
  • 网络incentive-compatibility constraint;incentive compatibility constraint;incentive compatibility constrains;Incentive Compatibility
  1. 有两个约束,一个是激励相容约束(IC),即在最优契约下,管理者可以通过披露真实的能力类型最大化其效用,另一个是个人理性约束(IR)。

    There are two constraints , one is the incentive-compatibility constraint ( IC ), i.e. , the manager may maximize his utility by revealing truthfully his ability type in the optimal contract . The other is the individual-rationality constraint ( IR ) .

  2. 在此基础上,笔者提出了解决地方政府参与约束与激励相容约束问题的制度方法。

    The author provides institutional measures for local governments to participation constraint and incentive-compatibility constraint .

  3. 试论内部市场化管理模式的激励相容约束机制

    On Design of Internal Market Management Model under Limited of Incentive

  4. 论激励相容约束下的转移定价机制设计

    On Design of Transitional Price System Under Limitation of Incentive

  5. “摊丁入亩”、“定额征收”的原则强化了农户的参与约束以及激励相容约束。

    Only collection tax from land will change the participation constrains and the incentive compatibility constrains .

  6. 该机制考虑了激励相容约束和参与约束,因此是一个可行和可实施的机制。

    This mechanism includes participation constraint and incentive compatibility constraint , so it is mechanism which is feasible and enforceable .

  7. 在任何满足代理人参与约束及激励相容约束、委托人的预期效用最大化的激励机制契约中,代理人都必须承受部分风险。

    Contract with participation constraint and incentive compatibility constraint could make principal achieve his objective , agent should share the risk .

  8. 利用显示原理,将研究包含激励相容约束与个人理性约束的博弈模型,以支持实现定价双方的信息共享。

    According to manifestation principle , pricing model and incentive compatibility constraint and individual rationality constraint were constructed to realize information share .

  9. 非对称信息条件下,管理者在确定成本降低额分享率时必须考虑激励相容约束。

    The management should consider the incentive policy compatible to the restraint when determining the sharing rate of cost under asymmetric information condition .

  10. 信号传递、激励相容约束和其他制度安排在改变信息机制、强化风险控制方面具有重要作用。

    Signaling , incentive compatibility contraint and other organized arrangement are of great importance to reforming information mechanism and strengthening the risk controlling .

  11. 委托人将代理人按照相对业绩排名给予不同的报酬,在激励相容约束和参与约束条件下,代理人实现自身效用函数的同时也实现委托人的绩效目标。

    With the incentive of compatible constraint and participate constraint conditions , the principal give different remunerations , according to the relatively performance rankings .

  12. 并且根据信息经济学中的激励相容约束和参与约束思路,构建一个激励约束机制的简单模型。

    Also in the paper an elementary model of incentive and restraining mechanism is conceived based on the information economics thinking of incentive compatibility constraint and participation constraint .

  13. 企业内部市场化管理模式实施的核心是有效的激励相容约束机制,本文剖析了影响激励相容约束机制有效性的主要因素,并在此基础上提出了激励相容约束机制设计应该实现的均衡。

    The key of internal market management model is to establish the limited of incentive mechanism . The paper analyzed the main influential factor and advanced its balance .

  14. 同时将解雇威胁定量化,把解雇概率植入到参与约束和激励相容约束条件中求得存在解雇威胁时的经营者分成合约分享系数的隐性方程。

    At the same time this paper figures out recessive function of sharing coefficient in sharing contract through transplanting termination probability in agent-principal participation constrains and incentive compatibility conditions .

  15. 中小企业和中小银行之间的关系贷款安排易于满足合约双方的参与约束和激励相容约束,不失为中小企业融资的一条可行途径。

    We comment that SMEs and banks develop relationship lending which is prone to satisfy the participation and incentive constrains , and that relationship lending should be a feasible way of SMEs ' financing .

  16. 首先,我们具体描述委托人所能达到的资源配置集,激励相容约束约束与参与约束共同定义了激励可行的配置集。

    First , we describe in detail the resource allocation set that can be accomplished by the principal . The incentive compatibility constraint and participation constraint together define the allocation set of feasible incentives .

  17. 委托一代理理论则表明在我国资本市场发展初期,委托人在没有解决参与约束和激励相容约束这两个约束条件之前,失信有其必然性;

    Principal-agent theory indicates lacking honest and credit is inevitably during developing initial stage of the capital market of our country , before company 's principal don 't solve joining constraint and incentive compatibility constraint .

  18. 强化集体观念的意识形态和与之配套的硬性约束措施调动了相关参与者的积极性,体现了激励相容约束,因而较好地解决了集体经济中容易产生的搭便车问题。

    The ideology enhancing the collective spirit and rigid supporting measures stimulate the enthusiasm of those people concerned , embody the incentive compatibility constraint and solve the frequent " free ride " caused in collective economy comparatively effectively accordingly .

  19. 为了甄别产品质量信息,以产品试用期T为决策变量,从买者的角度出发,设计了一个满足参与约束与激励相容约束的交易契约。

    The model designs a trade contract which meets participation constraint and incentive compatibility constraint to screen the product quality from the buyer point of view , taking time ( T ) for product probation as the decision-making variable .

  20. 然而,即便中央政府改变其偏好,如果不能满足地方政府的激励相容约束,扭转财政支出结构偏向仍非易事。

    However , it is not easy to correct this type of deviation until the local governments ' interests can meet their incentive compatibility constraints , even if the central government turns its preference to the citizens ' welfare .

  21. 在委托&代理理论的分析框架下,公司经理层在参与约束和激励相容约束条件下,使公司价值最大化的最优契约安排中要包含长期激励安排,从而引入了股权激励。

    As the principal-agent model indicated , with participant constraints and incentive compatibility constraints , the best remuneration contract to managers should include long-term incentives to maximum the shareholder value , and thus , the stock-based incentives are introduced into the compensation package .

  22. 其次,在激励相容的约束下,通过建立委托人的最优规划,构建完全信息下的最优契约和逆向选择情形下的次优契约。

    Second , an optimal plan under complete information and a suboptimal contract under adverse selection are constructed by establishing an optimal plan for the principal under incentive compatibility constraint .

  23. 因此,在实际应用中,政府可通过计算而求出具有激励相容和参与约束作用的特许期。

    Therefore , in practice , the government may be able to calculate out the concession period with the incentive constraint and participation constraint .

  24. 我们提供了一个电价设计算法,该算法能使社会期望福利最大化,并满足激励相容和个体理性约束。

    We develop a pricing algorithm , which maximizes the expectations of average social welfare , and meets incentive compatibility and individual rationality constraints as well .

  25. 在此基础上,对资本约束与激励相容的关系进行了分析,得出激励相容和资本约束要以监管绩效为基础协调发挥作用、不可分割的结论。

    On this basis , the thesis gets a conclusion that the compatible-incentive and capital budget should affect coordinately on the basis of supervision valuation , by analysing the relationship between capital budget and compatible-incentive .