
  • 网络Laodelphax striatellus;laodelphax striatellus fallen;Laodelphax striatellus Fallén
  1. 用HRP-3B9在硝酸纤维素膜上采用直接和间接斑点免疫结合试验(DIBA)对灰飞虱体内RSV进行了检测。

    Enzyme-linked antibody HRP-3B9 was selected to detect RSV in Laodelphax striatellus Fallen with direct dot immunobinding assay ( DIBA ) and indirect DIBA , and the detection results showed that the .

  2. 研究还显示,三个不同CO2浓度条件下灰飞虱取食1h后,水稻中都检测到了病毒,说明灰飞虱的传毒能力是很强的。

    The study also showed there was all virus in rice after fed 1h by small brown planthopper , indicating the ability to transmit virus is very strong .

  3. 灰飞虱(Laodelphaxstriatellus)四种组织原代培养及其cDNARAPD分析

    Primary Culture of Four Tissues from Small Brown Leaf Hopper ( Laodelphax striatellus ) and Their cDNA RAPD Analysis

  4. 活跃传毒介体灰飞虱(Laodelphaxstriatellus)品系的杂交与选育

    Screening of Active Vector Planthoppers ( Laodelphax striatellus ) by Selection and Cross Breeding

  5. 对来自RSV感染消减文库的一个免疫相关基因Mucin基因进行Northern杂交分析,结果显示只能在RSV感染的灰飞虱中检测到它的转录物,而用细菌感染的灰飞虱中检测不到。

    Northern Blot was performed to determine the expression pattern of mucin gene that was obtained from RSV-infected subtracted library . The result showed that the transcript of mucin could only be detected in RSV-infected planthopper .

  6. 因此,人工接种时每株小苗应接种10头灰飞虱,确保在接种的灰飞虱中至少有一头携带有RBSDV。

    So a maize seedling should be inoculated with 10 planthoppers , in which there must be at least one viruliferous planthopper .

  7. 通过对灰飞虱体内Wolbachia感染率的测定,监测Wolbachia在灰飞虱群体中的扩散趋势从而为媒介昆虫-共生菌技术(Vector-Insect-SymbiontTech-nology,VIST)这一防治手段提供研究基础。

    By detecting the infection rate , we can monitor the diffusion of Wolbachia in the population of planthoppers and provide the research basis for Vector - Insect - Symbiont Technology ( VIST ) .

  8. 近年灰飞虱的大发生是种群内外多种因素共同作用的结果。

    The interaction of these factors led to the population outbreak .

  9. 灰飞虱以3龄、4龄若虫越冬,平均过冷却点分别为-7。

    The nymphs of3and4 stadia can hibernate , their average supercooling temperature are-7 .

  10. 灰飞虱是宁夏粮食作物上的一大害虫。

    The small brown rice planthopper is an injurious insect on food crop of Ningxia .

  11. 灰飞虱免疫相关基因及微管蛋白基因的克隆和分子鉴定

    Cloning and Characterization of the Immune-Related Genes and Tubulin Genes from the Small Brown Planthopper

  12. 将经过饲毒培养的灰飞虱随机分成3组,每组由若干样本组成。

    After the rearing of virus acquisition , some planthoppers were randomly separated into three groups .

  13. 研究结果为田间灰飞虱的准确抽样调查和有效防治提供了科学依据。

    These results provide a scientific basis for accurate sampling and effective management of this pest .

  14. 第一组中每样本含有灰飞虱1头,第二组和第三组中每样本分别含灰飞虱5头或10头。

    Each sample from group 1 , 2 and 3 respectively contained one , five or 10 planthoppers .

  15. 灰飞虱对水稻秧苗的为害机制及其对水稻后期生长的影响

    Damage Mechanism of Small Brown Planthopper to the Rice Seedling and Its Effect on Growth of Rice Later Stages

  16. 结果表明,在设定的时间里,灰飞虱获毒个体数与飞虱本身的取食时间成正比。

    The results showed that the number of virus small brown planthopper acquired was in proportion to the time fed .

  17. 根据水稻受害级别,明确了不同水稻品种对灰飞虱的抗性水平。

    Basis on the damage grades , different rice varieties were clarified into different resistant levels to the small brown planthopper .

  18. 对第一组12个样本检测,有3个样本为阳性,得出灰飞虱带毒率为25%。

    Three of the 12 samples of group 1 were positive , which showed that 25 % of planthoppers were viruliferous .

  19. 关于灰飞虱与条纹叶枯病大暴发的原因,众说纷纭。

    There are divergent views on the reason about the large outbreak of the small brown planthopper and stripe virus disease .

  20. 试验表明,烯啶虫胺单用防治灰飞虱一代成虫、三代若虫效果较好;

    The efficacy of nitenpyram was good when it was used to control the1st generations of adult and3rd generations of nymph .

  21. 烯啶虫胺在干旱无水的麦田使用,药效不能完全发挥,对灰飞虱的杀伤力不强。

    The efficacy of nitenpyram was not good when it was used in droughty wheat fields because nitenpyram could not act completely .

  22. 研究表明利用黄板诱集是进行灰飞虱种群监测和防治的有效手段。

    All the results showed that the yellow sticky card is the most effective one for monitoring and controlling the planthopper . 2 .

  23. 研究表明灰飞虱的适宜寄主植物依次为稗草、粳稻品种和小麦。

    The results suggest that E.crusgalli is the most suitable host plant of SBPH , followed by japonica rice varieties and then wheat .

  24. 近年来,由于全球变暖的影响和我国耕作制度等因素的改变,灰飞虱爆发频繁。

    In recent years , due to the effects of global warming , fanning system and other factor changes , the large-scale outbreak often occurred .

  25. 检测每样本含有5头灰飞虱的第二组样本,得出灰飞虱带毒率为13.3%。由10头灰飞虱组成的样本均表现出阳性结果。

    The results from the samples consisting of five planthoppers indicated that viruliferous rate was 13.3 % . All three samples with 10 planthoppers were positive .

  26. 研究了灰飞虱中沃尔巴克氏体所诱导的胞质不相容性及其在不同地域灰飞虱中的分布。

    The cytoplasmic incompatibility ( CI ) induced by Wolbachia in Laodelphax striatellus and the distribution of Wolbachia in this insect from different regions were studied .

  27. 灰飞虱是条纹叶枯病的传毒媒介,控制一、二代灰飞虱是防治该病的关键。

    Small brown planthoppers were a vector of rice stripe disease and controlling the first and second-generation small brown planthoppers was a key of controlling rice stripe disease .

  28. 对灰飞虱的生态学特性以及可持续控制途径进行了总结分析,阐述了灰飞虱发生的生态学原因,探索利用生态调控的方法来有效持久地控制灰飞虱的暴发。

    In this paper , ecological characteristics and sustainable control measures were analyzed and ecological reasons of outbreak were elaborated in order to control the pest by ecological measures .

  29. 前茬作物、播种方式、耕作制度和气候条件等都通过影响玉米的播期或灰飞虱的发生数量来间接影响当地或当年病害发生的轻重。

    The others such as previous crops , sowing way for maize , cropping system and the climate were indirect factors , which affected the sowing date or amount of planthopper .

  30. 灰飞虱不仅传播条纹叶枯病毒,引起水稻条纹叶枯病的流行,而且灰飞虱的直接为害对水稻生产也造成了严重的威胁。

    It can do great harm to rice not only as vector in spread of rice stripe virus ( RSV ), but also by sucking directly which caused serious threaten to the rice production .