
zhuó shāng
  • burn;scorching;sear;ambustion;cauma
灼伤[zhuó shāng]
  1. 湖水的腐蚀性非常强,以至于他能灼伤无法适应的动物的皮肤和眼睛。

    The water is so corrosive that it can burn the skin and eyes of unadapted animals .

  2. 急诊护理中心或急诊室&内科、外科、创伤或灼伤病人可以由ECC或急诊室收住ICU。

    Medical , surgical , trauma , or burn patients can be admitted to the ICU from the ECC or emergency room .

  3. 若在海滩上不小心会被太阳灼伤的。

    You 'll fry on the beach if you 're not careful .

  4. 他忍受不住衣服磨蹭他那被太阳灼伤的皮肤。

    He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin .

  5. 他的一只脚脚底被灼伤了。

    He had burned the sole of his foot .

  6. 阳光中的紫外线是皮肤晒黑和灼伤的根源。

    The sun 's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning .

  7. 她由于辐射灼伤而受着痛苦。

    She is suffering from radiation burns .

  8. 褪绿部分由淡黄色演变为黄褐色以至褐色,最终变干呈“灼伤状。”

    The chlorosis develops from light yellow to tan , becoming brown and finally drying to a " scorch . "

  9. 这是因为碱液在制造过程中会导致化学灼伤,甚至会使人失明。

    That 's because lye brought chemical burns or even made people blind in the making process .

  10. 可导致严重灼伤。与酸接触会释放有毒气体。

    May cause severe burns . Contact with acids liberates toxic gas .

  11. 翻过身去,不然你的后背要被阳光灼伤的。

    Turn over or your back will get sunburnt .

  12. 研究发现,志愿者目前的视力与其暴露在阳光下(尤其是导致灼伤的中波紫外线辐射)的时长有很强的相关性。

    Strong correlations were found between current eyesight and volunteers ’ lifetime exposure to sunlight , above all UVB radiation ( which is responsible for burning ) .

  13. 方法用CO2激光造成日本大耳白兔角膜灼伤斑。

    Methods The corneas of white rabbits were exposed to CO 2 laser .

  14. 接受过多的X射线会灼伤皮肤、致癌,也会对身体造成其他伤害。

    Too much exposure to X-rays can cause skin burns , cancer or other damage to the body .

  15. 许多医生以及美国食品和药物管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)警告说,这可能使热蜡滴入娇嫩的耳组织,导致灼伤,甚至点燃头发。

    Many physicians and the Food and Drug Administration warn that it can drop hot wax into delicate ear tissues , cause burns or even set hair on fire .

  16. 许多医生——以及美国食品和药物管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)——警告说,这可能使热蜡滴入娇嫩的耳组织,导致灼伤,甚至点燃头发。

    Many physicians -- and the Food and Drug Administration -- warn that it can drop hot wax into delicate ear tissues , cause burns or even set hair on fire .

  17. 连续挤压包覆CATV同轴电缆芯线防灼伤系统研究

    Study on the device of protecting the CATV coaxial cable core from being burnt in continuous extrusion cladding

  18. 结论:膀胱壁的不同损伤模型(切割伤、电灼伤、冷冻伤)对BCG的结合力无明显区别。

    Conclusion : BCG attachment is not influenced by different types of injury on the bladder wall .

  19. 目的分析非Fourier效应对激光与人体皮肤组织相互作用的影响,在此基础上研究皮肤病激光灼伤疗法中的光致热损伤。

    Objective To analyze the non Fourier effect in layered human skin irradiated by laser beam , and to study the laser induced thermal damage of the human skin .

  20. BBQ、太阳暴晒可不是你灼伤的唯一因素。

    However , grilling and sunburns are not the only ways people end up burned .

  21. 300MW汽轮发电机定子端盖灼伤原因及改进

    The Scalding Analysis and its Improvement Methods in Stator End Cap of 300 MW Turbogenerator

  22. 让自己暴露在合适日光下有好处,可是过多暴露在紫外线(UV)下会让你产生灼伤、皱纹、皮肤癌等令人不愉快的东西。

    While exposing yourself to the right amount of sunlight can be beneficial , overexposure to ultraviolet ( UV ) rays can lead you nasty things like sunburn , wrinkles , skin cancer and some other problems .

  23. 多数皮肤病专家都建议不要在没涂防晒霜的情况下出门,他们说,仅仅防护导致皮肤灼伤的中波紫外线(UVB)还不够。

    Most dermatologists advise never to step outside without sunscreen and they say it 's not enough just to guard against UVB rays , the kind that cause burns .

  24. 此干预方式使用1.0V电压刺激即可灼伤血管内膜。

    With the stimulation of just 1.0V voltage , the vascular intima could be burned by this kind of intervention .

  25. 目的应用图像分析法观察白细胞介素1受体拮抗剂(Interleukin1receptorantagonist,IL1ra)对激光角膜灼伤的治疗作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist ( IL 1ra ) on laser induced cornea burns by applying image analysis .

  26. 罗素特恩布尔(russellturnbull)是八名接受干细胞治疗的病人之一,他在调停一起公共汽车上的打斗事件时,右眼被氨灼伤。

    Russell Turnbull , whose right eye was burned in an ammonia attack after he intervened in the fight on a bus , is one of eight patients who have undergone the stem cell treatment .

  27. 针对Y电厂2台300MW汽轮发电机定子内端盖严重灼伤的故障,采用定子端部三维电磁场数值分析计算及真机实测,准确地分析出灼伤原因是发电机定子端部漏磁场产生的涡流所致。

    The serious scalding fault at stator internal end cap of two 300 MW turbogenerators was found by using three dimensions electromagnetic numerical analysis calculation and real objet measuring at stator end region .

  28. 激光输出功率为10W、30W时,单脉冲激光击穿气管导管的氧气燃爆点为68%、50%氧浓度;实验兔气道燃爆后以局部灼伤和肺淤血为主;

    When the laser output was 10w and 30w , the single pulse laser penetrates the trachea drive pipe and the oxygen concentration to burn the detonation point was 68 % and 50 % .

  29. 使用防晒霜使用SPF30的防晒霜避免紫外线灼伤。小贴士:使用大胆裸色带有金属亮片的唇膏能让你在炎炎夏日看起来性感迷人。

    Use sunscreenUse a sunscreen with SPF 30 to avoid sunburn , which is definitely not cool.Tip : Wear bold shades of lipsticks with metallic gloss to achieve a sexy summer look .

  30. 方法:本实验共分六组,包括380VAC组、220VAC组、220VDC组、火焰烧伤组、金属灼伤组及正常对照组。

    Methods : The Experiment was divided into six groups , including : 380V AC , 220V AC , 220V DC , flame burned , hot metal burned and the control .