
  • 网络Maritime Pine;Pinus pinaster;Pinus maritima;Cluster Pine
  1. 另一方面,马尾松图谱上仍有9个连锁群不能在火炬松和海岸松图谱中找到ESTP同源标记,因此开发出更多的共显性标记是构建马尾松遗传图谱努力的方向。

    On the other hand , there were still 9 linkage groups that can not be found ESTP homologous markers in the linkage map . Therefore develop more co-dominant markers is the further direction of the genetic map .

  2. 沙地海岸松在山东和浙江引种试验研究

    Study on the Introduced Seedling of Pinus pinaster Ait . in Shandong and Zhejiang Provinces

  3. 其蓄积量超过海岸松、湿地松、火炬松35~112倍,超过云南松对照种源的15倍,收到较好的引种效果。4种落叶松的引种效果与光合日进程

    Its timber volume is 3.5 ~ 11.2 times that of P.elliottii , P.taeda , P.pinaster , and 1.5 times that of the check provenance of P.yunnanensis . Analyses on Introduction Results of 4 Tree Species in Genus Larix and Diurnal Photosynthetic Changes