
yān zhì pǐn
  • tobacco products
  1. 为减少吸烟人数,印度今后将在香烟和其它烟制品外包装上印制健康警示图标,包括被侵蚀的肺的图片。

    India has begun printing pictorial health warnings on cigarette and other tobacco products , including photos of diseased lungs , as part of efforts to cut smoking .

  2. 烟草特有亚硝胺(TSNA,Tobacco-specificnitrosamines)是一组只存在于烟叶、烟制品和烟气中的致癌物质。

    Tobacco-specific nitrosamines ( TSNA ) is a group of potential carcinogens which have been found in tobacco , tobacco products , and cigarette smoke only .

  3. 我不能理解烟制品的魅力。

    I have never understood the appeal of smoking any kind of cigarette .

  4. 赶时髦去吸电子烟制品是需要付出很大代价的。

    Quite a price to pay for attempting to be trendy by smoking electronic cigarettes .

  5. 2.中国的烟草和烟制品的生产和消费占世界第一。

    China ranks first in the world for its production and consumption of tobacco and tobacco products .

  6. 尽管中国在禁烟和控烟方面做了大量的工作,但中国控烟形势依然严峻。2.中国的烟草和烟制品的生产和消费占世界第一。

    Considerable work as China has done in its campaign to control smoking and use of tobacco , the situation of smoking control still remains grim .

  7. 以往都是依据人工主观判断进行烟叶分类,这样的分级标准易受主观因素影响,分级结果不规范,影响最终烟制品的质量。

    Tobacco classification are based on artificial subjective judgment in the past , this grading standards are vulnerable to subjective factors , the classification results are not standardized , and affecting the quality of the tobacco products .

  8. 烟叶作为烟草生产中的重要原料,其质量等级将直接影响烟制品的优劣等级,所以在实际生产中需要对烟叶进行优劣等级的判断与分类。

    Tobacco leaf as an important raw material in the tobacco production , its quality level will directly affect the quality level of the tobacco products , so we need to judge and classify the quality grade of tobacco .

  9. 就像在西方一样,中国的烟草主管部门——既是监管者,又是居主导地位的国有香烟及烟制品生产商——被这种既不属于食品、也不属于药品,甚至未必算是烟草制品的产品打了个措手不及。

    As in the West , China 's tobacco authority - which acts as both regulator and dominant , state-controlled producer of cigarettes and tobacco products - has been caught off guard by a product that is neither a food nor a drug and perhaps not necessarily even a tobacco product .