
  • 网络coastal highway
  1. 辽宁省滨海公路抛石路基压实及检测方法研究

    Research on Compaction of Dumped Rock Subgrade of Coastal Highway and Detecting Method for It in Liaoning Province

  2. 按照挂牌文件要求,滨海公路东侧土地的使用性质为商贸、旅游用地。

    In accordance with the listing documentation requirements , the coastal highway east of the nature of land use as a commercial and tourism sites .

  3. 由于天气恶劣,滨海公路暂时封闭。

    The coast road is closed due to bad weather .

  4. 冲击压实技术在葫芦岛滨海公路建设中的应用研究

    Application Study of Impact Compaction Technology on Huludao Binhai Road Construction

  5. 青岛滨海公路吹填地基的固结特性分析

    Analysis of Consolidation Characteristic of Dredger Fill Foundation in Qingdao Littoral Expressway

  6. 滨海公路软土路基变形机理及其沉降预测研究

    Deformation Mechanism and Settlement Forecast of Soft Clay Embankment in Coastal Region

  7. 青岛滨海公路大跨度隧道施工中新技术应用

    The application of new technology in Qingdao coastal road 's large-span tunnel construction

  8. 滨海公路:装扮魅力新胶南

    Binhai avenue : decorating the charming new Jiaonan

  9. 青岛滨海公路强夯置换地基处理设计与施工

    Design and construction of foundation treatment by heavy tamping replacement method in Qingdao littoral highway

  10. 滨海公路地基的盐分运动规律与处置技术研究

    Study on the Transport Rule of Salt of Inshore Saline Soil and How to Manage the Roadbed

  11. 最后,提出以灾害评价体系为基础的滨海公路防灾规划。

    At last the new road planning methods for coastal expressway are created on the disaster evaluation system .

  12. 结合该工程实践,介绍了滨海公路桥梁防腐设计要点。

    Combined the engineering practice , the key points on anti-corrosion design for Binhai highway bridge are introduced .

  13. 辽宁省滨海公路是一条逶迤于黄海、渤海两个海域的滨海大道。

    The coastal road of Liao Ning is an ocean avenue that runs across the coastal areas of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea .

  14. 结合滨海公路的工程实践,阐述了“以人为本”的理念在丹东市滨海公路养护管理工作中的应用。

    Combined with the engineering practice of Binhai Highway , the application of " people oriented " theory in the maintenance management of Dandong Binhai Highway is introduced .

  15. 在下午2时55分,美国&R106的要求蒙罗维亚消防处岸边建筑物附近的滨海公路路口和西亨廷顿驱动器在蒙罗维亚市。

    At2:55 p.m. , US & R106 was requested by Monrovia Fire Department to shore a building near the intersection of Highway Esplanade and West Huntington Drive in the City of Monrovia .

  16. 针对青岛滨海公路施工现场特殊的工程地质条件,分别采用真空预压、堆载预压、真空联合堆载预压、强夯片石墩等软基加固法加固软土地基。

    Considering the special engineering geology condition of soft soil foundation in Qingdao seashore expressway , vacuum preloading 、 surcharge preloading 、 vacuum combined surcharge preloading and dynamic compacted stone pier are adopted to strengthening soft soil foundation .

  17. 本文以辽宁滨海公路辽河特大桥为工程依托,开展了季节性冰冻地区大跨度斜拉桥的钢桥面铺装性能和合理结构体系的研究。

    In this paper , Ying kou Liaohe Bridge Coastal Highway , relying for the project , carried out a large span cable-stayed bridge seasonal frozen regions of the steel bridge deck pavement performance and reasonable structure and system research .

  18. 快速固化高分子路面修复材料的研制及抗压性能研究滨海盐渍土作公路路基填料试验研究

    Research on The Macromolecule Material to be Used to Repair Highway Quickly and Its Capability of Compressive Strength

  19. 分析了辽宁省滨海区域的发展趋势、经济发展优势及经济布局特点,阐述滨海公路的建设背景及意义。

    The paper analyses the developing trend of coastal region , the superiority of economic development and the features of economic layout , and elaborates background and significance of coastal highway construction .

  20. 论述了滨海桥梁进行防腐耐久性设计的重要性和必要性,介绍我省滨海公路中的桥梁在防腐耐久性设计方面所采取的措施。

    The paper discusses importance and necessity for design of durability against anticorrosion for bridge on Binhai Highway , introduces measures taken in present design .

  21. 滨海盐渍土是一种特殊的土,具有溶陷、盐胀、腐蚀等不良的工程特性,滨海盐渍土地区公路底基层填料是制约交通建设快速发展的重大岩土工程问题之一。

    Inshore saline soil is a special soil which has some bad engineering properties , such as collapse , dilatability and erosion and so on . Subbase filling of highway has been one of important geotechnical engineering problems , which restricts the development of highway in inshore saline area .