
  • 网络Dengta
  1. 佛罗里达州灯塔市的婚姻顾问卡罗林·诺斯(CarolynKelleyNorth)说,人们会慢慢积怨,然后会突然爆发。

    ' People build up resentment , and then they snap , 'says Carolyn KelleyNorth , a marriage counselor in Lighthouse Point , Fla.

  2. 项目简介厂址选择在灯塔市王家镇,新建涤纶纤维生产线,购置设备,新盖厂房及附属配套设施。

    The project will build a polyester staple fiber producing line , purchase new equipments and build workshops and necessary accessories .

  3. 灯塔灌区是辽阳市粮食和优质农产品的主要生产基地,灯塔灌区的存在和发展带动了区域内农村经济的发展。

    The lighthouse irrigation area is the liaoyang city food and quality products , the main production base of existence and development of beacon irrigation area impetus to the development of rural economy .