
rè zǔ
  • thermal resistance;heat resistance
热阻[rè zǔ]
  1. 结温与热阻制约大功率LED发展

    Junction Temperature and Thermal Resistance Restrict the Developing of High-power LED

  2. 功率型LED热阻测量的新方法

    A New Method Measuring Thermal Resistance of Power LED

  3. 半导体功率型LED应用热阻的研究LED应用于照明的计算和仿真

    Study on Thermal resistance of Semiconductor High Power Light-Emitting Diode for Applications

  4. 单通道大功率LED热阻测试仪的研制

    Development of Single-Channel High-Power LED Thermal Resistance Testing System

  5. 竖直U形地埋管换热器传热热阻计算方法比较

    Comparison of Vertical U-Tube Ground Heat Exchanger Thermal Resistance Calculation Methods

  6. Al与Al之间低温界面热阻的分子动力学仿真

    The Molecular Dynamic Emulation of Low - temperature Interface Thermal Resistance between Al and Al

  7. 用ANSYS软件包模拟半导体器件散热器稳态热阻

    Simulation on Stable-state Thermal Resistance of Sinks for Power Semiconductor Devices using the ANSYS software

  8. VLSI老化模型参数热阻的研究

    Study of thermal resistance of burn-in model of VLSI

  9. 热阻是热量管理的关键参数,正确的热量管理方法是通过选择合适的封装材料和封装结构,使LED器件的封装热阻最小。

    The correct thermal management makes the package thermal resistance of the LED the smallest by choosing the suitable packaging materials and packaging structure .

  10. 计算机凝固过程数值模拟,得到试验的系统热阻为2.6cm2·K·s/J。

    The heat resistance of computer solidification process numerical value simulation is 2.6 cm 2 · K · s / J in the die system .

  11. 目前大功率LED应用于通用照明上还存在着一些问题有待解决,比如新型的封装材料,过高的封装热阻和合适的测试方法等。

    Otherwise some key issues should be solved before high power LEDs widely application in general illumination market , such as new package materials , package heat management and suitable measurement method .

  12. 测量Gunn器件热阻的新方法

    A New Method of Measuring Gunn Device Thermal Resistance

  13. 结果表明,边界热阻在SOI器件尤其是薄二氧化硅背栅的双栅器件热阻的计算中不可忽略。

    The results show that the boundary resistance cannot be neglected in the calculation of thermal resistance for SOI devices .

  14. 我们利用Cadence电路仿真软件和ANSYS有限元分析软件得到电路的电学参数和器件的等效热阻,进而得到电路中各器件的温升。

    Electronic parameters and equivalent thermal resistances of devices can be obtained by Cadence circuit simulation software and finite element analysis software-ANSYS .

  15. 在pH值为7~9和流速为05~10m/s时进行了换热面上碳酸钙结垢的实验研究,结果表明,pH值越大,渐进污垢热阻越大,结垢诱导期越短。

    Experiments have been carried out for the pH 7 ~ 9 and fluid velocity 0.5 ~ 1.0m/s . The asymptotic fouling resistance increases and the induction time reduces with the pH value .

  16. 固晶材料是最重要的LED器件封装材料之一,其热物理性能参数和几何尺寸对封装的总热阻具有较大的影响。

    Die-attach material is the most important one of all the LED packaging materials , its thermal physical properties and geometric dimensions have a great effect on the total thermal resistance of the package .

  17. 以隔热层最小热阻为基准,选择动态投资回收期法,分析围护结构隔热层建设投资费用与运行费用等综合最经济状态下的经济热阻Re。

    By use of dynamic payback period method , analysis economical thermal resistance , R_e , in most economic status for cost of construction and operation of exterior-protected construction 's thermal insulating layer .

  18. 由于开关损坏的主要原因是过热损坏,对PIN二极管进行热阻和功耗测试以准确估计器件的内部温升是非常必要的。

    Over hot is the main reason of PIN switches ' failure , therefore thermo-resistance and device dissipation power measurement to estimate the inner temperature accurately is necessary dramatically .

  19. 清化宣肺汤治疗痰热郁肺型慢性支气管炎疗效观察清肺化痰汤合红霉素对COPD痰热阻肺证大鼠模型的疗效及机理探讨

    A Study on the Curative Effects and Mechanism of Qingfei Huatan Decoction Combined with Erythromycin in Rat Model of COPD with Syndrome of Retention of Phlegm-Heat in the Lung

  20. 介绍了小容量无刷直流电动机(BLDCM)热阻和热导参数的含义和测量方法。

    The paper introduced the concepts and their corresponding measuring methods of thermo-resistance and thermo-conductivity of small BLDCM .

  21. 虽然近来LED流明效率在不断提高,仍有约70%的电功率转换为热能,结温和热阻已成为制约LED发展和应用的瓶颈。

    For LEDs , even with the increasing luminous efficiency , there is still more than 70 % of electrical power converted into heat , junction temperature and thermal resistance have become the main bottleneck for its further application .

  22. 详细研究了LED封装、DMD组件等热流路径,为简化模型引入热阻法和集总参数法两种等效建模方法。

    Detail the heat flow path of the LED package and DMD components . Get two equivalent modeling methods to simplify the thermal model , named thermal resistance method and lumped parameter .

  23. 烧结芯氧化铝纤维含量对蒸发段换热系数he、冷凝段换热系数hc和烧结热管总热阻R有很大的影响。

    Evaporation heat transfer coefficient he and condensation heat transfer coefficient hc as well as heat pipe thermal resistance R were all greatly influenced by the concentration of the alumina fiber in sintered capillary wicks .

  24. 形变Cu-Cr原位复合材料中纤维相的热稳定性GB/T10295-1988绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定热流计法

    Thermal stability of Cr filaments in Cu-Cr in-situ composites Thermal insulation Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties Heat flow meter apparatus

  25. 研究表明:吸附床结构参数、传热热阻以及循环时间对SWP的影响比较大且存在最佳值使系统SWP最大。

    Results show that the structure parameter , heat resistance and cycle time play an important role on the SWP .

  26. 分别采用截锥体、圆弧形和三角形模型来模拟实际物体的接触面,利用DELAUNAY三角形非结构化网格离散温度场,并使用有限元法数值计算接触热阻。

    Using truncated cone , circular and triangular models to simulate the contact surface , the thermal contact resistance is calculated based on unstructured Delaunay triangulation gird solution and finite element method .

  27. 针对其中的非线性热阻提出了迭代的方式来进行求解,根据结果分析了结构,工艺,材料对SR电机温升的影响。

    An iteration method is proposed to dispose the nonlinear heat resister and source . The effect of structure , craft and material is analyzed and given to guide the electric machine design by the compute result .

  28. 表征座舱热舒适性PMV指标值随座舱进气温度、人体新陈代谢率和服装热阻的增加而上升,其中PMV值与进气温度近似呈线性关系。

    PMV index increases with increasing inlet air temperature , metabolism rate and thermal resistance of cloths , and PMV shows a linear relationship with temperature .

  29. 利用ESPI技术测出芯片工作时的热变形离面位移场和温度场,结合热阻的定义,可算出热阻值。

    Thermal deformation off-surface displacement and temperature field when chips working are measured by ESPI technique , and then thermal resistance can be calculated through combining its definition .

  30. 结果表明所制备的新型柔性多层隔热结构有效地提高了隔热材料的总热阻,具有较好的隔热效果,250℃时导热系数为0.257W/(m·K)。

    Results show that the new-typed flexible multilayer insulation structure made in this thesis have improved the total heat resistance effectively and have good insulation performance , the effective thermal conductivity of this new-typed flexible multilayer insulation is 0.257W / ( m · K ) at 250 ℃ .