
hǎi bīn bié shù
  • beach house
  1. 还是在一家滑雪旅馆、海滨别墅或宁静的乡间小屋里,启动自己的电脑或iPad?

    Or did you fire up your PC – or iPad – in a ski lodge , beach house or tranquil rural setting ?

  2. 配有游泳池与室外热水浴池的海滨别墅ScrubbyBay三面环山、一面朝海,是远离尘嚣的休闲之地,最适合多达14人的团队在此聚会。

    Surrounded by hills and facing the sea , Scrubby Bay is a relaxed and secluded beach house , ideal for gatherings of up to 14 , complete with swimming pool and outdoor hot tub .

  3. 有钱人从富有的罗马来到这儿建造海滨别墅。

    Rich men came down from wealthy Rome to build sea-side villas .

  4. 布洛克胡斯的居民还惊喜地发现,沙堡上融入了本地的特色,比如海滨别墅和灯塔,还刻画了当地流行的活动,比如风帆冲浪和风筝冲浪。

    Blokhus residents have been delighted to see local features incorporated into the sandcastle , such as beach houses and lighthouses , as well as depictions of popular activities such as windsurfing and kitesurfing .

  5. 目击者称卡车从勒瓦尔基金会(FoundationLenval)儿童医院附近的一条小巷驶入盎格鲁街,左转上了人行道,路的对面是一排有阳台的海滨别墅和公寓楼。

    Witnesses said the truck had entered the Promenade des Anglais from a side street near the Foundation Lenval children 's hospital , turned left and mounted the sidewalk opposite a row of balconied seaside villas and apartment buildings .

  6. 这是在海滨别墅的最后一个夏天了…

    Since it 's the last summer at the beach house ...

  7. 他选择在自己的海滨别墅里放松神经。

    He chooses to chill out in his beach house .

  8. 我们总是从海滨别墅的窗口往外看。

    We stare in the windows of the wonderful houses along the waterfront .

  9. 她住在一所海滨别墅内。

    She lived in a cottage by the sea .

  10. 为在海滨别墅度过的最后一个夏天干杯!

    To the last summer at the beach house !

  11. 他们租了一座海滨别墅。

    They rented a villa by the sea .

  12. 她按照通常的习惯,在海滨别墅度过了星期天。

    She followed her usual custom of spending Sunday at her villa at the seaside .

  13. 上了岸,七雀巢沿着海滨别墅的私人海滩舒展。

    On the shore , seven beachfront villas nestle along a stretch of private beach .

  14. 但不幸的是海滨别墅一旦挂牌待售就会立即被人买走

    Unfortunately , all the beachfront properties get snatched up the second they hit the market .

  15. 马修·麦康纳和佩内洛普·克鲁兹在墨西哥海滨别墅的岩石上享受阳光。

    Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz enjoy love on the rocks at a seaside villa Mexico .

  16. 是你和你那栋漂亮的海滨别墅也许你现在可以找个地方安定下来

    Well , you and that beautiful beach house.Maybe you can set down some roots of your own now .

  17. 我们的所谓海滨别墅是离海岸两英里的一座小平房。

    Our , so called ` villa by the sea was a small bungalow two miles from the coast .

  18. 维多利亚其实我更愿意和我丈夫一起在海滨别墅里恢复

    Actually , Victoria , I think I 'd prefer to recuperate in the beach house with my husband .

  19. 事实上这封邮件说我刚刚正式成为那座海滨别墅的新主人

    Actually , as of this e-mail , I 've just become the official new owner of the beach house .

  20. 因为今天我看见吉米的妈妈开着一辆新的凯迪拉克去海滨别墅渡周末了。

    Because today Jimmy 's mom drove up in their new Cadillac . They were going to their beach house for the weekend .

  21. 这些照片是用长镜头拍摄的,照片中凯特王妃在一栋海滨别墅里日光浴,上身没穿泳衣。

    The pictures , taken using a long lens , showed Kate tanning at a beach house without a bathing suit top on .

  22. 3.海滨别墅、高尔夫球场或者其他任何公共场所的无线网络都不可靠。

    The WiFi at that beach house ( or on the golf course , or in any other public place ) is not secure .

  23. 为了租到理想的为期一周的海滨别墅,在过去的几天里,我妻子一直在网上搜寻。

    For the past few days , my wife has been searching on the Internet for the perfect beach house to rent for a week .

  24. 还有一件事莉迪亚让我帮她宣布她和她丈夫的那栋海滨别墅已经正式向外出售

    And in related news , Lydia has asked me to announce that the beach house she shared with her husband is officially on the market .

  25. 在中国春节期间,沈南鹏通常会邀请投资者到位于热带地区的海南岛度假——他在那里有一座海滨别墅,与马云的别墅毗邻。

    During China 's traditional spring festivities , Shen often invites investors to the tropical island of Hainan , where he owns a mansion on the beach , adjacent to Jack Ma 's.

  26. 去年,他躲到长岛上设计2014年春装时,迷上了自己海滨别墅里被风吹动的窗帘。

    Last year , on a getaway on Long Island to design looks for spring 2014 , he became transfixed by the way the curtains in his beach house blew in the wind .

  27. 应聘成功者还将免费住进一套价值好几百万的三居室海滨别墅——但是应聘者必须年满18岁,具有“极出色、极有魅力的”沟通技巧和英语读写能力。

    The successful candidate -- who will stay rent-free in a multi-million-dollar three-bedroom beach home -- must be over 18 , a " fantastic and charismatic " communicator , and able to speak and write English .

  28. 那些海滨大别墅现在大多已经关闭了,四周几乎没有灯火,除了海湾上一只渡船的幽暗、移动的灯光。

    Most of the big shore places were closed now and there were hardly any lights except the shadowy , moving glow of a ferryboat across the sound .

  29. 多年前,一对夫妇让我们使用他们坐落于夏威夷海滨的华美别墅度假。

    Years ago , a couple let my wife and me use their beautiful , beach-front home in Hawaii for a vacation .