- 名contract for carriage of passengers by sea

Cancellation of Contract of Carriage of Passengers by Sea
Contract of Domestic Carriage of Passengers by Sea
The fourth chapter analyzes the conclusion of the contract of carriage of passengers by sea .
The third chapter discusses the impact on Contract of carriage of passengers by sea from the revision and cancellation of contract .
The second chapter discusses the impact on Contract of carriage of passengers by sea from the theory and rules of the conclusion and effectiveness of contract .
The fourth chapter discusses the impact on Contract of carriage of passengers by sea from the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract under the contract law .
The marine passenger transportation contract takes the form contract , it works out does not need to consult after both sides , only then accepts the choice process which regarding the majority passengers or does not accept .
The marine passenger transportation contract is one which of objects the maritime law adjusts , simultaneously based on this kind of contract , but produces between the carrier and the passenger the rights and obligations is also the civil law , a law of contract controlled member .