
  • 网络Incentive distortion;distortion of incentives
  1. 在实际应用中,根据项目风险特征改进EVA模型,可以有效地避免业绩评价指标产生的激励扭曲问题。

    In practice the EVA model can be adjusted according to the risk nature of investment in order to eliminate incentive distortion problems .

  2. ERG理论在纠正企业销售人员激励扭曲中的应用

    ERG Theory in the Application in Enterprise Sales Force to Correct " Incentive-distorting "

  3. 销售人员的激励扭曲与反馈激励分析

    An Analysis of Distortion and Feedback of Incentives for Sale Force

  4. 我国上市公司经营者激励扭曲的内在机理

    The Internal Mechanism of Operators ' Incentive Distortion in Chinese Listed Firms

  5. 对大学改革激励扭曲效应的深层思考&基于大学知识产品经济学特性的分析

    Consideration on the contorted effects of inspiriting in university reform

  6. 那么,到底是谁在从这种激励扭曲中获益呢?

    So who exactly is it extracting value from these incentive distortions ?

  7. 激励扭曲与经营者行为短期化

    Incentive distortion and short-sighted behavior of managers

  8. 官员经济绩效考核造成公共服务供给存在严重的激励扭曲和不均等等问题。

    Official economic performance evaluation leads to serious incentive distortions and inequality in public service supplying .

  9. 但这种制度会引起商业银行的激励扭曲和道德风险,对金融体系的良性运转构成威胁。

    But this institution will lead commercial bank to incentive distortion and moral hazard , and compose a threat to the financial system .

  10. 激励扭曲与努力的无效分配&基于银行客户经理制模拟利润考核的有效性分析

    Incentive Distortion and Inefficient Allocation of Effort : Based on the Availability Analysis of the Simulation Profit as Incentive Measure for Client Manager in Commercial Bank

  11. 长期看,会造成激励扭曲,企业热衷于短期经营,满足政府的优惠条件,进入新兴产业和高端项目的激励不足。

    In a long run , it leads to incentive distortion . The companies are keen to satisfying governments ' subsidies conditions and short-term operation and inactive to enter emerging industries and high-bottom projections .

  12. 通过建立地方政府与企业间的逆向选择模型,讨论了在信息不完全情形下政府的决策及其对企业投资行为产生的激励扭曲。

    Through establishing the Adverse selection model of local governments and enterprises , this paper discusses the incentive distortions , which are generated by government policy and its impact on corporate investment behavior in the case of incomplete information .

  13. 大学知识产品的非标准化描述程度、难以计量性、外部溢出性以及投入资源的相互依赖性等经济学特性,是大学改革中数量化倾向导致激励扭曲效应产生的根本原因。

    Knowledge product features in economics of a university , such as the degree of non-standardization , difficulty-measuring , externality and inter-dependence of factor input , are the ultimate reasons which bring contorted effects of inspiriting in university reform .

  14. 声誉激励机制扭曲下国企经理人的行为选择

    The Choice of Managerial Behavior in State-owned Enterprises Under the Distorted Credit Incentive Mechanism

  15. 认为矿难形成的公共管理方面的原因是:传统公共管理方式在采矿业管理上存在不足、政府官员考核和激励机制扭曲、责任机制不健全。

    The reasons on public management that caused mine calamity are as following : weak mine management through traditional public management method , the distortion of merit and encouragement system for officials , and the chaos of responsibility mechanism .

  16. 我国商业银行现行的内部收入分配制度至少还存在以下缺陷:激励目标扭曲、激励对象缺位、收入差距不够合理、收入分配结构体系失当等缺陷。

    Defects are observed in the institution of the commercial bank 's internal income distribution in China , such as distortion of incentive aim , absence of incentive targets , unreasonable gap of income , improper inner income distribution 's structure .

  17. 这是因为,投资经理们受到的激励是极度扭曲的。

    This is because the investment managers ' incentives are badly skewed .

  18. 文章首先通过运用多任务委托代理模型分析商业银行模拟利润考核制度的激励效应和扭曲效应,以及可能导致客户经理努力的无效分配;

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the incentive effect and distortion effect of simulation profit check system in commercial bank .

  19. 政府的隐性担保在节约了财政补贴的情况下保障了转型条件下国有经济部门的顺畅融资,但隐性担保合约的不完备性也必然导致激励结构的扭曲。

    Implicit guarantee mechanism guaranteed state-owned sectors convenient financing with decreasing fiscal subsidies , but the incompleteness of implicit guarantee contract also caused distortion of incentive structure .

  20. 从正式制度角度来看,产权制度不健全,激励主义的扭曲,机会机制的畸形发展,约束机构的软化,执行机制的低效,是腐败形成的重要原因。

    Incentive mechanism defects , abnormal development of the opportunism , softening of constraint institution , inefficient enforcement were the main causes of corruption from formal institutional view .

  21. 前两章试图说明,因为忽视了这一命题,委托代理理论设计的个人绩效报酬激励反而会扭曲人们的行为,为组织带来非意愿的破坏性后果。

    In the first two chapters , we explain that , without reference to the proposition mentioned above , the individual merit pay designed by principal-agent theory will distort employees ' behavior and bring to organizations unwillingly destructive results .

  22. 利用光学相位延迟法,观察到平行排列丝状液晶在超短脉冲激光(10ns)激励下的瞬态扭曲形变。

    The optical phase retardation method was employed to observe the transient twist reorientation effect of a plane aligned nematic liquid crystal induced by ultra short laser pulses .

  23. 平行排列丝状液晶在超短脉冲激光激励下发生瞬态扭曲形变的最佳偏振角

    The initial angle solution for the ultra-short laser pulse induced transient twist reorientation in a plane-aligned nematic liquid crystal

  24. 随着金融危机的日渐展开,金融体系激励措施受到严重扭曲(包括过去和现在)的迹象就越明显。

    The more the crisis unfolds , the more evident it is that incentives in the financial system were ( and are ) badly distorted .

  25. 该激励机制有效的解决了激励扭曲问题,对旅行社签订激励性契约,防范道德风险,提高绩效有一定的借鉴意义。

    It avoids the incentive distortion problem and provides some reference for travel agency on signing contract .

  26. 股权激励契约效率受到经理人不可控因素的影响,从而出现激励扭曲现象。

    The efficiency of option incentive contract is affected by system risk which is uncontrolled by manager so as to lead to the distortion of incentive .

  27. 本文分析了激励方式对基金经理投资行为及基金绩效的影响,力图发现导致激励作用扭曲的关键因素,在此基础上提出完善的方案。

    The paper examines the influence of incentive metholds on portfolio managers and fund performance , with an eager to find out the key factors in the contortion of the incentive metholds and suggest a new reform based upon it .