
  1. 河深流静。

    Deep rivers flow silently .

  2. 盐湖等深流沉积。风暴重力流、纵向重力流和滑塌重力流中的“ABAB”序和“BBB”序中&细砂岩是油气聚集的有利场所。

    The " ABAB "," BBB " sequences middle-fine grained sandstones in longitudinal gravity flows , slide gravity flows and storm gravity flows are favorable for oil and gas accumulation .

  3. 其中等深流、滑塌块体和各种扇体的前缘与BSR分布的吻合率最高,是最有利于天然气水合物聚集成矿的相带。

    Of these , the distribution of the contourite , slump block and fronts of deltas or fans is highly consistent with the distribution of BSR , and thus they are the most favorable facies for gas hydrate accumulation .

  4. 当和吸血鬼有关时,血液才会深流。

    Blood only runs so deep when you related to vampires .

  5. 鄂尔多斯地区西缘中奥陶世等深流沉积

    The Middle Ordovician Contourite on the West Margin of Ordos

  6. 人工挖孔桩穿过深流砂层施工的一种新方法

    A New Construction Method Used in Manual Excavated Piles Through Deep Quicksand Stratum

  7. 孟加拉湾深海记录中的等深流活动特征及其环境意义初探

    Contour Currents in Deep-Water Records from Bay of Bengal and Its Environmental Implication

  8. 等深流沉积研究现状与展望

    Research status and perspective of contour current deposit

  9. 深水牵引流沉积主要分为等深流沉积和内波内潮汐沉积两类。

    Deep-water traction current deposits mainly include contour current deposits and internal-wave / internal-tide deposits .

  10. 等深流与等深流沉积等离子发生器化学反应流场数值模拟

    ADVANCES IN THE STUDIES OF CONTOUR CURRENT AND CONTOURITES Numerical Simulation of Reaction Flow in Plasma Generator

  11. 实地观测和对沉积记录的研究表明,孟加拉湾存在强大的等深流活动。

    The analysis of measured data and sedimentary records shows that strong contour currents occur in the Bay of Bengal .

  12. 在等深流与上覆低密度水体之间的界面上具备产生大规模界面内波的条件;

    The contour currents colliding with the overlapped low density normal seawater can create internal waves of large scale at the interface of the thermohaline .

  13. 深水碳酸盐沉积包括深水重力流作用形成的异地沉积和非重力流沉积,在非重力流沉积中又有深水牵引流(等深流、内波、内潮汐等)沉积和静态原地碳酸盐沉积。

    Deep-water carbonate sediments include allochthonous carbonate sediments released from shallow water by gravity flow and carbonate contourite and static autochthonous deep sea carbonate sediments .

  14. 在重力流沉积和等深流沉积研究中,我国由向国外学习,到逐步达到国际先进水平;

    Some important progresses in studying systematically density and contour current deposits are made by the Chinese scholares , catching up with the world 'S advanced levels .

  15. 在现代海底上及古代地层记录中均发现了等深流-内波沉积组合的实例;

    The examples of deposits associations of contour current internal wave co effect origin are developed in the stratigraphic record as well as on modern sea floor .

  16. 深水异地沉积是指在深水环境中经重力流或牵引流搬运、改造、沉积而形成的相对粗粒的沉积物,是深水重力流、等深流、内潮汐和内波沉积的总称。

    Abyssal allochthonous deposits consisting of density current , contour current , and internal tide and wave deposits are relatively coarser sediments transported and accumulated by density and contour current in abyssal environments .

  17. 深水碳酸盐沉积与重力流及等深流活动有关,也受控于表层水碳酸盐产率、陆源物质的稀释作用及深水对碳酸盐的溶解作用。

    Deep-water carbonate sediments were controlled by gravity flow , contoured flow and also controlled by carbonate productivity of surface water , dilution of siliciclastics from the land , and carbonate corrosion under deep sea .

  18. 从产状、成分、结构、沉积构造、垂向层序和与海平面变化的关系等方面总结了等深流沉积的若干鉴别标志以及与其他类型深水沉积的区别。

    According to the occurrence , composition , texture , sedimentary structure , vertical succession of contourites and their relationship with the sea level , some discriminating features of contourites are summarized to distinguish them from other types of deep water deposits .

  19. 番茄洋杂2号亩产为5184kg,是对照(深流栽培)的2.4倍,又比土栽培的产量高30%;

    The columnar culture produced high yields of tomato fruits : the variety Yang za 2 gave 5 184 kg per 666.7 m 2 , which was 2.4 times of that produced by its deep flowing culture and increased by 30 % than that produced by soil culture ;

  20. 设计:对照实验。深液流悬杯式水培(DFT)设施设计及管理

    DESIGN : Control test . The Design and Management of the DFT

  21. 本文采用深液流循环水培法(DFT)探讨了营养液中不同P、K浓度对水培番茄生长发育、产量及品质的影响。

    This subject was studied the effect of different P , K concentration in nutrient by Deep Flow Technique ( DFT ) on growth , yield and quality of tomato .

  22. 经过对国内外水培技术中各自独具特色的增氧技术和方法的总结和分析,提出了营养液深液流栽培的动态液位增氧法(DSS)。

    The method of dynamic solution surface ( DSS ), used in the deep solution flow culture , was put forward after having summarized and analyzed the technique and methods of oxygen enrichment used in the hydro culture .

  23. 网纹甜瓜营养液深液流栽培管理与环境调控

    Muskmelon cultivated by deep flow nutrient solution and its environmental control

  24. 深液流栽培番茄根际氧环境的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Root-zone Oxygen Environment in DFT for Tomato Cultured

  25. 利用轻型井点降水根治深基坑流砂的研究

    Study on the deep foundation quicksand radical curing with light well dewatering

  26. 有限深分层流中内孤立波二阶理论

    Second-Order Theory of Internal Solitary Waves in Stratified Fluids of Finite Depth

  27. 温室番茄营养液深液流无限生长型栽培的环境调控技术

    Study on Environmental Control Technology of Some Unlimited Growth Tomato in Greenhouse by DFT

  28. 试验温室番茄营养液深液流栽培与研究

    Study on the Deep Flow Cultivation with Nutrient Solution of Tomato in Experimental Greenhouse

  29. 她的伤口如此深会流很多血吧对

    Cut on her hand , it 's deep . Would have bled a lot , right ? Yeah .

  30. 介绍了小型化深液流管道水培系统的结构、制作方法、管理技术及栽培效果。

    The configuration , facture and culture technique of a minitype pipe DFT ( deep flow technique ) equipment was introduced .