
  • 网络oligocene
  1. 从盆地边缘到中心,有勘探意义的储层依次有渐新统、中新统、上新统和第四系,岩性由粗变细。

    From boundary to centre of the basin , the reservoir beds for exploring for gas are Oligocene , Miocene , Pliocene and Quaternary and the lithology changes from coarseness to fineness .

  2. 层序V,为中新统沼泽相的杂色砂泥岩夹炭质页岩、煤层,往下可能还含有少量渐新统中细砂岩。

    Sequence V is Miocene swamp variegated silt , mudstone interbedded by coaly shale and coal seam . The Oligocene middle grain silt probably deposited in the bottom .

  3. 利用1148A孔连续测井曲线,反演矿物组成,旨在建立渐新统地层剖面。

    In the paper , continuous geophysical well logs from Hole 1148A are used to inverse the mineral components and porosity .

  4. 东海陆架东部凹陷带渐新统砂岩锆石的U-P年龄表明陆架东部渐新世物源以元古代变质岩为主,其次为中生代母岩及少量太古代变质岩与古生代母岩。

    The U-P dating data of zircons from Oligocene sandstones in the east of East China Sea shelf indicate that most zircon grains are Proterozoic , and then are Mesozoic , including sporadic Archean and Paleozoic ones .

  5. 全球始新统-渐新统界线层型简介

    An brief introduction to the global eocene - Oligocene boundary stratotype

  6. 指出了盆地东部和西部渐新统存在的差异。

    The differences between Oligocene series in the east and west are demonstrated .

  7. 珠江口盆地海相上渐新统

    Marine upper Oligocene in the Zhujiang River Mouth Basin

  8. 周口盆地渐新统新知

    A new recognition of Oligocene seris in Zhoukou Basin

  9. 南海ODP1148站深海相渐新统硅质成岩作用

    Silica diagenesis of deep-sea Oligocene at ODP site 1148 , the South China Sea

  10. 应用多元统计分析方法研究济阳坳陷渐新统有机质

    Multivariate statistical method applied in studying sedimentary organic matters of Oligocene in Jiyang Depression

  11. 珠江口盆地渐新统&上新统高分辨率生物地层学研究方法

    The Method of High Resolution Biostratigraphic Analysis of the Oligocene-Pliocene Strata in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin

  12. 盖层发育广泛,区域性盖层是新近系海相泥岩和渐新统泥岩。

    The seal rocks are developed widely , and the Neocene marine mudstone is the regional seal .

  13. 南海北部海区珠江口盆地前渐新统找油的新领域

    The pre-oligocene in Zhujiang River mouth basin : a new oil prospect in the northern South China Sea

  14. 渐新统的长有象榛树的花的化石植物的属;主要在波罗海地区。

    Genus of fossil plants of the Oligocene having flowers resembling those of the witch hazel ; found in Baltic region .

  15. 尕斯库勒渐新统下部油藏中,目前找到的原油主要为低熟油,未熟油与成熟油发现不多。

    Oils currently discovered in the lower Oligocene reservoirs in Gas Hure are mainly low mature oil , with rare immature and mature oils .

  16. 珠江口盆地下第三系始新统至渐新统恩平组分布广泛。

    The continental deposits of Enping formation aged from Oligocene to Eocene of Palaeocene are well-developed and widespreaded in the Pearl River Mouth Basin .

  17. 深水区储层至少有三套,始新世陆相地层、下渐新统海陆过渡相地层和上新统及其以上海相深水扇。

    There are at least three reservoir cases in deepwater : Eocene terrestrial formation , low Oligocene transitional formation and Pliocene and above marine deepwater fans .

  18. 并以汤原断陷主要油气盖层始新统渐新统泥岩为例,利用镜质体反射率研究了其排替压力在平面上的变化规律。

    And by taking main hydrocarbon caprock mudstone of Eocene Oligocene as examples , the areal varing regularity of displacement pressure is studied by using vitrinite reflectance .

  19. 其中,白垩系-古近系界线、古新统-始新统界线和始新统-渐新统界线与国际上相应界线接近或一致。

    The boundaries between the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene , Paleocene and Eocene , and Eocene and Oligocene in China nearly accord with corresponding ones elsewhere in the world .

  20. 番禺低隆起-白云凹陷北坡油气地质地球化学特征表明,天然气及凝析油主要来自下渐新统恩平组河沼相煤系烃源岩。

    Natural gas and condensate oil in Panyu low massif and north slope of Baiyun sag were mainly derived from late Oligocene Enping fluvial-lacustrine facies coal measures as source rocks .

  21. 运移过程中,油气主要进入由第二扩张旋回中形成的上渐新统珠海组和下中新统珠江组为储层的有利圈闭中。

    During migration , the oil and gas have mainly gone into those advantageous traps where reservoirs are of Zhuhai Formation and Zhujiang Formation , formed during the second spreading cycle .

  22. 南海北部陆缘盆地深水区具有良好的石油地质条件:发育始新统-渐新统湖相泥岩和渐新统半封闭浅海相泥岩两套主要烃源岩;

    There are excellent petroleum geology conditions in these deepwater areas : ( 1 ) Two sets of main source rock developed in Eocene Oligocene lacustrine mudstones and Oligocene semi closed neritic mudstones ;

  23. 生长在哥伦比亚至新墨西哥地区。墨西哥湾岸盆地某些渐新统和更新统气藏可能就属于这类相对低成熟的热成因气。

    Plant similar to the Mexican hat coneflower ; from British Columbia to New Mexico . some gas pools in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Gulf Coast seem to be of this relatively immature thermal derivation .

  24. 有机地球化学分析表明,尕斯库勒渐新统下部油藏原油为典型的盐湖相油,既有低熟油特征也有成熟油特征。

    Organic geochemical analysis shows that oils in the lower Oligocene reservoirs in Gas Hure , western Qaidam basin , are of typical salt lake origin and have the characteristics of both low mature oil and mature oil .

  25. 有以生气为主的3套上第三系烃源岩,渐新统和始新统烃源岩因深埋、高成熟而对天然气聚集有着重要意义。

    Three sets of hydrocabon source rocks in the Neogene , Oligocene and Eocene , in which the gas was mainly generated , are of important significance for natural gas accumulation because of their deep burial and high maturity .

  26. 砂岩、碳酸盐岩和生物礁是盆地的主要储层类型,砂岩储层在中、新生界内广泛发育,而碳酸盐岩和生物礁储层则主要发育于上渐新统&第四系;

    Sandstone , carbonate rocks and organic reefs are the main reservoir types , of which the sandstone reservoir is widely developed in the Meso-Cenozoic strata , while the carbonate and organic reef reservoirs are mainly developed in the upper Oligocene to Quaternary .

  27. 按此方法识别了本区渐新一上新统的三级层序以及层序边界年龄和最大海泛面年龄。

    By this means , the ages of Oligocene-Pliocene sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces are determined .