
hǎi zi
  • Haizi;lakes;ponds
海子 [hǎi zǐ]
  • [lake]〈方〉∶湖

  1. 贵州安龙一带海子较为发育,属流水喀斯特形态。

    Karst lakes , a special morphology of fluvial karst , are well developed in Anlong , Guizhou .

  2. 三是利用天然海子或沙井,治理固定或半固定沙地,形成小多成群的绿洲农业。

    Controlling the fixed or semi-fixed sandy land to develop concentrative small oasis by using natural small lakes and sand wells in the desert .

  3. 海子之死是后新诗潮的沉重象征

    The death of Hai Zi a heavy symbolization of post-new-poem-tide .

  4. 九寨沟甘海子国际会议度假中心温泉泳浴中心为一平面尺寸150m×65m的椭球形壳体。

    The hot spring swimming center in Jiuzhaigou International Convention and Vacation Center adopts an ellipsoidal shell structure with a plane dimension of 150m × 65m .

  5. 海子首先是个思想家,其次才是一个诗人。

    Haizi is considered as a thinker , then a poet .

  6. 四川九寨沟县甘海子发现扁平椭球体状冰川漂砾

    Discovery of Flat Revolving Ellipsoid Glacier Boulder in Sichuan , China

  7. 前往与返回:海子与形而上学的断裂

    Going and Rebounding : Hai Zi and the Rupture of Metaphysics

  8. 荒芜的理想&试析海子诗意人生的空幻感

    Barren Ideal & On Hai Zi 's Nothingness of Poetic Life

  9. 海子易怒,这似乎不为人知。

    Hauzi was irritable ; this seems to be unknown to public .

  10. 好敛,海子们,咱们现在大扫房煎吧。

    Okay children , we 'll clear up room now .

  11. 海子这样说时,显得很委屈。

    When Haizi said this , he looked so aggrieved .

  12. 摇蚊幼虫在数量和生物量上均占绝对优势,是南海子的优势种。

    Chironomidae larvae were dominant species in density and biomass .

  13. 海子的诗歌深受尼采思想的影响。

    Haizi ′ s poem is deeply influenced by Nietzsche .

  14. 安龙海子的形成具有独特的水文地貌原因。

    The Anlong karst lakes have specific hydrogeomorphologic origin in their formation .

  15. 这么大一片海子!该不会是二道海吧?

    Such a vast expanse of water ! Isn 't this Erdaohai Lake ?

  16. 在我的感觉里,海子的心中没有仇恨。

    In my feeling , there was no hate in Haizi 's heart .

  17. 第二章论述海子及其承担的诗歌精神。

    The second chapter discusses Hai zi and assume the spirit of poetry .

  18. 内蒙古包头南海子湿地鸟类群落组成及多样性

    Bird Community Structure and Species Diversity at Nanhaizi Wetland in Baotou , Inner Mongolia

  19. 那个傻海子从来不做事,旨是蛀天晕手好闲。

    That silly child never does anything ; he fools about all day long .

  20. 面朝大海,春暖花开—海子

    Facing the Sea With Spring Blossoms - HaiZi

  21. 诗人海子之死已成为我们这个时代的神话之一。

    Death of Hai Zi has been one of the mythologies of our time .

  22. 在撕毁自己不满意的诗稿原稿时,海子的表现就是暴怒的。

    When tearing up his own unsatisfied poetry draft , Haizi 's manner was furious .

  23. 海子田位于自流井构造西段南西倾伏端北西翼次级构造上。

    The Haizitian shallow gas field lies in the northwestern limb of the Ziliujing structure .

  24. 海子从自身苦难体验出发目睹了家园和人类苦难。

    He had seen the tribulation of the homestead and mankind from his own tribulation .

  25. 海子在等待我们的评价。

    Haizi was waiting for our comments .

  26. 这么大一片海子!

    Such a vast expanse of water !

  27. 我给了海子肯定的回答。

    I gave definite answer to Haizi .

  28. 那一天,因骆一禾引见,我与海子初次相识。

    On that day , due to Yihe 's introduction , I firstly met Haizi .

  29. 海子选择西方的超越方式,以史诗为载体实现超越理想。

    Hai Zi chooses the western transcendence way to realize his poetry ideal in his epic .

  30. 麦田里的守望者&论海子大地乌托邦的诗意栖居

    Watcher in Wheat Field & On Dwelling in Poetry in the Land Utopia by Hai Zi