
yuán zhū
  • ortet
  1. 对EDS病毒鸡源株(NE4)和鸭源株(JE1)在繁殖动态、毒价、免疫原性、核酸酶切图谱、多肽组成等5个方面进行比较研究。

    Some biological properties of NE 4 strain from chicken and JE 1 strain from duck were studied and compared in five aspects-propagational rule , titre , immunogenicity , restriction pattern and polypeptide analysis .

  2. 不同土壤养分水平显著影响基株、源株、二级分株和三级分株的高度。

    The results were as following : The effects of different soil nutrient levels to height of genet , ortet , second ramet and third ramet are significant .

  3. 9株猪源分离株类M蛋白信号肽、C末端细胞锚定区的序列均高度同源;

    All the 9 isolates shared the common membrane anchor region and N-terminal signal peptide .

  4. 已萌发的种胚在诱导培养基中培养6d,愈伤组织的诱导率达100%,使用红豆杉茎源细胞株看护培养诱导出的愈伤组织使愈伤组织的继代成活率提高一倍。

    The subculture survival rate increases one fold , when calli are nursed under stem derived yew cell lines .

  5. 红豆杉茎源细胞株生长15d的条件培养液也能使愈伤组织继代成活率提高60%。

    The conditioning medium of yew stem derived cell line cultures extracted after growing for 15 days can improve callus subculture survival rate by 60 % .

  6. 将禽流感病毒番鸭分离株ZM的感染性鸡胚尿囊液静脉或肌肉接种不同禽类,同时设鸡源JC株对照,以了解毒株的致病特点。

    The pathogenicity of an avian influenza virus ( AIV ) isolated from muscovy duck named ZM strain was investigated in different gallinaceous species with a chicken-origin AIV named JC strain as the control .

  7. 红豆杉胚源细胞株的培养和紫杉醇的生产

    Initiation and Growth of Taxus Chinensis Embryo-derived Cell Line and Production of Taxol

  8. 运用锚引物扩增新城疫病毒鹅源分离株基因组末端序列

    Amplification of the genomic terminus of Newcastle disease virus of goose origin by anchor primers

  9. 江苏省新城疫病毒分子流行病学研究及鸽源分离株基因组序列的分析

    Molecular Epidemiology of Newcastle Disease Virus in Jiangsu Province and Whole Genome Sequences Analysis of Pigeon-origin Strains

  10. 禽Ⅰ型副粘病毒各种禽源分离株毒力及其相关基因的研究

    A Study of the Virulence and the Associated Genes of Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1 Isolates Originated from Different Avian Species

  11. 禽Ⅰ型副黏病毒各种禽源分离株对4种禽类的致病性

    Studies on pathogenicity of avian paramyxovirus type ⅰ isolates of different poultry species origin to chicken , quail , goose and pigeon

  12. 禽副粘病毒Ⅰ型鹅源分离株、鸡源分离株的生物学特性研究

    Biological Characteristics of Avian Paramyxovirus Isolates YG_ ( 97 ) and Y_ ( 98 ) Biological Characterization of Newcastle Disease Virus of Goose Origin

  13. 目的:检测人源性细胞株DNA及人和黑猩猩外周血单核细胞(PBMC)DNA中是否存在与GBV-C基因组同源的核苷酸序列。

    AIM : To determine whether the nucleotide sequences homologous to GBV-C genome exist in the DNA from cell lines of human origin and from peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) of human and chimpanzee .

  14. 对鸽源冠状病毒PSH株纤突蛋白基因进行了RT-PCR扩增、克隆和测序。

    Spike glycoprotein gene of PSH strain of coronavirus of pigeon origin was amplified by RT-PCR , cloned , sequenced and compared with the published spike genes sequences of coronaviruses from GenBank .

  15. 对鹅源腺病毒株Y81G4基因组两侧末端序列测定和比较,鉴定出其ITR区。

    The nucleotide sequence of inverted terminal repeats ( ITR ) region was identified by sequence and comparison of two genomic terminal regions of Aviadenovirus Y 81 G 4 strain isolated from goose .

  16. 长春地区猪源链球菌分离株的病原特性研究

    Identification of The Isolates of Swine Streptococcus in Changchun

  17. 应用细胞培养方法分离猪源弓形虫虫株

    Isolation and Identification of the Toxoplasma Gondii Field Strains from Pigs by Cell Culture

  18. 延胡索总碱对6种人源胃癌细胞株的体外增殖抑制作用

    Antiproliferation effect of total alkaloid fraction of Yanhusuo on six human gastric cancer cell lines in vitro

  19. 人源弓形虫分离株的生物学鉴定及群体DNA含量分析

    Determination of biological feature and Analysis on DNA contents of human Toxoplasma strains

  20. 仔猪腹泻源大肠杆菌贵州株K(88)菌毛研究

    The Study of The K_ ( 88 ) Fimbriae of Escherichia coli Guizhou Strain Isolated from Diarrhoea Piglets

  21. 在我们以六种底物为碳源培养的371株形态不一的菌株中,有40%的菌可以合成PHA,而其中许多可以同时合成PHB与中长链PHA共混的聚合物。

    40 % of the 371 strains cultivated on six substrates is able to synthesize PHA , with many of them making blends of PHB and mcl PHA .

  22. 本实验对昆明小鼠、ICR小鼠、NIH小鼠、BALB/C小鼠、CFW小鼠等5个品系小鼠感染相同数量和同一来源的人源型弓形虫虫株(KS-86)的易感性进行了初步研究。

    Susceptibility to infection with Toxoplasma gondii of Human in five strains of mice : Kun-Ming , ICR , NIH , BALB / C and CFW was studied . Those mice were divided into two groups .

  23. 研究不同碳源种类对诱变株合成虾青素的影响。

    Effects of carbon sources on ASTA biosynthesis by mutant was studied .

  24. 根据益生素选择的关键指标,从健康动物肠道筛选到鸡源乳杆菌2株,猪源乳杆菌3株。

    According to key properties required by probiotics , two lactobacillus strains of chicken origin and three of pig origin were isolated and identified from animal intestine respectively .

  25. 弓形虫人源、畜源分离株的生化特性研究

    Biochemical Characterization on Toxoplasma gondii of Human & Animal Origins

  26. 羊流产衣原体绵羊源和山羊源两株抗原的交叉替代试验表明,它们具有通用性。

    Two strains of antigens originally from sheep and goat shared a common antigenic reactivity in cross test .

  27. 结果表明:木材密度在种源间的差异显著或极显著,且种源内株间变异丰富;

    The results showed that there were significant differences among provenances and abundant variations among individual trees within provenances on wood specific gravity .