
  • 网络Cleaning oil;FLUSH OIL;SPRAYNET
  1. 采用干冰喷射技术清洗油槽车的可行性研究

    Feasibility study of dry ice jet technology for tank car cleaning

  2. 你需要用卸妆药水和眼部清洗油去除你的彩妆。

    You need to take off your make-up with lotion and eye make-up remover .

  3. 检查轴承油压和油温,必要时清洗油冷却器;

    Check bearings and hydraulic oil temperature , if necessary , cleaning oil cooler ;

  4. 清洗油舱如果措施不当,则将发生爆炸危险。

    In the process of cleaning oil holds , improper handling may lead to explosion .

  5. 唐钢薄板厂液压系统化学清洗油冲洗

    Hydraulic System Chemical Flushing and Oil Flushing of Tangshan Iron and Steel Hot Rolling Thin Strip Plant

  6. 结果验证了,清洗油舱时,油舱空间内确会产生大量的带电油水雾,甚至产生飘动的带电油水雾云团。

    The results indicate that a large amount of charged oil water fog and even floating charged oil water fog clusters will be surely created in oil tank space when cleaning .

  7. 油船原油卸完后需清洗油舱,无论是用热水冲洗,还是用蒸汽蒸舱后再用热水冲洗,油舱空间内均会产生静电,并由此可能引发油舱爆炸事故。

    The cleaning of oil tanks is necessary for tankers after finishing crude oil discharge . Whether to clean with hot water or to clean with hot water after steaming tanks will create static electricity in oil tank space and may initiate explosion accidents .

  8. 陕北石油秩序铁路油罐车清洗时油气浓度的计算

    The Calculation on the Oil and Gas Concentration for Rail Tanker

  9. 易清洗冲压油的研制

    The Development of Punch Oil Easy to Be Washed Away

  10. 即使最好的美甲作品最终也会磨损,而清洗指甲油是非常简单的。

    Even the best manicure wears out eventually , and removing polish is simple enough .

  11. 本文介绍了一套燃油蒸发排放控制系统(EECS),此系统主要包括炭罐、清洗阀、油气分离器、翻车阀等。

    In this paper , an EECS ( Evaporation Emissions Control System ), which includes the canister , purge valve , vapor-liquid separator , rollover leakage protection valve , is designed and tested .

  12. 油罐机械清洗系统新型油-水分离装置

    New oil-water separator in mechanical cleaning system of oil tank

  13. 清洗后石蜡油对昆明小鼠胚胎培养及其发育的影响

    Effect of washing mineral oil on development of mouse embryos in vitro and in vivo after embryo transfer

  14. 应该使用洗衣粉或合适的清洁剂来对所有的非金属组件彻底清洗和去除油、润滑脂和污垢。

    All non-metal components should be thoroughly cleaned and free of oils , grease , and dirt using either detergent or a suitable cleaning agent .

  15. 油基钻井液对传统录井有较大影响,尤其是岩屑的清洗辨认及油气显示识别。

    Oil-base drilling fluid exerted a great influence on traditional mud logging , especially upon identifying and cleaning of the cuttings , and distinguishing of oil and gas shows .

  16. 考察了基础油和添加剂对润滑性,清洗性和油膜保留时间的影响,研制出了半合成电脑横机针织油。

    It is investigated the influence of base Stocks and additives on lubricity , washability and reserved time of film , the semi-synthetic knitting oil for computerized flat machine is developed .

  17. 清洗机采用无油润滑轴承;

    Rinsing machine adopts oil-free lubrication bearing .

  18. 必须用水立即清洗与伺服液压油接触的部件!

    Components that come into contact with servo oil must be cleaned immediately with water !

  19. 采用高压水射流技术清洗炼油催化装置油汽管线

    Cleaning the Oil-Gas Pipeline of the Catalytic Cracker Unit in Oil Refinery Using High Pressure Water Jet Technique

  20. 清洗液和润滑油之间具有较低的瞬间界面张力,能将含油铝片的液-固接触角大幅度减小。

    Moreover , the transient interfacial tension between oil and cleaner is low and the contact angle between liquid and solid decreases greatly .

  21. 已清洗油罐低位装油时的损耗率为0.37%,高位装油为0.8%。

    Loss rates of purged tanks are 0 . 37 % and 0 . 8 % when low - lever loading and overhead loading respectively .

  22. 对各种溶剂及表面活性剂进行了筛选和复配,用正交实验方法配制了对砂岩表面原油具有高效清洗能力的水包油型乳状液。

    By screening and mingling of various kinds of solvents and surfactants , a sort of oil remover on sandstone in oil in water emulsion form is developed .

  23. 该清洗机利用淬火油等挥发性液体减压后沸点下降,和油、水、水蒸气等一起加热,其沸点亦下降的原理进行清洗。

    The principle of the vacuum washing technology is based on the boiling point of volatile liquid like quenching oil will decrease by decompression and by heating with water and other organic liquid .

  24. 以FPSO海洋石油111利用生产水清洗生产水舱和清洗货油舱的实践为基础,探讨了如何利用FPSO丰富的高温生产水资源和FPSO舱室设计特点来进行洗舱的问题。

    The Disquisition is Based on Practice of Cargo Tank Washing With Production Water on " Hai Yang Shi You 111 ", The main point is discussing how to washing the Cargo tanks with the abundant high temperature Production Water on New design FPSO .