
hàn hǎi
  • Hanhai;Gobi Desert;big desert;Baikal Lake
瀚海 [hàn hǎi]
  • (1) [Baikal Lake]∶同翰海

  • 瀚,瀚海,北海。--《广韵》

  • 瀚海阑干百丈冰。--唐. 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》

  • (2) [Gobi Desert]∶蒙古大沙漠的古称

  • 孤城当瀚海,落日照祁连。--陶翰《出萧关怀古》

瀚海[hàn hǎi]
  1. 我穿越了时间的瀚海只为寻找你

    I have crossing the oceans of time , to find you

  2. 我穿越时间的瀚海,只为了找到你。

    I cross the ocean of time , to find you .

  3. 茫茫沙漠中瀚海之一粟。

    A grain of desert sand .

  4. 瀚海银滩组团为一线海景城邦,海南清水湾为全球显贵名流打造的一线海景豪宅。

    Vast Sea and Silver Beach is a frontline sea view city-castle , which was built for the global dignitaries and celebrities .

  5. 在新浪微博上,一位名叫“瀚海黄沙”的用户写道,“这间公司前不久宣布,除中国人以外,全世界人民都可以买票上太空玩。”

    A commenter using the name Hanhaihuangsha wrote on the microblog site Sina Weibo : " The company allows anyone who pays to board its spaceship , except for Chinese . "

  6. 新疆自然景观神奇独特,冰峰与火洲共存,瀚海与绿洲为邻,自然风貌粗犷,景观组合独特。

    The natural scenic spot in Xinjiang is miraculous and unique , the coexistence of ice peak and fire land , the neighboring of desert and oasis , the natural scene is rough , the landscape combination is unique .

  7. 锡林郭勒盟位于内蒙古自治区中部偏东,地处蒙古高原上,高原地表坦荡平整,起伏和缓,古剥蚀夷平面显著,风沙广布,古有瀚海之称。

    Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in central east of the alliance is located in the Mongolian Plateau , the plateau surface forthright integrity , gentle ups and downs , ancient planation surface erosion significant sand widespread , the ancient " desert ", said .

  8. 宋夏时期,卫宁平原土地沙漠化进一步扩大了,其西部的中卫已出现了沙山,而东部也在七百里瀚海的边缘。

    During the Song and Xia dynasties , the earth desertification of the Weining plain has further expanded , the sandhill appeared in the western side of Zhongwei county within the Weining plain , and eastern boundary of the plain had also reached the edge of the desert areas .