
  1. 中国海岸线绵长,水域辽阔,随着海系资源的开发,地中海上全帆雀跃的景象也必将出现在中国。

    China 's coastline , the vast waters , with the sea-line resource development , the Mediterranean , on the whole happy scene will also sail in China .

  2. 1993年夏季白令海狭鳕资源调查期间,作者等应用声学/拖网评估调查方法,首次发现阿留申海盆区有大量当年生狭鳕幼鱼分布。

    During a survey of Bering Sea pollock resources from June to August , 1993 , a large concentration of age zero pollock was discovered in the Aleutian Basin by using echointegration / midwater trawl survey method .

  3. 波罗的海的鱼类资源逐渐减少。

    Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline .

  4. 论潮下带海珍品的资源增殖

    On Resource of Rare Varieties in the Zone below Tidal Region Sea fighter

  5. 中白令海海洋生物资源养护与管理会议;

    Conference on the conservation and management of the living marine resources of the Central Bering sea ;

  6. 近年来,全球工业化脚步的加速迈进导致了更为严重的江河湖海等水体资源的污染。

    In recent years , the pace of global industrialization accelerated lead to more serious rivers , lakes and other water resources pollution .

  7. 论坛旨在寻求中国文化产业的理论支持,探索中国文化产业的运作途径,吸纳海内外人才资源和金融资本,推动中国文化产业的发展,加强中国文化产业与世界的沟通。

    The forum aims to improve theory and practice of china ` s cultural industry , to explore cooperation with talents and financial capitalists home and abroad , to drive china ` s burgeoning cultural industry , and to strengthen communications in the field between China and the world .

  8. 近年来,浅滩海区域逐渐成为资源特别是石油勘探的一个新的领域,同时,GPS(Globalpositioningsystem)全球定位系统的逐步应用也为浅滩海勘探定位方法带来了革命性的变化。

    Recently , the shoal sea area become a new domain of resource exploration , especially the oil , and the gradually use of GPS ( Global Positioning System ) brings revolutionary changes of the shoal sea exploration navigation method .

  9. 南中国海地区珊瑚礁资源的破坏现状及保护对策

    Destruction and conservation countermeasures of coral reef in South China Sea

  10. 介绍了来自海湖与石灰资源的无机盐晶须的主要用途。

    The main uses of inorganic salt whiskers from sea-lake salt and limestone were introduced .

  11. 海内外两种资源的开发与河北钢铁集团发展战略的关系

    Relation Between Developing Foreign and Domestic Resources and Developing Strategic of Hebei Iron and Steel Group

  12. 未来20~50年海滦河流域水资源变化趋势及其预测研究

    Change tendency of water resources of Hai Luan River basin in the coming 20 & 50 years

  13. 波罗的海及其海峡生物资源捕捞及养护公约;

    Convention on fishing and conservation of the living resources in the Baltic Sea and the belt ;

  14. 西沙、南沙和中沙群岛进一步开发的设想长乐东南和海坛岛风沙资源特征及其开发利用

    Some Ideas about Further Development of the Xisha , Nansha and Zhongsha Islands ; A study of eolian sand resources in eastern part of Changle and Haitan lsland , Fujian

  15. 黄海?鱼种群动力学特征及其资源可持续利用长乐东南和海坛岛风沙资源特征及其开发利用

    Population Dynamic Characteristics and Sustainable Utilization of the Anchovy Stock in the Yellow Sea A study of eolian sand resources in eastern part of Changle and Haitan lsland , Fujian

  16. 其核心任务是整合海内外当代艺术资源,推动中国当代艺术的发展和国际间的艺术文化交流。

    Its key pursuit is to integrate contemporary art resource both at home and abroad , and promote the development of Chinese contemporary art as well as international art and culture exchange .

  17. 因此,跨国公司海外子公司高层经理的当地化配置问题是其海外子公司人力资源当地化战略的重要方面,跨国公司海外子公司高层经理的当地化配置问题对于其海外经营相当重要。

    Therefore , the local configuration of top managers of MNCs ' overseas subsidiaries is one of the important parts in the human resource localization strategy of overseas subsidiaries of MNCs .