
qīng xǐ
  • clean;wash;rinse;purge;purification
清洗 [qīng xǐ]
  • (1) [rinse;clean]∶洗净

  • 清洗伤口

  • (2) [purge]∶清除

  • 独裁者把专家学者从教学人员中清洗掉

清洗[qīng xǐ]
  1. 把水果仔细清洗过后再用。

    Wash the fruit thoroughly before use .

  2. 用盐溶液清洗镜片。

    Wash the lenses in saline solution .

  3. 有各种各样的清洗液和去污粉供应。

    A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available .

  4. 如果这辆汽车需要清洗,你还在等什么呢?

    If the car needs cleaning , what are you waiting for ?

  5. 我们定期清洗和修理机器。

    We clean and repair the machines as a matter of routine .

  6. 清洗伤口,再用洁净敷料包扎。

    Bathe the wound and apply a clean dressing .

  7. 我的耳朵已用注射器清洗干净。

    I had my ears syringed .

  8. 猫在清洗自己。

    The cat was washing itself .

  9. 她开始用一块布清洗伤口。

    She began cleaning the wound with a piece of cloth .

  10. 部长们表达了对持续进行的种族清洗的忧虑。

    The ministers expressed dismay at the continued practice of ethnic cleansing

  11. 我的工作是清洗鱼缸内壁。

    It was my job to wash out the fish tank .

  12. 这种光盘自动清洗机可用电池或电源两种方式驱动。

    The Auto Compact Disc Cleaner can run off batteries or mains .

  13. 他清洗完后开始把洗脸池擦拭干净。

    When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean

  14. 用水清洗肾脏和尿道最理想不过。

    Water is ideal to flush the kidneys and the urinary tract .

  15. 彻底清洗韭葱,再沥去水分。

    Wash the leeks thoroughly and allow them to drain .

  16. 她擦掉灰尘,打扫卫生,还清洗了餐具。

    She dusted , she cleaned , and she did the washing-up .

  17. 我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。

    I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates , too .

  18. 得到正式认可的清洁方法是工业喷砂清洗。

    The approved method of cleaning is industrial sand-blasting .

  19. 耳环要偶尔取出来清洗一下。

    Earrings need to be taken out and cleaned once in a while .

  20. 外科医生们在做手术前开始用肥皂和水清洗双手和胳膊。

    Surgeons began to scrub their hands and arms with soap and water before operating

  21. 在上清漆前,要彻底打磨这扇门并把尘土清洗掉。

    Rub down the door and wash off the dust before applying the varnish .

  22. 用盐水清洗感染的部位。

    Bathe the infected area in a salt solution

  23. 吉尔清洗并缝合了伤口。

    Jill washed and stitched the wound .

  24. 用凉的自来水清洗这些蔬菜。

    Rinse the vegetables under cold running water

  25. 方块地毯非常适用于厨房,因为其便于揭起来清洗。

    Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they 're easy to take up and wash

  26. 他去男洗手间清洗衬衫上的斑斑血迹。

    He went to the men 's room to wash flecks of blood from his shirt

  27. 5月底,政府军对该镇周边地区开始实施“种族清洗”。

    In late May , government forces began the ' ethnic cleansing ' of the area around the town .

  28. 他的车的前部已经清洗过了。

    The front part of his car was washed .

  29. 你必须先让污水排出去,然后再清洗管道。

    First you must drain the dirty water out and then clean the pipe .

  30. 当清洗光盘时,用户应由内向外,直到边缘,以放射状擦拭。

    Unlike most fruit , the pear ripens from the inside out after it is picked .