糖苷(APG)适用于洗发用品的配制。

    Conclusion : Surface active material ( APG ) is well applied in shampoo .

  7. 采用反相高效液相色谱进行烷基糖苷各组分的分析测定,计算所得聚合度与通过~1HNMR分析所得结果相近。

    Components of product are analyzed by reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography . The degree of polymerization by HPLC analysis is calculated which is closed to the results by 1H NMR analysis .

  8. 用振荡淋洗实验分别就皂角苷和烷基糖苷的浓度、溶液pH值、离子强度等对土壤中重金属去除效果的影响进行考察,并对表面活性剂处理前后土壤中重金属的形态进行测定分析。

    The effects of concentration , pH values and ionic strength of surfactant solution on the desorptions of metals from soils by surfactant washing were investigated . The speciations of heavy metals in the soils were identified before and after surfactants treatment .

  9. 烷基糖苷(简称APG)是一种新型的非离子表面活性剂,它不仅表面张力低,泡沫稳定而丰富细腻,去污优良,而且配伍性能极佳。

    Alkyl Polyglycoside ( APG ) is a new non-ionic surfactant . APG is surface tension low , foam stability abound fine and smooth , decontamination choiceness , best compatibility performance .

  10. 通过此法所合成的十八烷基糖苷具有优异的表面活性和生物降解性,其性能优于十二烷基苯磺酸钠和TX-10。

    The Octadecyl Polymerization Glucoside made in this way has good surfactivity and biodegradation , and the performances are superior to those of SDBS and TX-10 .

  11. 复合固体超强酸催化剂SO4~(2-)/ZrO2-TiO2一步法合成烷基糖苷研究

    One Stage Synthetic Method of Alkyl Polyglucosides on Complex Solid Superacid Catalyst SO-4 ~ ( 2 - ) / ZrO_2-TiO_2

  12. 碳十二烷基糖苷由十二醇与葡萄糖在2.76~10.7kPa压力下,在酸性催化剂作用下于80~160℃进行制备。

    Dodecyl glucoside was prepared by reacting dodecanol with glucose under pressure of 2 76  ̄ 10 7 kPa and at the temperature of 80  ̄ 160 ℃ through an acid catalyst .

  13. 淀粉烷基糖苷与纳米银分散液的抑菌研究

    Research of the Alkyl Poly Glycoside and Nano-silver Dispersion in Bacteriostasis

  14. 沙枣糖合成烷基糖苷工艺的研究

    Study of synthesis processing of alkyl polyglycosides from oleaster sugar

  15. 烷基糖苷合成反应终点的鉴定方法

    Identification of the end reaction point of synthesizing alkyl polyglycoside

  16. 用场解吸质谱法分析烷基糖苷时出现的分子-离子簇现象场解吸质谱法对富勒烯的定量分析研究

    Study of Molecular-ion Clusters of Alkyl Glucoside in Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry

  17. 微胶囊固定酶催化合成烷基糖苷的工艺优化

    Optimization of alkyl-polyglycoside synthesis catalyzed by immobilized enzyme in microcapsules

  18. 烷基糖苷的物化性质及在硅丙乳液聚合中的应用

    Alkyl Polyglycoside 's Physical and Chemical Properties and Application in Silicone-acrylic Emulsion

  19. 红薯淀粉生产十二烷基糖苷的中试研究

    Pilot-scale research on the production of dodecyl polyglycosides from sweet potato starch

  20. 直接法合成十二烷基糖苷反应机理和动力学

    Mechanism and Kinetics of Reaction for Preparing Dodecyl Glycoside

  21. 烷基糖苷季铵盐表面活性剂的性能研究

    Studies on Properties of Alkyl Glucoside Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants

  22. 烷基糖苷中残醇的分析

    The Quantitative Determination of Residual Alcohol in Alkyl Glycosides

  23. 烷基糖苷酯应用于口腔用品

    The Application of Alkyl Polyglycoside Ester in oral Products

  24. 新型非离子表面活性剂烷基糖苷的合成技术烷基多糖苷季铵盐改性粘土治理赤潮研究

    Extinguishment of Harmful Algae by Organo-Clay Modified by Alkyl Glucoside Quaternary Ammonium Compound

  25. 烷基糖苷的合成与工业应用

    Synthesis and industrial application of alkyl poly - glycoside

  26. 生物基表面活性剂&烷基糖苷的发展现状

    Development of Bio - surfactant - Alkyl - polyglucoside

  27. 固定酶催化合成十二烷基糖苷工艺试验与优化模型

    Technics of APG synthesis catalyzed by immobilized glucosidase in microcapsule and optimized model

  28. 合成烷基糖苷中脱醇方法的研究

    The Study on Removal Method of Higher Alcohol

  29. 固定化β-葡萄糖苷酶及其在烷基糖苷合成中的应用

    The Immobilization of β - glucosidase and Its Application on the Synthesis of Alkyl-glucoside

  30. 介绍了一种烷基糖苷的合成方法。

    A new process for synthesis of alkyl polyglycoside ( APG ) is presented .