
  1. 浮潜是惊人,每天看礁鲨,鹦鹉鱼和魟鱼

    Snorkelling was amazing , daily seeing reef sharks , parrot fish and sting rays .

  2. 一小时后,沙博诺返回酒店,向里奥提议在晚餐前去Tucker’sPoint浮潜。

    An hour later , Mr. Charbonneau returned to the hotel and suggested to Ms. Reo that they go snorkeling at Tucker 's Point before dinner .

  3. 免费使用所有浮潜,安全和潜水设备。

    Complimentary use of all snorkeling , safety and diving equipment .

  4. 其水上运动包括水肺潜水和浮潜课程可供选择。

    For water sports , scuba-diving and snorkeling courses are available .

  5. 帛琉以其令人赞叹的浮潜和潜水景点著称。

    Palau is noteworthy for its amazing and scuba diving sights .

  6. 我是个潜水者并喜欢浮潜。

    I am a certified scuba diver and love to snorkel .

  7. 在我独自旅行的时候,也遇上过2次男子在浮潜时死亡的案例。

    Two men died while snorkeling on separate trips of mine .

  8. 不适合游泳,浮潜,水和渔业相关的工作。

    NOT suitable for swimming , snorkeling , water related work and fishing .

  9. 你有浮潜用具和救生衣?

    Do you have snorkeling gear and life jackets ?

  10. 但是热尼亚,你在浮潜的时候一定也有些不错的经验吧?

    Zhenya , but there must have been some positive snorkeling experiences too ?

  11. 我能在这个商店租浮潜用具吗?

    Can I rent Snorkeling Gear in this shop ?

  12. 卖浮潜用具和说明吗?

    Do you sell scuba diving equipment and instructions ?

  13. 上次我们来没有去跳水和浮潜好可惜哦。

    It 's a pity that we didn 't dive and snorkel last time .

  14. 浮潜很惊奇,每天可以看到礁鲨,鹦鹉鱼和魟鱼。

    Snorkeling was amazing , daily seeing reef sharks , parrot fish and sting rays .

  15. 在前海滩,这些浅层的珊瑚礁使浮潜活动更加丰富多彩。

    Located at the front beach , these shallow carol reefs make for great snorkeling .

  16. 浮潜:燃烧值=318卡

    Snorkeling : Burn Factor = 318 calories

  17. 您可以起锚,并花费几个小时游泳或浮潜在清澈的蔚蓝地中海

    You can weigh anchor and spend hours swimming or snorkeling in the clear blue Mediterranean

  18. 在利姆海水浴场里浮潜。

    Snorkelling the Limu Pools of Niue .

  19. 您和您的蜂蜜,可三五在阳光下,去浮潜,潜水等。

    You and your honey can bask in the sun , go snorkeling and diving .

  20. 我们还可以浮潜吗?

    Can we also go snorkeling ?

  21. 同时这里的食物和浮潜棒极了。在雨中这座岛不那么理想!

    Whilst the food and snorkelling are fabulous , the island is not ideal in rain !

  22. 在礁石海水浴场里浮潜。

    Swimmers snorkelling in rock pools .

  23. 我们还没试过水肺潜水,不过我们已经去浮潜过很多次了。

    We haven 't tried scuba diving yet , but we have gone snorkeling many times .

  24. 你将获得关于浮潜的适当的指导,以及怎样去保护遭破坏的暗礁。

    You will get proper instruction about snorkeling and how to protect the reefs from damage .

  25. 我喜欢科学和艺术,也浮潜,潜水,探险洞穴,游绳和攀爬。

    I enjoy Science and Art and also snorkeling and scuba diving , caving , abseiling and climbing .

  26. 与此同时,海洋深处是世界上最佳浮潜和水肺潜水胜点之一。

    Meanwhile , beneath the ocean , is some of the best snorkelling and SCUBA diving in the world .

  27. 这里是全世界最清澈的水域之一,也是浮潜及深海潜水的最佳去处。

    The water has some of the best visibility in the world , and is perfect for snorkeling or diving .

  28. 如果你喜欢潜水或者浮潜,古巴一定是你旅行计划上的第一站。

    And if you like to scuba dive or snorkel , Cuba should be number one on your travel bucket list .

  29. 虽然我还未在水肺潜水时使用过它,但我在浮潜时已用它拍了若干高品质的照片。

    While I have not used it for scuba diving yet , I took some excellent images with it while snorkelling .

  30. “桃瑞丝”是一艘50英尺的双体船,配备皮筏艇、渔具和浮潜装置,再加上存货丰富的酒吧和一名大厨。

    She is a 50ft catamaran equipped with sea kayaks , fishing and snorkelling gear plus a well-stocked bar , and a chef .